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Everything posted by chainsaw

  1. The jvc repair place is in colarado and it is the only one jvc authorizes. I'm glad you guys listed prices because now I won't be bullshitted by them
  2. What kind was it and what is doing wrong? if you don't mind me asking
  3. Anybody ever dealt with a factory repair on a touch screen? Is it sky high?
  4. My head unit was fine yesterday morning, but yesterday afternoon it statrting going crazy. I get in the car and it has reset itself to factory settings. The clock was wrong, it was in demo mode, and my buttons under the touch screen were unresponsive. The open and power buttons worked but the unit would turn itself back on after I turned it off. The touch screen still works for all the functions, but it is restarting with factory settings everytime the key is turned off. Wiring is fine and wouldn't account for the loss of function to the buttons
  5. i got a good deal on mine. I really like having it all in one. I'm thinking about going back to a regular HU though
  6. did you give it up or try and get it repaired? I wanna keep mine if its not ridiculously expensive. My wife likes having DVD ability for our daughter.
  7. chainsaw

    Trying to drop some weight

    today is payday/weighday. check goes in every other wednesday, so the wife and I figured it would also be a good time to check the progress. here it goes: wife is down 20 lbs I'm down 17lbs. I'm under 300 for the first time in months. I'm so stoked
  8. A few hours ago I put a Sony Head unit in my friends car. Not sure what model; her parents took it out of their old car. Once it was wired up, we tested it. The tuner was coming in static-y or not at all, depending on how we moved the antenna wire around. It was a 2000 corolla and didn't require an antenna adapter. The cd function and aux function work fine and sounds clear. They listened to fm radio with the factory HU on the way here, with no problem. Any ideas?
  9. chainsaw

    brand new amp missing parts???

    that sucks, man. talk to Jacob at Sundown. He is the owner and is awesome with customer service
  10. Her car had a standard non powered retractable antenna that comes up out of the a pillar towards the top. We tried with it in and fully extended. Still fuzzy.
  11. Its not a powered antenna and yes the antenna is connected. I tried both with and without the "power antenna" wire connected on the aftermarket harness
  12. chainsaw

    Trying to drop some weight

    Thats great that she is soo supportive...and thats a good start, keep up the good work. I am proud of her too. She is down about 9lbs
  13. chainsaw

    Trying to drop some weight

    I'll check em out. Thanx dude
  14. chainsaw

    Trying to drop some weight

    305 in boxers today
  15. chainsaw

    Sub/Amp Trade in Program!

    Still no response
  16. chainsaw

    Trying to drop some weight

    My wife is so proud of me for losing 5 lbs. I love that woman. She is so supportive
  17. chainsaw

    Trying to drop some weight

    Cutting out the fast food is helping our budget also. We figured we were spending about 400 monthly on jack in the box, etc. We are looking into a gym. They are putting an anytime fitness about 3 blocks away.
  18. chainsaw

    Trying to drop some weight

    I'm at 311 lbs as of today. 5lbs down, 61 to go
  19. chainsaw

    Trying to drop some weight

    we have our goals and daily calorie intake printed on our journals. We are not using the only tool daily to check in. We actually have binders in which we write down our 3 meals and snacks etc. Thanks for the advice dude
  20. chainsaw

    hhr 4th order wall build, fo fih-teenz

    I can not wait to see the front stage. Get to work, dude
  21. chainsaw

    "Monster" v.2 Prototype Due Soon

    how heavy is this beast gonna be?
  22. chainsaw

    Sub/Amp Trade in Program!

    Still waiting on a pm reply
  23. I have a jvc kw-nx7000. It's an older model. It has nav, DVD,iPod and an sd slot; also an av in. My wife and I are about to add a nintendo 64 for nostalgia. I have a cheap 200 watt powering my comps
  24. waiting on reply to pm
