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About lilkman2202

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  1. lilkman2202

    Fi polo?

    I want to buy/make a Fi polo. I didnt see one on the site has anyone done it before i want the design. I cant figure out how to get just a black Fi logo on a dark grey one. I would do it if i had photoshop but i dont.
  2. lilkman2202

    "old" style ssds

    so i know that i cant make a flatwind coil option motor match a copper coil but how about a stock ssd match a copper coil one. anyone?
  3. lilkman2202

    2 BTL's vs 4 SSD's

    will do just waiting for the other 2 woofers from nick
  4. lilkman2202

    2 BTL's vs 4 SSD's

    i had btls and now just got 4 ssds so im hoping i made a smart move but we shall see. I'm basing mine off cone area= louder
  5. lilkman2202


    if you do call hit my cell 2624901704
  6. lilkman2202


    alrite thanks as long as i can get the 4 matching when its all said and done ill be happy.
  7. lilkman2202


    If i run 2 with flatwind and the other 2 with copper all off 1 amp is it going to cause any problems as long as there all d2
  8. lilkman2202


    yes i didnt because once i bought them i couldnt get the other 2 made since the new styles came out. I have 2 d2s im trying to match yes and they have copper coils
  9. lilkman2202


    anyone have an alternative email other than [email protected] i tried emailing them with no luck
  10. lilkman2202


    There 2 12" SSDs that are getting reconed for d2s PM me for more contact info please!
  11. lilkman2202


    alrite thats what i figured just wasnt positive
  12. lilkman2202


    I sent my subs out to get reconed by Fi. I bought the 2 reconing kits and what not but my question is do i have to pay for the sub to get returned to me or did they add that into the price. I did select the option to send my sub in.
  13. lilkman2202

    reconing ?

    alrite thats all i needed to know thanks
  14. lilkman2202

    reconing ?

    i know this but say i buy a d2 subs and want to recone it. Can i swithc the impedence to d1
  15. lilkman2202

    reconing ?

    If i buy a d2 ssd but want to get it reconed can i turn it into d1? I know on the BTLs you have to have the universal option but i havent really messed with SSDs before