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Everything posted by CrownVic

  1. CrownVic

    Car audio career

    I appreciate all the responses and advice here. Thank you. If i can get a regular job working at bestbuy then i will try to move on to the install bay. If not i will try to go talk to some local shops. Im not a guru by any means but i think i know enough to be able to be taught. I just hope i can find someone willing to teach me and give me a chance. If not maybe i can just do it as a side job. I cant really do the box building thing because of the lack of tools, but i could definately run some wires the right way and hook up a system. Hell most the people around here have no idea what an ohm load is. I also understand that this all may not be a good idea for a long term career, but i turn 18 tomorrow and have been trying to think about the future. Don't want to keep working at lil caesars all my life lol.
  2. CrownVic

    Car audio career

    I understand that i just think it will help and places won't look twice at someone without certification.
  3. CrownVic

    Car audio career

    Well from what im gathering the schools are a joke. The MECP certification is 35 for the studyguide then 85 for the test, its valid for one year. Also thats just for the basic level there are 3 levels.
  4. CrownVic

    Car audio career

    Are you pursuing this to chop? I found some testing sits near me but, im still unsure about this? http://www.mecp.com/FAQ.asp
  5. CrownVic

    Car audio career

    I looked into the MECP certification. It seems like you just read the studyguide then go take a test and pay fee? Is there a class to take or just study then take test?
  6. CrownVic

    Car audio career

    Well i was going to apply to the install bay but it requires MECP certification and 6 months in field experience. I have neither of these. Should i just go try to get on part time at a local shop? How do i get MECP certified?
  7. CrownVic

    Car audio career

    Ok thanks alot.
  8. CrownVic

    Car audio career

    Ok Thanks. Just out of curiosity do you happen to know the names of any of the CA schools?
  9. CrownVic

    Car audio career

    I see your point well i was thinking i could maybe get a job at the install bay at bestbuy while in school still. Im still brainstorming. I plan on going to college to get a degree in something but I was just hoping to maybe get a job in something im interested. But yes i do plan on having a fall back plan like a business degree or something. To duran: how was installing? Was there not enough business for it to be profitable or did you just tire of it?
  10. CrownVic

    Car audio career

    Well I know around here there are alot of caraudio shops but they all sell crappy stuff and have no idea what a tuning frequency is. Theres not comps around here though. Plenty of people wanting big bass though.
  11. CrownVic

    Enclosure Advice

    It will be in a trunk. could i just keep the design the same but put the sub on top? That way if it sounds like shit i could just put the sub on the same side as port. Also i will consider maybe tuning to 33-34hz. Will that slight change in tuning change the box sound noticably? Sorry about the questions i just want to learn.
  12. CrownVic

    Enclosure Advice

    I currently have my sub in a poorly designed enclosure accidently tuned to 53hz. Im going to have my dad build me a new one for my birthday. I designed one using the RE calc and came out with a "classic" L port box with the sub and port on same side, tuned to 31.5hz a 4.03 cubes. I want to have the sub facing up and the port back though because i use my trunk frequently and am paranoid about my sub. My question is how would i go about designing this? The total dimensions for the box i designed with sub and port same side are 26" W 21" H 20"D. I also was wondering how this would affect the sound and volume. Thanks alot for the help.
  13. CrownVic

    Enclosure Advice

    Sub is an IA 187. I wasn't sure how low to go. I know ive been listening to alot of music where my sub will not hit the lows well at all. Also i plan on upgrading in the future to a different 15 and figured that would be a good box size for different subs. So say i hypothetically i keep the tuning the same and just go with a sub up port back how will that affect sound and volume. My goal isnt pure SPL but im not after SQ, just want to get loud and not sound like ass. If any more info is needed please ask. Thank you for your time.
  14. Also make sure you either install a digital volt meter or turn on all lights and accessories with system at full tilt and check your voltage at the amp and batt to make sure its not dropping to low which can damage your amp and charging system. What kind of set up do you plan on running just out of curiosity.
  15. CrownVic

    Need Help with aero's

    Is it a quad cab?
  16. CrownVic

    Help Me End My Search!

    What amp will you be running?
  17. CrownVic

    2 chambers, separate tuning

    what are your goals? I havent heard of this before but someone on hear will be able to help.
  18. CrownVic

    power supply question

    also if your still thinking of running a capacitor dont. I have the same one i got and i hooked it up to see if it would stop my dimming. Well the dimming was less but my voltage witch used to stay above 14v dropped to 12.5 at the batt. So after taking the time to mount it all nice like i'll be removing that waste of space tomorrow.
  19. Ive never used the JL amp but i do own a RF 450.2 and its been a great amp my all accounts. And i like how the fosgate amp puts all the connections and adjustments on one side of the amp, its convient.
  20. I recently installed another amp and some 6x9's in my car along with my existing sub amplifier, I have some obnoxious engine noise going on now that wasn't there or noticable before the install. My power wire and RCA's are ran on seperate sides of the car, The amps do have a common chassis ground in the trunk. Is the engine noise because of the shared ground? If you need anyother info please let me know. Thanks for the help.
  21. CrownVic

    Team Decent Moneyman build

    Vids or you fail. Nice build. Great quality.
  22. CrownVic

    DLS RS6 -or- Morel Tempo 6

    well if your headunit is capable you could use that to cross over also.
  23. well what is the RMS power rating of the amp? Kicker makes quality amps that do power at 2 ohms
  24. CrownVic

    Anyone on here ever run DB DRIVE

    theres some people on youtube running them they look more SPL oriented but they do look loud.
  25. The battery might not be able to withstand the cold. Try putting someone elses batt in your car the driving it home till you can get a new one or take it to get it tested which they do for free at autozone. Also check the fluid level in the battery.