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Everything posted by chainsaw

  1. chainsaw

    Tinting Taillight's And Headlights

    I've seen a spray that tints headlights at pepboys. Don't know if its any good
  2. somebody, say something.
  3. I have a JVC Kw-NX7000 in my 05 Camry. I recently bought a jvc ks bta-200 bluetooth adapter. It works great but now I'm getting interference when I listen to radio, mostly AM. the bluetooth unit is in the glove box and I have the mic mounted on the steering column. What can I do to shield the car's antenna wire from interference?
  4. chainsaw

    Chainsaw's Camry(a work in progress)

    I actually did when the amp was mounted flat, but now that I have it on the back of the box I didn't bother. I've got a sundown SAZ-1500D on its way to my house right now. Next week or so, I'm putting my second battery in the trunk and moving the power wires for the amps back there.
  5. chainsaw

    what sub/subs to pair with new amp?

    The Fi BL is looking awesome for the price.
  6. I just bought a used Sundown Saz-1500d. For the moment I will be running it at 2 ohms with my dual 4 ohm voice coil DD2510. Within the next two paychecks, I wanna get something that will take the full 1 ohm power of the 1500. I am leaning towards a 15", but a couple of 12"s could be cool also. Just as long as I can wire to 1 ohm and get the full 1500 or so watts. -This is a daily driver, but if I can potentially get loud enough, I would maybe compete in street beat or similar. -budget is a $350 ish (used or new). less would be nice. -before installing the amp, I'm adding a yellow top in the trunk and one run of 1/0 for it. as well as big 3.
  7. chainsaw

    From: Used, B-Stock, Refurbished Amps, and MISC

    No, those had no boxes or remotes. Ok. no big, but how do I get a replacement remote?
  8. chainsaw

    Chainsaw's Camry(a work in progress)

    fee fie foe fum, something Sundown this way comes.
  9. chainsaw

    From: Used, B-Stock, Refurbished Amps, and MISC

    just out of curiosity, does my beat up 1500 come with the remote knob?
  10. chainsaw

    From: Used, B-Stock, Refurbished Amps, and MISC

    money sent for 1 beat up 1500. I'm so excited
  11. chainsaw

    From: Used, B-Stock, Refurbished Amps, and MISC

    I emailed you about a minute ago about the old case 1500
  12. chainsaw

    95 Eclipse Father/Son Project

    this is amazing. it makes me miss my dad.
  13. chainsaw

    Chainsaw's Camry(a work in progress)

    btw, guys, I got a raise at work and a roomate to offset my bills. That means possibly bigger, better, louder stuff in the future
  14. chainsaw

    Chainsaw's Camry(a work in progress)

    Got the bluetooth adapter in and the new fuse for the sub amp. pics to come soon. The yellow top won't fit up front, so I'm gonna put it in the trunk and do the big 3 while I'm at it. just gotta buy some 1/0 wire to get it going.
  15. I am buying a yellow top from my friend. It is taller than my original battery and the wires won't reach.
  16. what size wire should I use to run the second battery?
  17. Do I have to move the amp power wires or can I keep em up front. Which is better?
  18. X2 thats what the roommate suggests. It might be a good idea. This is gonna sound dumb, but what all do I need to put the second battery in my trunk?
  19. Sorry buddy, i have no clue. I dont even fully understand your prob. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:CrocodileClamponBattery.jpg This is a pic of a regular battery sitting in a car. The factory + and - from the car come up and clamp on to the posts. The yellow top is taller than my old one, so the factory +and - are not long enough to reach over and clamp down. How can I extend them?
  20. Now that we have gotten the "don't" out of the way, what can I do?
  21. Amen. At the very least, it's better than my crappy wal mart battery
  22. Why not? I'm getting it as part of deal from my buddy. I'm paying next to nothing for it; only $50 more than I was already paying for the sub and amp