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Everything posted by chainsaw

  1. chainsaw

    Xcon 12" and 15" weight

    What sports car?
  2. chainsaw

    What goes into an "sq" system?

    I didn't necessarily say I did. It is an idea to throw around for the next car. Like I said earlier, it may be 2 years before I get anything new, so budget and equipment are way off. I just like to be informed
  3. As the topic says, what is required to be an sq system? I ask because I only have experience with daily driver/ loud and low systems. I know that sq is about recreating a studio quality musical picture. I think that may be how I would like to go in my next car. If I get the car I'm leaning towards( Hyundai genesis coupe) I will keep the factory head unit and probably start with some sort of equipment like a clean sweep , etc. it may be 2-3 years til I get a new car, but I am interested in sq a little, not necessarily for competing, but just for listening pleasure
  4. chainsaw

    What goes into an "sq" system?

    thanks for all the insightful advice guys. So basically sound deadening, proper install and processing and so on.
  5. chainsaw

    What goes into an "sq" system?

    Thanks for the info cableguy.
  6. chainsaw

    SAE-800D / 1200D / 50.4 Prototypes

    Nice. Will the 50.4 have similar setup to the the 100.4? Like possibilty of running active without additional processors?
  7. chainsaw


    I love my refurbished saz-1500d. Jacob is amazing at customer service and even gave a 1 year warranty on it. It is an amazing amp and beats the hell out of my Fi BL
  8. chainsaw

    looking to lose 55 lbs

    Good luck dude. I'm about the same size and have the same goal. I was able to get down to 285 from 316 just by counting calories and eating on a stricter schedule. I have since yo-yo'd back up to right at 300 but am about to hit it hard again.
  9. chainsaw

    what has two thumbs and a pregnant wife?

    This will be our first together. I have a beautiful and fairly kickass stepdaughter that will be 3 Christmas eve. She is excited too. She wants a little " brudder" as she says.
  10. chainsaw

    Happy Birthday Bigjon

    Happy bday to BigJon
  11. Good luck on the rest. The BL is an awesome choice. I love mine. You will enjoy it Edit; that is one nicely designed box. Can't wait to see the real version
  12. I wanna know that as well. although if they made an amp that put out ridiculous power at high ohms, most people would probably wire them lower for even more power than that.
  13. chainsaw

    The SSA ZCON 18"s are here!!!!!

    Nice. What do they weigh?
  14. chainsaw

    Another budget blowthru

    How does it sound? And, are the amps on switches, so you play each combo indipendantly? The best of both worlds, I guess.
  15. chainsaw

    Another budget blowthru

    Why the combination of sealed/ ported and 10/12s? Never seen it done before. Interesting though
  16. Nice. I've got a BL 12 with an saz-1500d in my 05
  17. chainsaw

    all-in-one pc help

    Magically got the dell working. It's awesome
  18. chainsaw

    all-in-one pc help

    I am looking for an all in one pc for my home office: something to do school work on, pay bills, etc. I kinda like this Anybody have any experience with the Vaio J series? It looks like its got some nice features and a decent size for my price range Any other similar and similarly priced all-in-ones worth taking a look at? The Sony is out of stock but I won't be buying until around September or so.
  19. chainsaw

    all-in-one pc help

    It was not about portability. I like the style of an all in one. Its simple. I am getting an IMac when we get the money for the Dell back. I am mad at pc's right now, because it was software issues. My plan was to buy something to use for school and upgrade to a Mac in 2-3 years. But with the issues, we might as well spend a little more now and get what I want
  20. chainsaw

    all-in-one pc help

    so a little update: I bought a dell inspiron 2305. Brand new out the box, it had issues using third party software such as google chrome and itunes. So we are getting an Imac soon, once we send back the dell
  21. chainsaw

    Need Some Advice..

    Go to my build log. I have an 05 Camry
  22. chainsaw

    Digital Designs General Feedback.

    I bought a dd 2510 in a fairly nice folded horn box second hand from my buddy. I loved it. It sounded tons better than my two underpowered Mtx 12's that were in a prefab sealed box. It surprised me and others with just that little 10 and 700 watts. I would recommend dd to anybody
  23. this is gonna sound dumb, but I know very little about running active set ups. I'm not planning on it anytime soon, but just trying to be better informed. Google has been no help. My question is how are the rca's ran in a situation like this: any old HU with front, rear, and sub preouts a good 4 channel like a SAX100.4 or similar standard 2 way com set with mid and tweeter. A diagram would help. Thanks Also same thing but with an active 3-way set up I'm just very curious about the signal
  24. Maybe I'm missing something but most HUs I see only have the front rear and sub. I get that mid signal can come from the rear preout, but where does the signal come from when you do an active 3