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Everything posted by vladd

  1. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    i have never seen an alpine HU i thought was attractive, until i opened my 9861. Holy chit, my only problem with it is it's a bit too fancy for stratusfaction.
  2. vladd

    Eclipse 8053

    as of July 30, 2007
  3. vladd


    From the album: Eclipse 8053

  4. vladd


    From the album: Eclipse 8053

  5. vladd


    From the album: Eclipse 8053

  6. vladd


    From the album: Eclipse 8053

  7. vladd


    From the album: Eclipse 8053

  8. vladd


    From the album: Eclipse 8053

  9. vladd


    From the album: Eclipse 8053

  10. vladd


    From the album: Eclipse 8053

  11. vladd

    need help with new system. BAD!

    yep, just measure how big you want to take up, if you only want it to be 20in high, let us know. Once you get set dimensions turning out a box shouldn't be too hard
  12. vladd

    need help with new system. BAD!

    it's quite easy to build the box yourself. You start by giving us the largest dimensions you can fit in your jeep
  13. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    And you complain about this girl being a bitch all the time, so you are going to help her why? ? ? i get to spend her money and do another install which is fun, plus i'm still pucking her. when things are good, i try to keep them good. but when they're bad i'm a dick
  14. vladd

    07 MD3's acting funky?

    dude honestly i understand about 1/10 of what you say
  15. vladd

    need help with new system. BAD!

    i don't know enough about the high wattage application to tell you for sure if one yellow top will be sufficient. if you want to get serious about it and want the loudest system a HO alt should be put on anyway. if you do two 18" BL's with something like two 1500's (sundown) i'm sure you will be plenty loud. That will be sucking a LOT of juice.
  16. vladd

    need help with new system. BAD!

    i'm def not a hifonics fan and i think the BTL deserves a better amp. I think the BL would be better for what you're looking for but that's just me. Get an amp that does ~1500W and it should be loud as hell. but if you plan on upgrading your power and running a serious setup then the BTL will definitely take more power. probably doesn't help you much, basically it's all about where you want to be. you could run the BL with stock alt and just a batt upgrade (maybe an extra batt too) but if you're going to run a BTL you're going to need that 2.5kw and new HO alt on top of the batteries
  17. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    dad doesn't actually want a system, i'm just bored and i'll never be happy with mine. damn stratus doors.
  18. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    now i have to locate a small footprint amp for a sub that i haven't chosen either. For dad's car of course.
  19. vladd

    changing coils

    close winISD it has nothing to do with how they'll sound in the car
  20. vladd

    need help with new system. BAD!

    with >2.5k a BTL should serve you fine, but what are you goals of the system? street beater or comp vehicle? music or burps? Do these people that are knocking the BTL actually have any experience with it?
  21. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    she wants a 12, and mach5 shipping sucks for me. it'll probably be one of the new AA subs and some amp that'll do 500-800W tune a little high and she should be happy
  22. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    julie is wanting bass in her car, will have $300 to spend. this should be fun
  23. ok i may have missed it but when you were referring to the top end(mainly in sealed enclosures), what was the crossover point used?