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Everything posted by chainsaw

  1. chainsaw

    Looking for opinions

    an alarm. a good two-way one.lol
  2. chainsaw

    How to take of a Toyota door panels

    Here is how to do it for an 02 Corolla
  3. chainsaw

    How to take of a Toyota door panels

    hey. small world. I just pulled my door panel off my 05 camry twice this week. I'm not sure about the carollas. mine however, has 3 screws. one under a plate in the handle. one covered by a button near the inside top part. and one inside the arm rest near the controls under a rubber liner. the rest is clips. The corolla may be similar.
  4. chainsaw

    Making an entire setup

    how about these comps?
  5. chainsaw

    Dave69's 1 Fi BTL 12" Build Log

    that box is awesome. Man, I gotta get better at using sketchup.
  6. chainsaw

    Chainsaw's Camry(a work in progress)

    so I caught a good deal on a JVC-KW NX 7000. So that is on the way to my door. Bye-bye dnx-6140 . It doesn't have bluetooth, but the screen looks cool.
  7. its on its way!!!! btw I have a build log started on here. look in my profile for the link.
  8. Thanx dude. What do you know about the e-brake bypass for dvd's?
  9. chainsaw

    18" BL Just arrived!!!

    lets see some pics
  10. chainsaw

    New here!

    Welcome. People on here are really good to deal with for trades and sales. I bought a 200 watt 2 channel for $15!! You will love this place.
  11. chainsaw

    97 Maxima Build Log

    Thanks !! Nah, its still in its box in my garage. I want to get the trunk finished up, then I'll move on to finishing up the kicks so they look nice, then I need to deaden the doors, rear deck and everything behind the backseat that hasn't been cut out and make mounts for the Sundown E8's that are replacing the stock door speakers. Once that is all set, I'll wire it all up and get the head unit in hopefully. I don't think I could stand seeing that box with the Alpine in it everyday without putting it in.lol Your glass work is nice, dude. How long do you think it'll be until you can put a big, fat DONE stamp on this puppy?
  12. chainsaw

    97 Maxima Build Log

    looking awesome. Do you got the HU in yet?
  13. chainsaw

    Sundown Audio SAE-1200D Pre-order sale!!

    guess I gotta start saving my pennies
  14. chainsaw

    Sundown Audio SAE-1200D Pre-order sale!!

    how long will they stay this price??//
  15. chainsaw


    lol i flipped the horn to change wich side the port was on just playing around with things before i build a new box so i can keep my seats up...... the sound of this box is great though digs down lowwwww...... and solid Oh, I just thought you were trying to be edgy,lol. At first glance I was like, "what the hell is an 'ess'?" Then I was like ,"oh it says 'ssa', but upside down.lol lol ESS haha off brand jkjk next build: 13 funky pups in a wall.jk
  16. chainsaw


    lol i flipped the horn to change wich side the port was on just playing around with things before i build a new box so i can keep my seats up...... the sound of this box is great though digs down lowwwww...... and solid Oh, I just thought you were trying to be edgy,lol. At first glance I was like, "what the hell is an 'ess'?" Then I was like ,"oh it says 'ssa', but upside down.lol
  17. chainsaw


    why are they upside down?
  18. chainsaw

    Chainsaw's Camry(a work in progress)

    update: Got the adapters cut for the 6". My grandpa had an old wood panel and his neighbor cut it out with a scroll saw. I pulled my door panel off for the measurements and to test fit the woofer for the comps. I accidentally disconnected the cord for the inside handle. I didn't notice until my grandma tried to open my passenger door from the inside. No big I'll just pull the panel back off and reconnect it. It still works from the outside. I'm gonna get some pics of the equipment up soon. My sister has my camera.
  19. chainsaw

    SSA member account updates

    I think it is 50 posts. I have not checked the rankings in a while. almost there. Although I saw a guy with 77 whose still said newbie
  20. chainsaw

    SSA member account updates

    How long does it take to not be a Newbie anymore?
  21. chainsaw

    Chainsaw's Camry(a work in progress)

    sorry about the double post guys. silly keyboard
  22. chainsaw

    Chainsaw's Camry(a work in progress)

    it depends. Hopefully by Christmas I can put a big DONE stamp on this baby for good. The MTX's are not that bad, plus removing the rear fill will open 2 spots that will allow the bass to flow into the cabin a little better. I know nothing of building boxes. I am trying to spend as efficiently as possible., though. It seems like a lot of people on here are impatient and will go out and buy some $500 subs because they can't wait for their $1000 subs to get here quick enough. Then a month later, they buy the $1000 ones. Even if you sell em, you don't get all your money back, and the impatience cost you $200 or more extra then just waiting. I have had the same setup (excluding my current HU; borrowing that from a friend) since 2006. I will probably end up keeping this next evolution for a while. After these upgrades, I'm not throwing anymore money at the Camry. It is my daily driver, and I'm gonna start saving to build a drag car. Not db drag, either. The speed kind. 240sx with a Chevy LS1 and sixth speed tranny PS. I appreciate your encouragement .
  23. chainsaw

    Chainsaw's Camry(a work in progress)

    it depends. Hopefully by Christmas I can put a big DONE stamp on this baby for good. The MTX's are not that bad, plus removing the rear fill will open 2 spots that will allow the bass to flow into the cabin a little better. I know nothing of building boxes. I am trying to spend as efficiently as possible., though. It seems like a lot of people on here are impatient and will go out and buy some $500 subs because they can't wait for their $1000 subs to get here quick enough. Then a month later, they buy the $1000 ones. Even if you sell em, you don't get all your money back, and the impatience cost you $200 or more extra then just waiting. I have had the same setup (excluding my current HU; borrowing that from a friend) since 2006. I will probably end up keeping this for a while. After these upgrades, I'm not throwing anymore money at the Camry. It is my daily driver, and I'm gonna start saving to build a drag car. Not db drag, either. The speed kind. 240sx with a Chevy LS1 and sixth speed tranny PS. I appreciate your encouragement .