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Everything posted by Megavanman

  1. Megavanman

    how much will i gain (maybe)

    hey whats up i have a 94 ford econoline van, i was hit ting 138.3 in it, and i had 3 12" kicker solo barics, with a kicker 1500.1 amp that was ran to 2.6 ohms so i was gettin about 1000 out of it, i just recentyl installed 4 15" solo's and a 2000 watt sundown that will b ran to .5 ohms, with a 13.3 cubic fot box, im also installing a second battery, how much do u think i wil gain
  2. Megavanman


    k well i prob wont use it daily only for spl comps i unplug all my wires when i daily drive my electric in my vehicle currently i have 1 yellow top D34 up front and a 200 amp powermaster alternator, im also going to put a kinetik hc2000 in the back before i put the amp in do u think that iwll be enough to make the amp happy at .5, o i also have done my big 3 with 0 gauge and have 0 gauge power and ground wires
  3. Megavanman

    4 L5 15's

    well i have 4 dual 4 ohm subs so i have to run it at .5 ohm but alot of people have told me that that amp is .5 ohm stable and will handle it with no problem with burps and music, i hope there rite has anyone every used one, ive had abunch of people tell me it will hit like 2300 at .5 ohms
  4. Megavanman

    4 L5 15's

    so the sundown is .5 ohm stable,cause thats what i need does anyone have any reviews on this amp i have heard god things but have never used em and how many watts would i get at .5 ohm
  5. Megavanman

    4 L5 15's

    thanks yeah thats most likely what ill do does any one have any opinions on a good 2000 watt amp that is .5 ohm stable for around 700 bucks
  6. Megavanman

    4 L5 15's

    thanks yeah thats most likely what ill do does any one have any opinions on a good 2000 watt amp that is .5 ohm stable for around 700 bucks
  7. thanks for all the tips at the manchester show, really helped out what i want to do with this year and in the future 1st place other, i was shocked but another piece of hardware to add to the collection so any hints about those end of the year awards yet lol.
  8. Megavanman

    Sound deadening & TIPS

    hey whats up im new to spl, i have a 94 ford econoline van i have competed in spl for 1 year this is my first , and i love it, i have 4 l5 15's im puttin in a box, the box will have 13.3 cubic feet of airspace i do not want to wall but i want to be loud, i was thinking about sound deadening my roof and floor basically everywhere is it a good idea or no, i was also thinking about removing my middle row of seats, to let more air go by, any hints or tips on making a van loud without walling, or any tips on what i should do , thank you
  9. O yeah last years comp was sick, it was a lil different there was only and am open that was the first time i ever seen a sound comp and knew i wanted to be pasrt of the fun next year, this show is going to be sick i advise everyone to go, one of the biggest in ct if not the biggest, i cant wait to unleash the beast at this show. i am diening to compete again.