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About truly_giftd85

  • Rank
  • Birthday 08/07/1985

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  • Location
    Washington, DC
  • Interests
  1. Well needed vacation. back on grind mode. Got work to do. had a weekend full of motivation...

  2. Well needed vacation. back on grind mode. Got work to do. had a weekend full of motivation...

  3. Well needed vacation. back on grind mode. Got work to do. had a weekend full of motivation...

  4. truly_giftd85

    Electrical Help!!!

    OK so I think I pretty much got my plan in order for this build. I will most likely start the box build next week. After talking with Dom from Iraggi alts, ive decided with only running one batt in my trunk, my best bet would be a 320A alt, plus that will give me room to upgrade the system at a later date. Thanx for the help and input and keep a look ou for the build thread on this!!!
  5. truly_giftd85

    Electrical Help!!!

    Haha yeah dude, definately not trying to do that!! LOL!! Ok so from the second battery to the amp, i dont need a fuse. And from the front battery to the rear battery, 2 fuses on each run? I think I got it (i hope, LOL)
  6. truly_giftd85

    Electrical Help!!!

    Oh of course bro!!! Definately doing the big 3. But i did have a question in regards to the fuses when running the 2 runs of 1/0awg. I was planning on getting (4) 200A fuses (one fuse on each run after each battery) and then using the KnuKonceptz 3way distribution blocks that also has a 150A fuse (so a total of (4) 200A fuses and (1) 150A fuse. Does this sound right? And are you guys just using ring terminals on the ends of the 1/0awg to connect to the batteries?
  7. truly_giftd85

    Electrical Help!!!

    Thanx for all the input guys. I think ive made my decision so i'll be running: -Kenwood DDX-814 receiver -Iraggi 300A alt -XS Power D1200 (front) -XS Power D3100 -XS Power VCM (set at 15.3v) -2 runs of 0awg (+ and -) -2 Audioque HDC3-12s (copper coils) -Audioque AQ3500D (clamped at 4200W@1ohm) -Audioque AQ4x90 (mids/highs) -MB Quart 6.5" and 6x9" component sets -4.4cu.ft. ported enclosure tuned to 36Hz I hope the electrical will be enough. As I said before, this is my first big build i've ever done so im just wanting to do it right the first time. Any input about my setup and build would be much appriciated!!!
  8. truly_giftd85

    Electrical Help!!!

    Thanx a lot bro!! This actually helped explain a lot. When I said cranking the music all day, I meant driving. Havent really started on the comp circuit as this is my first big build. So my 300A alt would/should provide adequate charging, right? I do a lot of driving on a daily basis, so the rpm are always above 2500. I just dont have the space to put a large bank of batteries in my vehicle which is why I want to get one big one. Thanx again for all you guys input. It really helps to see what everyone else is doing with there setups.
  9. truly_giftd85

    Electrical Help!!!

    Yeah. Ive read numerous forum post and heard many people say that about the Kenetiks. Ive used smaller Kinetiks before, but this time around I plan on using the XS Power VCM and the last thing i want is my $250 inverstment taking a poo on me. The other big concern i have is space. I really only want ONE battery in my trunk and i just dont kno if the 2400 will be strong enough. The amp puts out 4300W+ 1ohm @14.4v. Im looking to do 15.3v on a daily setup and i do have a tendancy to crank the volume knob (NOT GAIN LOL) often.
  10. So I just purchased the Audioque AQ3500D amp and an Optima Yellow top for the front. I will be doing 2 runs of 1/0AWG wiring, a 300A Iraggi alt, and a second battery in the rear. I only want ONE battery for the trunk, and right now im torn between the Kinetik HC2400 and the XS Power D3100 (which im kinda leaning towards). Which of these batteries do you guys think I should run on this setup? Also, Im looking at the XS Power VCM. Will this electrical setup be sufficient? I want to be able to run this amp full tilt daily with little to no voltage drop. Thanx.
  11. truly_giftd85

    Fi Q 15s sealed with RF T25001bd

    Thanks for all the input guys. I know the potential of this amp. I had it running full tilt at around 3200w on two 18" BLs. Im just wondering if the same amount of power can be ran on 2 Qs in a sealed application. My confusion comes about because ive typically ran very large ported boxes in which the sus have had the opertunity to breathe. This is my very first go at a sealed application...EVER. LOL. So i just want to be safe with that amount of power. I know that I can turn my amp gains down and not run the full potential of the T2500, but lets face it. Anyone with that much power and more wants to get every drop out of it!! Im no different. Im not trying to be the loudest in the world by any means, i just want to push my subs to there limits safely on a daily basis. Thanks again guys.
  12. truly_giftd85

    Fi Q 15s sealed with RF T25001bd

    I just down sized with my new vehicle so im thinking of running 2 15" Fi Q's sealed to help conserve trunk space. I want to keep using my T2500 but my question is will this be too much power to run these subs sealed? i plan on using an enclosure that is approximately 3^3ft per chamber. The car is a 2006 Impala SS. Any help would be much appriciated. Thanx.
  13. truly_giftd85

    Amp/Sub match

    I wanna run 3 SSd 15s dual 2ohm (Copper coil and BP option) on a RF T 2500-1BD. Is this a good combination? Will it be too muh power or too little?
  14. truly_giftd85

    3 BL 15s and 2 t2500s

    Thanx KU40 for the input. I really dont wanna get rid of my brand new amps so strapping them sounds like the best option. But is it due to the 3-ohm load that the subs produce that will drop the output power from the amp from 5k to around 3.5k? Sorry if it sounds like a newbie question, but thats wut i am! LOL!!
  15. truly_giftd85

    3 BL 15s and 2 t2500s

    My tahoe was rear ended a 2 weeks ago destroying my BL 18s. I had just purchased a RF T2500-1 and im awaiting my second. I have an Avalanche now and i want to run 3 dual 1-ohm BL 15s. My question is will the two 2500s be too much power for the BLs? Also, is there any problem wiring the subs in a "single voice coil per amp" setup, ie: 3 subs, 1 voice coil on one amp, one on the other?? Im kinda new at do-it-yourself car audio when it comes to complex wiring, so any help or advice, good or bad, is welcome.