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Everything posted by chainsaw

  1. chainsaw

    Chainsaw's Camry(a work in progress)

    Thanks dude.
  2. chainsaw

    I know I have a car audio addiction when......

    when you talk to real world friends and mention SSA users and their builds as if they are old buddies, even if you have never met or talked to them.
  3. chainsaw

    Hey Guys

    welcome. I think you'll like it here
  4. chainsaw

    IlimonaTOR by Tyan *sLOVEnia*

    nice. What is the ETA on the finished product?
  5. chainsaw

    How did you guys find SSA???

    I am friends with dvalue and he heard about from Drew Jones(Bassahaulic)
  6. chainsaw

    I want to play a game....

    725=shipping weight 590= sub by itself
  7. chainsaw

    Random Fun Moment

    I work in a pharmacy and filled a prescription for a guy who lives in my old house a couple of weeks ago
  8. update: I'm definitely going with the dnx 6140.
  9. chainsaw

    2008 Infiniti EX35 - Hand Crafted Car Audio

    so fresh....so clean
  10. chainsaw


    Touche sir. I was going based solely on my experience with turntables in a scratch/dj since. I used to do a little bit as a hobby and all the pros pimped the directs hard, but I totally see what you're saying. A belt would make more sense for home use.
  11. chainsaw


    I don't think there is that much difference, but the newer ones are of a better quality. I used to own 2 Numark TT-1520's. They were nice and had great sound quality. Look for direct drive turntables. They are better than belt drive.
  12. chainsaw

    Why is salvia not illegal?

    salvia, from what I've read, is a type of sage. The salvia people use to get high is called " salvia divinium" or diviner's sage.
  13. chainsaw

    Bromos Build Log

    pretty cool
  14. how long have you had it? I'm looking into getting that system, but not if features are gonna crap out.
  15. chainsaw

    Your Favorite show off Songs!

    Yung Jeezy - Put on It has a good range in it
  16. chainsaw

    Insanely odd port

    that is a DIFFERENT box, I must say.
  17. I'd look into Kenwood.They have a DNX-6140 that is similar in style and features to the F90BT.Built in navigation by Garmin.Parrot Bluetooth.Direct iPod control.DVD feedback. Double Din 6.1" fixed screen, and a rear/sub switchable pre-out.If you are shopping on eBay the 6140 seems to be about $725 brand new.As far as a refurbished unit, if you are already putting in hundreds of dollars into a nice head unit, go ahead and by new and get the full warranty.Sure it may save you money, but think about how long you'll be sitting there punching yourself in the head when the unit goes out and the short term warranty is over.As far as looks, the 6140 is pretty sharp, but the F90 is pretty sleek as well, with the gloss finish on the face and the variable illumination.The 6140 has variable illumination as well.I've installed several of both and haven't really found too many peeves about the DNX-6140. I'm sure the F90BT is pretty impressive as far as sitting in your buddie's car and playing around with it from time to time, but as far as owning it and using it everyday there are a number of things that grow old.The F series seemed too good to be true in production, and was a trainwreck when released.Though the engineers and techs have come up with many updates to fix many of the problems, Pioneer has already released a whole new line to replace the F series.I hope this helps.Feel free to hit me up with any questions. Joe Thanks dude. That is a good unit and you are very informative. I have a KCD-X692(borrowing indefinitely from a friend until I buy my double din) right now, and I must say I love kenwoods handling of ipod way better than pioneers i've seen. My friend with the f90 has to open his glove box and turn the ipod on every time he starts the car. I leave my ipod in the car everyday and i never have to do anything. It starts automatically. I have another question that you are anyone else could help me with. Because I want to stay as cheap as possible, should I cut NAV out of the equation? pros of having nav: -sleek(no extra stuff) -instant directions cons: It is a lot more expensive than similar units without it pros of not having nav: cheaper(plus I have a magellan I can use if I go somewhere unfamiliar) cons: have to remember directions or think to to bring external gps before hand I know I sound like a cheapskate, but I live alone and make about $1000 a month. I've got bills and need to save for other things like repaying my student loans, etc. I wanna make sure I get the most bang for as few bucks as possible. Some people are the Geo Metro(cheap ass Jensen or Dual) type of people, and some or the Porsche 911($2000 head unit) type of people. I'm a Toyota Camry type guy and I'm looking for the Toyota Camry of DvD(possibly/hopefully NAV) units. Just to clarify my situation so you guys can understand the situation. Thanx for your answers so far(especially you, Joe) and I will appreciate anyone and everyone's further input. This is a damn-friendly Audio form.I'm glad I started coming here
  18. I've had some crappy 12's (MTX RoadThunder) and a 500 watt Bazooka amp since I was 16. I just got a new job and wanna go big. I have a friend who has a DD 10" (2510 I think) hitting 139 db on music with 700 watts. Even though I have more money to work with, I need to keep it as cheap as possible. I really want a 15 and however many watts it takes to get loud as fuck without blowing the sub. -I was looking at FI Btl but its a little high -I know DD is good -I don't know anything about Incriminator. -people have mentioned RE the only ones of these I've seen in action is DD. This is not an SPL build, just a daily driver that I want to be louder than the crap I have now. Thanx in advance for the advice.
  19. another thing. multiple AV inputs would be nice. the f90bt requires you to use both the ipod cord and your only input if you wanna see and hear it. If I can find a comparable unit with at least two inputs, I'm gonna buy a digital converter box and a stealth antenna and do the mobile tv thing(already got my free coupon and found a box that runs off of 12 volts)
  20. That is too much. I'm not gonna spend a grand for anything less than a 50" screen.lol. I want the middle of the road.Not a Jensen, but not a $1000 H/U.