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Everything posted by vladd

  1. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    you have news sean?
  2. vladd

    Fi SSD 12" D1 + Diamond D3400.2

    dmm with an oscope? how exactly did you determine you were getting 400W?
  3. vladd

    Fi SSD 12" D1 + Diamond D3400.2

    400W @ 2ohm should be all you see, max ratings mean nothing
  4. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    oh yea, bought the soundtrack for world's end and 300 last night. Pretty good but haven't had much listening time, i'm debating the recording quality of the pirates cd though. Either they fudgeed up some chit or i have some serious tweeter issues.
  5. you'll be fine by trimming down the wire. They also make reducers for this sort of thing but i question how good the connection is between the reducer and the amp.
  6. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    lunges tonight at the gym, i'm back up to 154lbs, trying to bounce from 150-159 by changing the cardio
  7. vladd

    perfect sub

    those are all great subs, if you end up with any of them and aren't satisfied you have an install problem (or other equipment).
  8. vladd

    perfect sub

    there is no perfect sub. but apparently this other guy is having the same problem check his thread for answers. :-D http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/i...ic=9277&hl=
  9. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    piece of chit immunology. I need a tutor
  10. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    so far on the practice test for one chapter out of the 4 i have to know, i'm now consistently getting 62.5% correct yay i know 62.5% of 25% of the material 70% of the time it works every time
  11. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    i want a new major
  12. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    i think i want a 15" basket (style matters only a little) so if anyone can hook me up let me know
  13. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    hmmm http://www.lorentz-audio.com/page/LA/PROD/...9dcb731ffcc42fb that looks really attractive but they don't give any specs
  14. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    what is the website for the place that sells sub baskets? i always lose that damn URL
  15. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

  16. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    it's going to be one of those days
  17. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    i'm going to watch some TV then sleep, be well hop
  18. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    which way does the woodgrain run?
  19. vladd

    Sound deadening alternatives........

    i used that stuff on the back of my door panels, looks like it would work well on anything besides my door panels (i had about 3 cans of the undercoating and 2-3 layers of rammat and still had vibrations.
  20. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I love my high pressure hose washer. A little bit of scalding hot tap water and anything comes off. i don't even have access to a garden hose until i go home.
  21. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    just finished up the last few parts of the stratus that needs waxing. I REALLY need to debug the damn thing. I hadn't realized just how awful the bumper was.
  22. vladd

    BL + SAZ1500D?

    what's the setup going to be? what kind of box? daily or burps? I have no experience with the BL but i feel save saying, more than likely you'll be fine. But i'd be weary of the mechanical limits of the sub.
  23. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    i've never tried either, though i have had a flat tire....twice
  24. are you looking for a SQ setup? because just about any of those drivers (and about 80 others) will play to 65-70hz no problem.
  25. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    nothing on c pillars, tons under the lip of the hood, the hood is actually starting to bubble on top now. i need a CF replacement so it'll be faster