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Everything posted by biscuit

  1. biscuit

    XS Power Installs.....Post'em UP

    Sorry no pretty batts... cant affordem yet.... vcm is kickazz tho! thats a review for ya!
  2. biscuit

    Getting Antsy.

    Just keep feenin man..... it'll be all ovr soon and you'll get your fix!
  3. biscuit

    blew my sub

    send that sub in...cut the hole for a 21 and handle it! tuning will stay the same... if it changes itll only be bout 1 hz
  4. biscuit

    Team I.A. ?

    Am I parrt team ia? Anything official? I rep on the west coast...unfortunAtely I won't make it out THE far east... will be doi n usaci world fin als tho!
  5. biscuit

    2 21 in IA dp's box help

    Dumb ? You said 240 inchs. Is that the squar inchs of the port opening? This is my first box build with out aeros so I'm not really sure? Any help would be great. Yes, it's the port opening in square inches. I had mine in 20 cubes with 300" of port tuned to 32Hz and was pretty happy with it...What car is it going in and how much power will you have them on? Thanks! in a 98 Mitsubishi diamante with that much port was it pretty good for daily? those specs are perfect for daily!
  6. biscuit

    death penalty??

    These subs are very comparable to the mt,dc lvl 4~5, btl,9500, etc.... I'm currently putin at least 4k to eack of mine 2 20.1s per sub strapped at .7 and no probs whatsoever.... the setup will also help dictate your overall powerhanling... give the right space voltage power tuning etc.... it'll go a long way.. these subs do wang!
  7. biscuit

    IA DP Help Please..

    I don't think I can turn the one off on the head unit though I would have to check out just jack it up to 120 until I get the audio control in there then just turn them all up and let the AC control it all.. What would be the best final SSF, xover for my setup? The AC I can set it dead on and just raise all xovers and turn the ssf all the way down on the amp.. Ssf could set anywhere between 20-30hz any chance you take a look at xovr settings on amp?
  8. biscuit


  9. biscuit


    From the album: stuff

  10. biscuit

    Death Penalty TL scores

    i did a 149.4 with 1 dp21 and 2 20.1s at 1.4 on each (so definately underpowered). 6.5 cubes (undersized)tuned@35hz burped at 41hz benind the 3rd row seat in a suburban... i did a 150.6@40hz 2 dp21s∧ 2 [email protected] 16 cubes 35hz.. usaci outlaw style.
  11. biscuit

    AA will be in da house!!

    2 days!
  12. HEY EVERYONE, USACI TRIPLE POINT EVENT LAS VEGAS DEC. 6TH.. CAR TRUCK AND BIKE SHOW for the salvation army angel tree program.. whatcha think? can i get some IA crew support?
  13. biscuit

    AA will be in da house!!

    5 days!
  14. biscuit

    AA will be in da house!!

    key word it "starts" that early... probably last all day... it usually does..the bigger the better.. so get off early and come out!
  15. biscuit

    jus a nutha noob ee

    hey guys im new to the sight but not new to car audio..live in las vegas..an sayin wuuusup poeples been doin install since late 80s. prefere basic components over fancy gadgets, and just love pure clean loud sound.
  16. biscuit

    How did you guys find SSA???

    found here because incriminator audio link.. cool place guys