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Everything posted by vladd

  1. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    i am so pucking tired of this school. I really have to get an appt with my advisor and figure out how i'm going to graduate. I'm so close it's pitiful but they aren't offering the classes i need, from the looks of it i'll be ~9cr away.
  2. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    that'd have to be one hell of an oversized square
  3. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    i have officially gone 7 days without biting my fingernails/fingers i can't een begin to stress how huge that is. It would probably be easier for me to get addicted to and stop heroin. I've bitten my fingernails for as long as i can remember, and i've been doing it badly for about 10 years.
  4. http://web.archive.org/web/20041230070919/...valanche+15.htm http://web.archive.org/web/20041230071247/...valanche+18.htm Looks like the specs are fine
  5. where did you do any math? for that matter where did you use any real physics? Nobody said the FS had to be lower, just that it generally is. Given that the FS was already quite low on the 15 there wouldn't have been any real reason to lower it on the 18 so they may have tried to keep it about the same. Or maybe the specs are off.
  6. not saying anything is wrong, but it's kinda weird that the FS of the 18 is higher than that of the 15.
  7. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    congrats dennis
  8. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    i'm skipping public speaking, i'm not ready to go into the room and stare at norris for an hour. on a happier note the system is coming around nicely, hopefully in about a month i'll have it finished. The belle is now mounted on the rear deck and completely out of sight. The kickpods still need to be aimed. The sub has been chosen, at least temporarily. Going with a single 12, and praying i have enough output sealed.
  9. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    w00t, i'm back in the bburg. way too much chit going on lately. Did manage to get away, and while i was gone i fixed the rusted out battery tray in the fiero. No pix cause that's not how i roll. I sealed the seams with liquid nails, i'm curious to see how it holds up.
  10. vladd

    Enclosure sizes for Atlas 15

    two 15s each in 3cubes tuned to 34'ish it was far from flat but quite loud. 143db in the trunk of my stratus with the pair getting about 1000W.
  11. vladd

    Enclosure sizes for Atlas 15

    i probably wouldn't go less than 3cubes. thats where i had mine.
  12. vladd

    Pete's install log

    i thought i posted this already but is there any chance that my alt could be going bad and thats why i'm getting noise?
  13. vladd

    Pete's install log

    thats what i did yesterday, whine is barely there, but still there
  14. vladd

    Trouble shooting advice

    about the best you can do is bridge one side and run that to your sub. You'd be better off grabbing another sub or amp
  15. vladd

    Va. Tech Shooting!!!

    even criminals start out normal
  16. vladd

    Trouble shooting advice

    also, is the amp a monoblock, 2, or 4 channel?
  17. vladd

    Trouble shooting advice

    is the sub single voice coil or dual?
  18. vladd

    Va. Tech Shooting!!!

    it will be interesting to see but i bet after they make themselves look good, they'll forget about it
  19. vladd

    Box Building Software

    jordan, pm me sometime on aim, we can come up with something
  20. vladd

    Va. Tech Shooting!!!

    not much training is required for a good ole fashioned pipe bomb, even some of the more "complex" explosives are easier than you'd ever imagine to make. And being that he's here at tech we have to assume he's intelligent enough to know how(or to learn how). Hell we actually studied some of it in my engineering chem class. Apparently he had illegal guns anyway as the serial #s were all filed off.
  21. vladd

    Pete's install log

    haha just realized you were probably talkting to the original poster :-D
  22. vladd

    Pete's install log

    no, but i had the whine with my 880/butler amps and now i've still got it with my 8053/BLA and belle combo. I think it might be time to invest in much nicer RCAs
  23. vladd

    Va. Tech Shooting!!!

    I suppose I'm a redneck through and through but i don't blame stuff like this on guns. Especially on a campus like this, if people want to kill people they can do it. The gun makes it easier but if he didn't have a gun to resort to I'm almost willing to guarantee he would have blown a building up. Mainly because we've had two bomb threats within the past week and a half. Though it's easy to see we're two opposite sides of the spectrum, I'm not giving up my gun and I've even been hurt by it. People love to place so much blame on the guns but the problem here wasn't a gun, there was chit wrong with the kid that should have been dealt with. School and family could have been pushing him too far, which is still my guess. The gun was just his outlet, if he was pushed far enough to use a gun he was definately pushed far enough to stab people, to blow up a building or to break into our bio lab and find chit that could wipe out half the campus.
  24. vladd

    Pete's install log

    moved my amp ground, played with my amp gains(in case of corrosion), and redid the HU ground and my static went away but alt whine is still barely present.
  25. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    steve, that was priceless i bought cookiedough that i'm getting ready to tear into