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Everything posted by spbfitz

  1. spbfitz

    SAX-50.4 and Z15 Close-Out Sales

    how do these compare to like a dd 2500 series or a level 4 dc?
  2. spbfitz


    well i have 2 kenwwod 1800 watt amps really 900 watt a piece if i wanted to just run one monster what would be my best option lev.5 or 4xl and i will be getting bigger amps soon
  3. spbfitz

    I need help!!!!

    If I can only run one monster sub what would be the one sub everyone would use?
  4. spbfitz


    how loud will 2 dp 21's be with about 4000watts in the trunk of a car and it is a huge trunk so box size will not be a problem
  5. spbfitz

    1997 towncar

    well ive decided to put a system in my towncar and i think im goin with 2 dc level 4 XL's and 2 2000 watt amp