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Everything posted by vladd

  1. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    and can i just rant and say, fuck guaifenesin, it is the biggest POS med i've ever taken. I've heard that apparently a lot of people agree with me but seriously i've been taking it for the past 24 hours with next to no results, i just have a hot ass cup of tea and it does 2034982348x better. fuck drugs and the people that sell them!
  2. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    unfortunately i had my head stuck up my ass when i planned the trip, we could have stayd a couple extra days and been in ireland for st patty' day but its too late to change now
  3. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I have not been in a number of years. Only 7 people got shot this year. spring break in amsterdam FTW
  4. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    lmfao i highly doubt that, she knows me and knows i don't play those games. I always get even.
  5. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    pics? x2, i might be interested, if adrian doesnt get it I should be able to get some pics this weekend, it's at the (ex) gf's house and i'm going to pick it up along with a bunch of my shit.
  6. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I had some large truck try to race me from a red light the other night. It was actually very unexpected. I pull up to the redlight in the middle lane, on my left is a GTI which i thought i might get some fun out of, on the right is a big ass ford that has almost enough clearance to drive over me without touching. I drift up a little to entice the GTI but see that it's a typical college girl so i forget about it. When the light goes green i pull out and realize that the truck has floored it (the sound alone was enough). I floor it and at this point he's already about 1 car length ahead of me but i quickly pass him. I kinda wish i would have known he wanted to play so i could have spanked him off the line.
  7. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    just hope they're not killer lady bugs, they pack heat
  8. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    if anyone is interested in a 1500d that has a big gouge in the heat ...fuck my mind is going blank cause i'm sick...the heat absorbing big ass aluminum shroud anyway it works perfect and i'll sell it for cheap just shoot me a PM, otherwise i'm going to eventually fix it paint it and sell it for way more than i paid but i'd rather just get what i have in it back.
  9. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    sounds like a blast, good luck with the exam craziness. are you on the quarter or semester system? thanks it's kind of hard to describe my "system" as they've tried something new with us this semester. technically they call it a "block" semester, but it's not that either We have different classes that start/end throughout the semester but none of the classes meet regularly. And when one class ends there isn't necessarily another class that takes its place. Like right now we're starting clinical II next week but we don't finish up clinical I until sometime in march. Classes don't meet at a given time (like i don't have whatever on m/w/f), instead they really and truly meet randomly. One of my classes goes from meeting a couple times one week, to not at all on others, and up to 6 times in one week. i have no idea what they were thinking honestly.
  10. vladd

    How did you come up with the name "Sundown"?

    i'm at school so i can't watch the vid, but if it's the sundown i'm thinking of elwood does a very good remix (imo of course)
  11. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    complaining because i haven't had any sleep TOP
  12. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    the tests are wearing me out quick, this week is the biopharm, last week was pharmacognosy and medicinal chem, before that was phamacokinetics, next week is U.S. healthcare system, then self-care and management of patient centered care final. the worst part is i think the lowest an exam has counted for is 40% of our grade...YAY
  13. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    basic differences in water is how they are processed, how pure they are and whether they have antimicrobial agents or not. it's actually way more important than i ever would have imagined
  14. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    studying for a biopharmaceutics exam. about 3/4 of the material is based on cellular membranes, their transport mechanisms and how they are affected by changes in pH/pKa. from there I also have to know relative rates and how different types of epithelium affect the rates as well (might sound bad but i'm dumbing this down a lot). I also have to know the different types of water (yea....different types) used for different preparations of drugs. Acid/base and buffers will be covered to a small extend, a few structures that i've already got mostly memorized and then a whole bunch of stuff on preservatives that i am familiar with but don't have completely memorized yet.
  15. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Well i've got about 3/4 of the material down 100%, the other 1/4 i'm not really sure about, i have another 5 hours to memorize it though so i should be fine.
  16. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I'd really like to get a match barrel fitted to my 1911 eventually, that and hard chroming is about all i have left to finish it.
  17. vladd

    I cut two fingertips off today

    Honestly this is way out of left field but becoming a rather common treatment, if the tips of the fingers are as blue as they appear in the picture you may want to ask your Dr. about leech treatment to remove the blood from the tips and promote new blood flow (read much better healing time). The fingers do look a little too wet so it may be good for them to get a little more air than they are but if you're doctor recommended the bandaging method you're using then stick to it. As for the oxycontin recommendation I highly recommend avoiding that drug unless you're in severe pain. In all seriousness it is a serious drug for serious pain with serious addiction issues. Yes it will kill your pain but the addiction and withdrawal isn't worth it IMO. For what you have a lesser drug would probably work fine. With a drug like oxycontin I'd also be concerned that the lack of pain may cause you to be more careless with the fingers and injure them further without realizing. but that's just my .02
  18. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Good luck bro ! thank you, just found out i made a mid-C on my medchem exam, very happy with that grade since i struggled last semester to even get a D. The guy's tests are just insane hard.
  19. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    If you care to ship it, I'll weld it for cheap. unfortunately, it'll almost definitely require the presence of the car to get it right.
  20. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I need to find someone that can weld close to me and get a metal amp rack made for the mcintosh if i'm actually going to use it. That alone is going to be more $$ than i have right now.
  21. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    i've decided if i don't have the mcintosh in my car by the summer i'm just going to sell it. There's no point in having that beast setting at the bottom of my bed like a footlocker.
  22. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    This biopharm exam tomorrow is not going to be fun. I raped the pharmacokinetics exam though.
  23. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Ok i think i figured out #1, no nevermind there
  24. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    if any of you all use EAC/FLAC can you help me set this shit up? #1 how do i get it to rip my files with Artist - Album - Track naming (in EAC)? #2 what is the format in the FLAC frontend that i should put after the Cuesheet:________?
  25. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    the gf got a ticket of 78 in a 65 on either I-64 or I-81 i'm not sure how that happens since i drive the same road all the time and always set my cruise on at least 80.