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About elastic

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    Junior Member
  1. elastic

    in search of a low end monster

    heres a little excursion video of my 15 l7.
  2. elastic

    in search of a low end monster

    i really like the l7s and im completely pleased with them. theres no reason to change. after having had a three ported boxes in my car before the sealed one i can say to my ear the sealed box is the best choice for me. it gets lower than any ported box ive heard and it also kills the ported ones on the very low lows. the higher notes arent loud at all, but the low ones are awesome. if i ever imagine upgrading, then i will definitely go with 4 15 l7s sealed.
  3. elastic

    in search of a low end monster

    finally i decided to run 2 15 l7s sealed. i recently hooked up just one 15 l7 in 5 cft sealed. and its absolutely what i searched for! the low lows are so awesome its incredible! my steering wheel and my entire front seats are flexing. even my rear tires are wobbling playing bass i love you. its not as loud as ported l7s i heard overall but ive never heard anything louder on the low end than my single 15 l7. im waiting to get the second one in im pretty sure i will stick with kicker from now on. god im so happy. both 15 l7 will run in a 12 cft sealed box. hmm im so excited :)
  4. elastic

    Sealed 18" VS Ported 15" VS Sealed 15" x 2

    lol thats true. i dont know any forum where this term makes so much trouble.
  5. elastic

    1 15 or 2 15 ; 8 cft

    2 15s sealed would fit in 8 cft gross(?)
  6. elastic

    1 15 or 2 15 ; 8 cft

    8 cft gross, without any displacements. is winisd right that 1 sub in the max recommended enclosure is as loud as 2 subs in the min recommended enclosure?
  7. elastic

    1 15 or 2 15 ; 8 cft

    i have ~ 8 cft of space and 2 kw rms of power. my goal is low and loud bass response. for sub id like to run either 1 15 or 2 15s. now winisd shows me that 1 15 l7 (example) in 6 cft space is exactly as loud as 2 15 l7 in the same box. does this represent the truth? hard to believe 1 15 is as loud as 2 of them. i thought 2 15s would push way more air.
  8. elastic

    sealed and ported enclosure

    i did a comparison with winisd: Imageshack - unbenanntrbg.jpg hows that? the ported box is louder than sealed even down to 20 hz. it seems that ported is superiour in all aspects (of loudness). each modelled box is 4,6 cft. the ported one is tuned to 30 hz.
  9. elastic

    sealed and ported enclosure

    kicker: "The ported Compact design increases bass efficiency and fits in many space-limited applications. Although it is the smallest recommended ported enclosure, the output from 30 to 80 Hz will be considerably higher than that of any sealed box" "These sealed enclosure designs give the smoothest response with increased energy at the lowest frequencies, 20 to 30Hz" i just wondered if sealed is louder under 30 hz according to kickers enclosure recommendations.
  10. elastic

    sealed and ported enclosure

    the kicker manual also says sealed boxes have more output in the 20hz - 30hz range than ported ones.
  11. elastic

    sealed and ported enclosure

    me because i want to know what im doing.
  12. what do you say to this: Sealed boxes:"Sealed Enclosures are designed for sound quality and offer very low tuning frequencies. If you are building a system where the goal is to listen to music, these are the enclosures to build. They offer the best low frequency performance of all the designs." Ported boxes:"These enclosures will deliver higher sound pressure levels than sealed enclosures.The perceived loudness will be lower than a sealed enclosure, although the metered number will be higher." [ORION AUDIO] i always thought ported box were louder in all aspects. now orion says sealed is louder to ear than ported. how come?? and i simply dont understand the physic behind it. ported boxes can move air at tuned frequencies, therefore going to be louder. or did i miss something...
  13. elastic

    xmax and deep bass

    very good answers! thanks. did i catch it up right: xmax becomes more important in sealed boxes than in ported ones?
  14. elastic

    xmax and deep bass

    so many companies are showing off their xmaxs on woofers saying more travel = more bass. alpine does, orion, jbl, etc. the xxx has over 50mm linear excursion and is known to be a low end monster, and so is the w7 with 32 mm xmax. therefore i assumed xmax is important for loud low end. on the other hand ive seen videos of l7s doing crazy hairtricks and they only have 16 mm excursion.
  15. elastic

    xmax and deep bass

    whats more important? cone area or xmax for low end?