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Everything posted by brandonf

  1. brandonf

    db-R Refurbished Amps - 25% Off !

    Man, that 3500d looks very tempting! I purchased a sax 100.4 this past week at an awesome price, and am now getting the discounted price! Sundown/db-r, you guys f'in rock.
  2. brandonf

    Question of the day!!!

    Well, the question *is* dumb, we're trying to get more info. What do you mean by better? Better lows? Better for competitions? Even still a hard question to answer, since the important part is the actual install. However, if you're trying to decide between the two, flip a coin. I guarantee you'll be very happy with either. I picked the single Xcon over a pair of Icons, my coin landed on heads.
  3. I tried using the SSA gallery, but had a few issues, so photobucket links. I'll be building a few boxes soon, at least one sealed and a couple test ported boxes for my 96 Volvo 850 GLT (trunk). This 12" xcon d2 will be replacing my current Infinity Kappa Perfect 12vq's, and powered off a Sundown SAZ-1500d. I have a 50ft spool of 1/0 welding wire in my room, a sax100.4 on the way from db-r, and will be ordering the mli65's from the ssa store along with a battery or two. Now I just need to find some decent tweeters, and get to the box building. Found this on my porch the other day: Awesome packing, very secure: Money shots: Various xcon pics on photobucket
  4. brandonf

    Found this on my porch

    I'll do a build log soon, and put up a few comparison pics and eventually a review against my infinity's for sh!ts n' giggles. I showed the pics to my buddy and he keeps asking to trade for his 12" sony xplod pentagons, heh.
  5. brandonf

    brandonf xcon

    My 12" xcon d2
  6. brandonf

    2009-12-15 00.40.38.jpg

    From the album: brandonf xcon

  7. brandonf

    2009-12-15 00.39.49.jpg

    From the album: brandonf xcon

  8. brandonf

    2009-12-15 00.39.15.jpg

    From the album: brandonf xcon

  9. brandonf

    2009-12-15 00.38.04.jpg

    From the album: brandonf xcon

  10. brandonf

    2009-12-15 00.36.41.jpg

    From the album: brandonf xcon

  11. brandonf

    2009-12-15 00.36.03.jpg

    From the album: brandonf xcon

  12. brandonf

    2009-12-15 00.32.30.jpg

    From the album: brandonf xcon

  13. brandonf

    How to Figure out Car tuning

    I hear a sealed box, a microphone, and a bit of testing does the trick
  14. brandonf

    Nightshade v.2 Teaser Picture

    I have to admit, I did try. However, easy to block that with a .htaccess file, y'know!
  15. brandonf

    >> Secret Weekend!!

    It worked when I created a user separately from the order, but not if I created a user with the order. Either way, order completed!
  16. brandonf

    amp rack help

    Inserted for mac ^^
  17. brandonf

    >> Secret Weekend!!

    I'm having a problem placing my order. I was able to apply the discount code (~$75 off an xcon!), but when I click Submit on the Order Confirmation page, it brings me back to the Step 1: Account Details without creating my account. I selected the paypal option to pay with, if that helps troubleshoot.
  18. brandonf

    >> Secret Weekend!!

    Wow... I'm definitely jumping on this one.. 12" xcon d2 order on the way!
  19. brandonf

    need some help

    I've heard great things about the mli65's, can cross them over down to ~54hz (from denim). 6 3/4 is slightly larger than 6.5, so you definitely won't have to cut anything, they should drop in just fine.
  20. brandonf

    Daily setup

    And BL's are on sale for black friday, free cooling + flatwind option ($60 value)
  21. brandonf


    Enjoy the vacation!
  22. brandonf

    Hi from Buckeye country:-)

    Welcome! And grats on the OSU vs. Michigan win :x
  23. http://www.bcae1.com/cirbrakr.htm (love this site): Circuit Breaker: A circuit breaker's function is, like a fuse, to break a circuit path when a predetermined amount of current is passed. In my opinion, circuit breakers should never be used to protect electronic devices such as radios, amplifiers or crossovers. Most common circuit breakers (thermal snap action) take far too long to open the circuit path. This does not mean that they are not useful. When they are properly selected they do a good job of protecting wiring and devices such as electric motors. Some breakers are self resetting. Others require manual resetting. I strongly recommend using a manual reset type. This will allow you to watch for any problems when the circuit path is restored. You may also want to check out proper fusing. I'll be running ~1500-2k watts over 1/0 gauge using a 250amp anl fuse.
  24. No problem, bud! Send me those z15's and we'll be even.
  25. Hah, easy fix: Hold control and scroll the middle mouse wheel up/down to zoom in/out ^^ Sized so he can see it