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Everything posted by vladd

  1. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    but i do agree they're not very good and hella overpriced. Local bars usually have wayyyyyy better wings for way cheaper, but it's hard for me to find anywhere that'll actually make them spicy. fucking white people and their idea of "hot"
  2. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I've heard some of the mini kegs you have to be very careful with because they aren't made well, anyone actually know anything about this? (just hearsay no actual proof) and bdubs... it's great when you're in the mood to listen to jim morrison, i suggest hot bbq and blazin
  3. vladd


    Are we really going to argue something this stupid? Seriously?
  4. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    aaron, sounds like you need a drink
  5. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Asia is one thing. I far too often find my self in line with what was said earlier by Sean. The EU now has a new head. The last idiot was horrible. The new EU head has the chance to take over. I'm not concerned with China or russia, nothing even close. I have not been to China, but what I have heard from people I know who have been and have family there, they are just now barely breaking into being industrial, much less information aged. They sure can reverse enginear things, but they are a reactive culture, and government. Local power is huge but it's not as global as most think. Fawk I could be wrong.... who knows. I love the discussion though. Matt when your looking for your 3rd world country to live, I suggest Thailand. Close to so much natural beauty. Many other wonders are local too. I would kill to see Angkor, some of the temples in china and the Taj. In Thailand the women outnumber men by a huge margin and to top it off many of the men are gay. The ratio for the single guy is rather stellar and Thai women seem to think they are put on this earth to please man. Definitely worth a visit. I know where i'm visiting next!
  6. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I would move to the middle of nowhere, i would NEVER live in amsterdam, nice place to visit, would never live there though (too fucking cold and wet amongst other things)
  7. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    hey jordan....sorry about ignoring you earlier, i was working on the taxol paper mentioned earlier with my group of asswipes. i jest...they are not asswipes, but one does always smell like shit
  8. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    btw despite what it may seem like i'm 100% open for discussion here and my ultimate goal is only to hear why you think what you think, not to have you think what i think (what fun would that be?)
  9. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I don't really believe that. The majority of people in Germany thought killing minorities in the 30's and 40's was right, should that have made it legal in that country? Though for the vast majority of things, what most people think is right is the law. You may think it's not true, but the majority of people still think marijuana should be illegal, the speed limits are fine (for the most part), and the drinking age is fine. You may be more influenced to think otherwise because people in your demographic have the loudest voices to you. Maybe in 20 years when our age group becomes the dominant generation that will change. Or maybe I'm just influenced by my conservative western Kansas heritage. What Dem Beats said is what I was thinking. I wasn't calling the rest of the countries in the world 3rd world. Just that the US has a higher living standard than most. If the US wasn't so great, why do we have so many immigrants from so many countries? Why would people leave their countries to come here if it's so great over there? I'm not being "typical American," I'm being a realist. Dem Beats hit my other thought on the head, that here we have a much better chance at owning things or having the ability to increase position than a lot of places. Hell, the government will give you money or at least a loan so that you can go to college. We have systems that basically make kids go to school, it's more or less up to the kid how far he wants to go. I'm curious as to what other countries you're comparing the US to and what differences there are that are more appealing to you? the % of people that think marijuana should be illegal vs legal is very very close to even now actually (i read some article on this a few days ago, i find it very interesting), not what i think simply what the data suggests. On top of that i'd love to see how that data would change if marijuana was legal, both from the perspective of people that are afraid to speak up now because it is illegal and those people that aren't speaking up against it because it's already illegal. If most people are ok with speed limits why doesn't anyone do them on the highway? I cannot remember the last time I was on an interstate and ANYWHERE close to the majority of people were doing the speed limit or under this of course is not taking crazy city traffic into account since nobody has an option. Find me a single source that shows that the majority of people in the 30's and 40's thought that killing minorities was right. You may show me a majority of people that did it, and a majority of people that didn't have an option, but i highly doubt you can speak for their conscience. Using a brutal example and putting words in someone else's mouth doesn't make a point, it makes up data. Tons of people think the drinking age is fine, i'll agree. How many of those people are actually affected by it? I mean if you give me an "automatically pardoned" card i wouldn't care as much about the country...admittedly i worry about me first. How many 18 year olds do you think agree with the drinking age? Why is it we need to impose a drinking age anyway? Once again it's another law that is constantly broken and people constantly overlook it. If this law served a purpose cops would be breaking up parties at colleges 24/7. In bburg i can tell you hands down they spend their time giving parking tickets or patrolling downtown for people that are drunk in public (not knocking this, just saying they aren't busting parties). I don't think otherwise because of other people's voices, but can you seriously provide any kind of real proof that these things are true? Give me some kind of data. Like i said i will agree 100% with the marijuana thing, but it's no staggering %, IIRC it's less than 10% difference. fair enough, people immigrate to this country, mostly from south of our border because nobody will argue that mexico sucks pretty badly, and lets not even bring places like cuba into the discussion, they'd swim to antartica if it was close enough(because even it's better). but if we're so great why do so many people go on vacation out of this country? just to see other places? because this country is huge and even in a lifetime you'd never see everything it has to offer. People usually come to this country for the same reason our govt wants more laws.....$$$$$$$. not because it's a good country, but because they can make money and unfortunately most people are so absorbed with those dollar signs they never realize just how much they hate life. most people agree about a few of our major cities sucking absolute ass, but that's where the money is so that's where people move, doesn't mean that's it's a better place, just that money is there. Lets not forget that with the education that some of these professionals have, they are simply ......better than us. Take allessandro for example, he came here to study engineering and do his post-doctorate because he will make way more $$ here, not becasue he likes anything else about the country. There he'd not be the best and the brightest. Here he's bilingual and has a doctorate in engineering which does make him stand out like whoa. I compare the US to just about any country. if you want to talk about prospering then look at asia and watch them stomp us into the ground over the next couple decades (if it takes that long). Take any country and there's multiple things they're doing better than we're doing. The obvious argument is that you can say the same about the US doing something better than any country, but we are supposed to be moving ahead and if we see another country doing something better, why the fuck aren't we adopting those ideas? I love this country, it's the government that I hate. And when i say i'll be leaving this country i dont mean to another developed one, i'll be moving somewhere with a great exchange rate where i can live and do whatever the fuck i want within reason for as long as i want. jesus christ i can't believe i just typed that much, i blame pharmacy school as i just got done typing up way too much shit on taxol.
  10. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    There is some stellar fishing right there. Reds, Specks, Tarpon are all within easy reach. On top of that a plane ticket to Fort Myers (nearest airport) round trip for me is usually less than $200. Not a bad place to have to go. seems to me that sean might be hinting at something matt. may i dare say sleep over I can do that, so long as he cooks (i'll even buy the food if he's not catching it).
  11. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    The aunt and uncle finally bought a place, condo in punta gorda (sp?) florida. Now I have a place to stay for free with a view of the harbor (gag). I wish they would have taken my advice and just bought a damn place in belize. I'm really tempted to ask to borrow their RV and live it up this summer though, with the money i have saved up I'd have no problem spending the whole summer out and about.
  12. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    without quoting that whole thing, what do you actually think the job of the govt is? and do you think the rest of the world is a 3rd world country? that's extremely american of you I think the govt's job is to protect and serve its people, not control them and see how much $$ they can squeeze out of them. I think that laws should be to protect people instead. also on a side note, what happens when everyone starts doing the speed limit? then they move on and find some other way to make something that the whole population does illegal. remember that if the majority of people do it, then by nature it shouldn't be illegal.
  13. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    i would really like access to the proper tools and have plenty of time so i could get some damn music in the crossfire. ugh ugh ugh
  14. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    If you don't speed you won't have a problem. Not to mention it's in school and work zones, which are the two places you'd want to not speed anyways. how on earth do you get that? 57 vs 55, what is their reasoning for giving a ticket for that? i thought cops were supposed to protect and serve. who the fuck is getting hurt with a 2mph over? nobody, but the govt sees a way to make $$$, pigs don't protect shit anymore, they just push us further into the totalitarian govt that this will soon become, all because people are AFRAID. and yes i realize just how ironic this rant is with my avatar. further more, 2mph is just over 3% over the speed limit. How accurate do you really think their radars and cars speedometers are? And keep in mind all those rating they give for radars are under the BEST of conditions. I'm not sure what kind of methods they'll be using for ticketing but +3% is stupid. As a pharmacist i can fuck up your treatment by 10% and you can't sue my ass, why on earth is speeding more tightly controlled? Well my argument is based on the assumption that radar detectors and things are accurate. But my way of thinking also recognizes the speed limit as the law. If they wanted it to be ok for you to drive 2 mph over the speed limit, wouldn't they make the limit 57? If you think about it, speeding is about the only law we're allowed to break with some margin. Try telling the cop that it's ok that your blood alcohol level is .0824 because it's only 3% over the legal limit, that one small grain of crack is ok because it's barely more than the legal limit of 0, or that it's ok that you shot that guy because you barely grazed his skin and he'll heal without even a scar. Granted I was getting a little more out of proportion as I went along, but the idea is there. The rules of society really aren't that hard to live within and still be happy and productive. I won't argue against your thoughts on government, but if you also take a step back and realize how unruly people have really gotten, maybe you'll see why things have gotten to where they are. Even if we increased speed limits to 100 mph you can still bet that people will go 102. Oh and "how on earth I got that" was from one, if you have a kid walking to/from school you'd want people to go slow and be cautious as well, and two, highway workers are two feet from the road in a lot of cases. It doesn't take much of a flip of the wheel at 70 mph to swerve into them, not to mention the uneven surfaces and sometimes narrow lanes that construction zones create and that people constantly want to gawk at what's happening and not pay attention to the road. Well we'll take it one at a time. Your blood alcohol level is already being shot down as your blood alcohol level doesn't actually show anything except how much alcohol is in your bloodstream, NOT how capable you are to safely drive. This is why they have the tests like "walk a line". Blood alcohol levels = alcohol in bloodstream and nothing more zero to do with safety or capability. As for 2mph still being speeding and breaking the law... Why is it that a highway needs a speed limit anyway? your concept of blindly following laws that don't serve the people doesn't fit with the whole reason that people ESCAPED to this country to begin with. a small grain of crack? there's huge differences in the penalties for the amount of illegal drug you're caught with, and with a lot of drugs you're basically slapped on the wrist for small amounts. But i'll even argue this one for the same reason, it's fucking 2009 and we can't let people choose whether or not they want to do crack? at what point did the goverment become smarter than the population? Last time i checked they're supposed to be made up of the same individuals. If the govt can choose that crack is bad, shouldn't they let people choose the same thing? Since you can use an extreme example, maybe i should too. Technically speaking alcohol is very bad for your body, so is tylenol, and getting fat, should we make those against the law too? Shooting a person is completely the other side of the track, that's protecting someone else, not controlling my ability to do what i want with my body. and what school are you talking about that has a 55mph speed limit? I guess the roads are way different where you're from. If you want to control the speed in these areas then control the ROADS. If they were really concerned about school kids crossing the roads they wouldn't have huge highways surrounding them. Road construction can follow the exact same kind of argument, they can shut down enough lanes to be safe or shut down the whole road and let people take detours. If you can ticket me for doing 57 in a 55 you can definitely shut down a few miles of interstate for a week. With the exception of a few major cities, most highways are not really that "essential" to travel and people will actually still live if they aren't in operation for a little while (no matter how much they bitch about it).
  15. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    If you don't speed you won't have a problem. Not to mention it's in school and work zones, which are the two places you'd want to not speed anyways. how on earth do you get that? 57 vs 55, what is their reasoning for giving a ticket for that? i thought cops were supposed to protect and serve. who the fuck is getting hurt with a 2mph over? nobody, but the govt sees a way to make $$$$$, pigs don't protect shit anymore, they just push us further into the totalitarian govt that this will soon become, all because people are AFRAID. and yes i realize just how ironic this rant is with my avatar. further more, 2mph is just over 3% over the speed limit. How accurate do you really think their radars and cars speedometers are? And keep in mind all those rating they give for radars are under the BEST of conditions. I'm not sure what kind of methods they'll be using for ticketing but +3% is stupid. As a pharmacist i can fuck up your treatment by 10% and you can't sue my ass, why on earth is speeding more tightly controlled?
  16. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    the govt runs out of money so they are going to take it from people commuting to/from jobs...... anarchy!
  17. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    wtf??? i'm so leaving this country as soon as soon as i'm financially able
  18. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    God i hate school this week i have... a test over about 70 drugs (you have to know the brand/generic names and most common dosage of each) luckily we get another change at this test in a few weeks, but it's during finals when i definitely won't have more time to study A lab quiz over common pharmaceutical calculations (easy but busy work, especially to prepare for) a big ole homework in biopharmaceutics A small'ish paper on my health project (not the final huge paper) A final exam on thursday, which we have a different class directly before and two classes directly after (i mention this because apparently the instructors are pissed that we're missing classes, not caring that we have fucking finals right after or right before their class) on top of that i have to work on a 20'ish page research paper, I have to work at school for like 6hrs on wednesday extra to get "service learning" hours, which is really nothing more than community service and i didn't commit any crimes the worst part? this is by far the lightest week i've had in quite some time
  19. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    holy shit, i've said it before and i'll say it again, am i invited for dinner?
  20. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    never had poison oak on my dick...then again never had it anywhere. I've managed to get poison ivy on my hands, but that takes an open wound of some sort. on the subject of HPV, consider that the one STD that is better for guys. for the most part, except the strains that cause genital warts, they don't really do anything to guys at all.
  21. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    whoa whoa whoa who said it'd be the korean? if things go as planned it will be a different girl....still yellow fever though, so good call unless i mentioned that.
  22. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I will be reserving it for getting my dick wet soon, so you've done a good deed.
  23. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    that's exactly what i was looking for sean, ty ty
  24. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    sean, i need a simple scallop recipe, now that i'm closer to the big water i can find fresh ones (actually fresh too, yellow'ish like you had mentioned before) also how the hell do i keep from over cooking them as i remember you saying that was the #1 mistake in cooking them.
  25. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    same here, no burning of the rubber, it is very easy to get sideways though, which is way more fun IMO