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Everything posted by chainsaw

  1. I'm gonna bring it to drew(bassahaulic). He is on Team Sundown, knows his shit and lives locally Oh for a second I thought you found the problem. no such luck. The amp is still with Jacob
  2. i have a jvc kwnx700, a TEAC 200 watt two channel, and a set of phoenix gold components. Recently, I bought a Fi Bl 12" , a sundown Saz-1500d, and an optima yellow top for the trunk. I wired up the batt with 1/0 welding cable and tested my high amp. it worked great. I hooked up the sub amp with 1/0 and using the old remote turn on from my previous sub set up. It didn't kick on. I then tried my remote turn on that i used on my highs. it still didn't power up. i then went back up front and found my radio off. that remote wire was spliced into the power for my HU. Could I have caused a short by yanking on it? Why wouldn't the sub amp kick on? any help would be greatly appreciated.
  3. I'm gonna bring it to drew(bassahaulic). He is on Team Sundown, knows his shit and lives locally
  4. Yeah, bring it to me. I won't charge you, and more then likely can fix it or at least find the problem. done
  5. update: took the car to my local car audio shop (MST in Prairieville), payed $45 for a troubleshoot. They said something was bad between either the input or the output and that the amp was still staying on when the car was off, even when ran off the same remote as my front stage amp. I ended up sending the amp to Sundown and Jacob says its working fine and has tested it with music. I'm so confused here. I guess when it comes in, its back to the drawing board. any new ideas?
  6. waiting for my amp to come back

  7. chainsaw

    Pics of Systems Past

    my first setup was 2 bazooka bass tubes powered by a 100 watt pyramid amp, a Walmart Extreme sound HU.
  8. so I've got one part figured out. Jacob (from Sundown) suggested I try hooking the remote wire directly to the battery. it kicked on. When I turned the car on it went into protect. i tried it with the subs hooked up and unhooked. Then I tried it with the car already on and then connecting the wire to the battery. It came on fine. I think it is getting a voltage drop when I start the car, because it comes on fine when the car is already on and I reconnect the wire. I tried reconnecting the sub with the amp already on; didn't go into protect, but still no sound out of the sub. Although, now thinking about it, I didn't turn up the gain or anything, so maybe it was on and I just wasn't hearing it.
  9. 12.46, but its not coming from the HU. that remote wire is hooked up to some random accessory. I took my car to a shop and had them hook up my subs to my factory radio, 5 years ago when I bought the car. Since the factory radio had no remote wire, they ran it somewhere else. I don't really no where. could it be part of the problem? I stated earlier that the amp comes on when i unlock my doors with my keyless entry. and even stays on sometimes. When I go up front and start the car, it goes into protect. Its random though, sometimes i turn the car off and check the trunk to find the pwer light on normal, sometimes its in protect. but its always still on for a few minutes after the car is off. Should I rerun a remote wire? that way I know where its getting power from? Could that possibly fix the problem? Also, how do i use a DMM to check the ohm load for my sub? Again, thanks for helping m trouble shoot my set up
  10. unwired the sub. amp powers up, but the blue light stays on when the key is out. it eventually turns off. the lights on it flicker when i unlock my doors remotely. the battery is run positive to front positive and negative to a solid ground in the trunk. we tried a couple different ways wiring the sub and everytime i would start the car it would go into protect. checked power at the amp with the car on. it was at 12.64 volts constant. is that good or bad? i have not done the big 3 yet.
  11. it was a blown fuse. I now have a radio and highs. the new issue at hand is the sub amp turned on, but no sound out of sub. checked and rechecked the connection, then it goes into protect. pulled the sub out of the box checked the wires on that end and reconnected them. still in protection mode. I am 80% certain i have a good ground because the second batt is grounded at the same spot.
  12. what subs are you pairing it with, what ohm load are you trying to put to it? more info is needed.
  13. So I'm gonna make one anyway, so why not start now. The current equipment: Kenwood Excelon KDC-X692 Pioneer 3 way 6x9's(4)(1 in each front door and 2 in the rear deck) Bazooka EL500.1 Crappy Scoshe wiring for sub amp 2 MTX RoadThunder 12's(sealed pre-fab box) Excluding the Headunit, everything is not as good as I want. I have 3 shipping boxes in my trunk right now that contain: TEAC 2x100 amp(bought for $15 from Spy. Thanks dude) Phoenix Gold RSD6CS 6" Components KnuKonceptz Kolossus Fleks 4 Gauge 4 Amplifier Installation Kit I hope to make the speaker adapter(for the 6" to fit in the door) and install the comps pretty soon. I'm also removing rear fill. After that, its time for the HU: Kenwood DNX-6140 (its $779.99 with shipping, and I've got about $650 in savings)(one more paycheck*fingers crossed) From there I start the slow process of saving for my final stage: a good quality 15" sub(maybe ICON) a 1500 watt or more mono amp good wiring for sub amp Big 3
  14. chainsaw

    Chainsaw's Camry(a work in progress)

    I'll have to get some pics soon. there is a BL 12 in my dining room right now. My Sundown SAZ-1500D is in a shipping box in my trunk with 25 feet of 1/0 welding cable. My friend is letting me use his box, so I'm saving a little cash and time on that. I bought a new fuse, fuse holder and ring terminals for the new amp and second battery install. I'm looking to get everything in this weekend. I'm letting my little cousin borrow the DD and the JBL when he starts driving in December-ish
  15. chainsaw

    Power Wire

    if you don't wanna wait/pay for shipping, look for welding supply store in your town. I was able to find a National Wedding Supply that was halfway between my house and my school that sold 1/0 for $2.28/foot. Not terrible considering the added shipping cost if ordered online; plus if I decide I need more, they are right down the road.
  16. who is Jude's cousin and why has nobody told me? I need a knob and wire for my SAZ-1500d
  17. chainsaw

    Tattoo thread

  18. chainsaw

    Tattoo thread

    My most recent one is a grizzly bear on dirt bike with a machine gun in his paw, pointed towards the sky. I'll put a pic up when I get home
  19. chainsaw

    Custom Nightshade Review

    congrats on the new/old sub, dude. Jacob is definitely the man. Sundown makes quality stuff and provides excellent customer service. I just bought an SAZ-1500D B-stock with a warranty from him.
  20. I am adding a second battery and a bigger amp. I need about 25 feet of 1/0 wire. My question is whats the best place to get it from? Also, I see people not liking KnuKonceptz wire. What is up with that? Is it really not worth the $1.75 a foot they want? Is it better to buy from a welding supply company for about $2 a foot? I know these probably sound dumb, but I've only dealt with 4 gauge in the past, which you can get anywhere. Thanx guys
  21. update. I found a welding company it Baton Rouge that sells 1/0 for $2.88/foot. I bought 25.
  22. chainsaw

    Chainsaw's Camry(a work in progress)

    I just ordered a 12" Fi BL.
  23. chainsaw

    minimum size questions

    I have an 05 camry and am planning on purchasing a FI Bl. I have more than enough room for the overall cubic feet for the box. My concern is the height. there is a bar in my trunk that is a little over 17 inches above the trunk floor. If i were to move a potential box forward towards the trunk lid, I could gain an inch or two in height. If the sub is vertical, firing forward toward the trunk lid, how tall would the box need to be? Also is is sub forward the best layout for my space? Haven't even thought about port direction yet. I'm kind of a noob at this
  24. chainsaw

    minimum size questions
