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Everything posted by vladd

  1. vladd

    Va. Tech Shooting!!!

    heh, car, audio and pussy are about the only things i enjoy enough to talk about, work i just bitch about
  2. vladd

    Va. Tech Shooting!!!

    are you trying to say i'm dumb?
  3. vladd

    Must-see Movies

    nope, though i do love goodfellas as well, i think casino was a much better movie
  4. vladd

    Va. Tech Shooting!!!

    the first was in the dorm, and he shot and killed at least 2 people. the 2nd was in an engineering bulding and he chained the doors shut from the inside and began shooting people in at least one of the rooms. Also apparently he only had two handguns but the total injured including dead is looking to be around 80ppl. word has it he also shot a couple janitors. Last i heard i think 33 dead. what pisses me off the most is i can park in the wrong parking spot and get ticketed within 30seconds, but this can happen with hours between shootings.
  5. vladd

    Va. Tech Shooting!!!

    turns out a friend of a friend (female) got shot in the chest, word is she's going to be ok though.
  6. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    you get the package yet sean? i have the tracking number in the car but i'm too damn lazy to go get it right now.
  7. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    hard to believe something like this could happen here
  8. vladd

    Va. Tech Shooting!!!

    i be fine too, almost all my classes are surrounding norris. I can only imagine the phone calls kids have been getting.
  9. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    nearly canadian eh?
  10. vladd

    rl-i 8 for front midbass?

    like m5 said, i doubt the door will like it, and thats gonna be hell fitting the RL-i depth
  11. vladd

    Pete's install log

    it rained too much today for me to do a damn thing, so i still have alt noise and static.
  12. vladd

    Neeed a 10" beeefy sub!

    that's quite sexy
  13. vladd

    Broken Tinsel Lead

    I'd guess red hot tinsels probably caused the felt to stick to the tinsels like glue
  14. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    my present...that's all the teaser you all get though
  15. i wanna see pix of anyone that lost a finger
  16. vladd

    Pete's install log

    I've got the same problem. Check your amp ground, and your HU ground. My noise/whine started after i moved my amp ground to the main ass of the trunk. I'll be investigating mine tomorrow and trying to fix it though i'm 90% sure it's the amp ground. If i discover anything i'll let you know.
  17. vladd

    Input on 8's

    hells yes, what are you waiting on then?
  18. vladd

    Happy Birthday Ramos

    Happy Birthday, hope it didn't rain on you all during the wall build
  19. vladd

    Mark Antony Amplifiers! Ultra Rare!

    did you read the whole thread? his supplier backed out.
  20. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    i don't know about really strong but i like my axedry phoenix
  21. vladd

    SilverBane's 'other' project

    so i guess it is just a turbo I. If you need help with parts or anything like that LMK, i've worked on more 2.2s than i ever should have. The local yard here even has GTC (turbo II) with a pretty much completely engine bay. And i think i still have a two-piece intake in the parent's closet.
  22. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    i got a fedex present today!!! but no camera, so you all get no pix
  23. vladd

    RE audio sR10 **Build Log**

    ^^ heh heh heh is that pic still floating around?
  24. vladd

    I got a Q

    i prefer sealed and will probably never run anything but sealed in the future. But thats what i like,for what he wants, it just doesn't fit the bill IMO
  25. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    stop desiring her, then she'll want it like crazy. Depending on your sense of humor and how long it's been since you've been laid, you have to take one of two paths 1) tell her you were attracted to her before you really knew who she was and you're not attracted to her now (hell it's usually true) 2) fudge her, then see option 1