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Everything posted by chainsaw

  1. Ok so in a 2 it's tweets on 1and 2 mids on 3 and 4. What gets what signal if it's like some 3 ways like where someone is running a 125.2 or similar for tweets and and 100.4 for mids and midbass
  2. chainsaw

    I don't know what to do.

    You're addicted to benadryl??? WTF!!!
  3. chainsaw

    Firing Into The Cabin VS Firing Backwards

    Its all a matter of preference. I personally like firing into the cabin
  4. chainsaw

    DD 9518Z enclosure ideas

    When did you get a pt cruiser?
  5. chainsaw

    The Difference..

    My BL 12 isn't even fully loaded and is the most amazing sub I have ever messed with. Nick and Scott are awesome with their quality and customer service
  6. chainsaw

    Tired of my dcon

    You could donate it to the Chainsaw and Mrs. Chainsaw Home for Wayward Woofers.
  7. Almost 2 months later, it's on it's way back. I'm pretty excited to get it all hooked back up. Damn jvc had the part on backorder since July 6th
  8. My jvc kw nx 7000 is buggin' out and they want $50 plus shipping for me to send it to Colorado to diagnose it before they can even give me an idea on price. Has anybody ever dealt with a company for touch screen repair? I am reluctant to spend 70-100 just to send it out to be told it is another 400 to fix. Any ideas?
  9. chainsaw

    My Camry's slow build begins...

    as a fellow Ryan and fellow Camry owner, I'll be watching
  10. chainsaw

    Infinitely Baffled The Do-Over. :P

    I'm loving this build.
  11. chainsaw

    Chainsaw's Camry(the bigger better version)

    I still have not done the big 3 but I will post some pics of my trunk from both side where it is sealed up.
  12. so my old build log had old stuff. I was indecisive and procrastinated a lot. I needed a fresh start. Here it is. amp: Sundown SAZ-1500D Second Battery with One run of 1/0 welding cable: Optima yellow Top
  13. I have mine like that. With the seats up it gets loud. Obviously with the seats down its louder. I have it wedged pretty tight to the passthrough and then sealed with gorilla tape and expanding phone. Port on driver side . I really like it and would recommend it as an option. Check out my build log for more
  14. chainsaw

    all-in-one pc help

    Thanks guys. It looks like I'm going with the acer.
  15. chainsaw

    all-in-one pc help

    Any thoughts on the acer I posted?
  16. chainsaw

    all-in-one pc help

    what about this?
  17. chainsaw

    all-in-one pc help

    The Sony is gone on newegg
  18. chainsaw

    all-in-one pc help

    Ok. The Sony is 599 on newegg.
  19. chainsaw

    all-in-one pc help

  20. chainsaw

    Trying to drop some weight

    another payday/weighday on the record books. 290 lbs, down 26 for me. 370, down 31 for Mrs. Chainsaw
  21. chainsaw

    Trying to drop some weight

    Well, Mrs. Chainsaw and I have decided to undertake a drastic change in lifestyle. She had a serious wake up call when the doctor told her she had high blood pressure. Here is what we are doing: -We went online and used a Weight loss calculator to plot out our daily calorie intake. -We have cut out fast food and things like fried food( no junk) -She has switched to diet coke(I drink cokes sparingly, but when I do its only diet) -We are keeping a journal of our daily calorie intake and exercise( we are both very busy right now, so not much time for it) -We are saving for a new treadmill or to repair our current one( we live in a bad neighborhood, so walking at night is out of the question) I've noticed that just in the last week or so, with cutting the crap out, I'm full on significantly less calories. Basically I could eat a sandwich, yogurt, and fresh strawberries and be full. As opposed to eating a Double stack from BK which would not fill me up and has more calories than that whole meal. We both plan on exercising more, once school gets out next week. Its kinda hard right now with her working 6 days and me doing work 5 days and school 5 days. We really want to set a good example for our daughter. We also want to improve our health and appearances for ourselves and each other. My goal is 66 lbs in 180 days, with a starting weight of 316. Hers is larger, but I don't want to embarrass her. She is giving herself a year. Based on calorie intake alone, we could reach these goals in a timely manner. No telling what we could do with proper exercise. She told me she would buy me a new bmx bike if I reach my goal( that was one of my favorite hobbies) We want to try for a second child when she reaches her goal. Just wanted to share. I appreciate any encouragement and advice you guys may give. Thanks
  22. chainsaw

    Need some 0 gauge

    Welding supply stores, either online or local. I got mine for $2.28/ft. Not a bad deal, considering an audio shop wanted $5/ft
  23. chainsaw

    Trying to drop some weight

    295, down 21 lbs
  24. I called them today and they were very nice and said they said my unit is one they can do. I'm sending it next week. Thanks for the link