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Everything posted by vladd

  1. 46" long i have a crap ton of pics but that sums them up nicely. My brother-in-law works on the gas well roads around here, apparently this is the 2nd one to try to bite him, the other one he let go, this one was too close. He said the other one was much larger than this one too. Oh yea, it's a timber rattler if the pics don't show
  2. vladd

    More fiero stuff

    that's no chair, that's a work bench.
  3. vladd

    More fiero stuff

    So this is what i've been up to for the past week, 2 gallons of spectrum firewall on the inside of the fiero, i figure i'll buy another gallon and a roll of raammat just for the roof/doors. The quarter windows were broken so i made some of those too, the driver's side is still hardening and i haven't even trimmed out the other yet, but they look god so far. considering replacements are $200+ i'd rather try using my leftover fiberglass first.
  4. vladd

    lookin 4 sum new 12's

    you obviously completely missed the point of my question. Whether you think it sounds like chit or not doesn't matter, what he thinks does. His answer to that question will help in his sub choice. Sounding "good" can be many different things to many different people.
  5. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    tomorrow had better be a lot pucking better than today....now i'm going to argue with an old lesbian slut friend a bit more then go to bed.
  6. vladd

    lookin 4 sum new 12's

    aside from loudness, are the RE's you're currently running clear enough for you or do you want something that sounds better than what you have?
  7. vladd

    need help with new system. BAD!

    i honestly have no clue, never even seen one.
  8. vladd

    More fiero stuff

    got the new cradle stripped and a couple coats of rustoleum on it, just in time for rain...
  9. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    pics going up in the show off section, worth a look
  10. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    and god said no and then there was rain
  11. vladd

    Need new highs

    Eh i don't believe all the crap about mids needing to be close to the tweets. some of the best sounding setups i've ever heard (in a car of course) has the tweet very far away from the mids. the cd5000 has the crossovers you need IIRC. the 9835 will too. I'm not sure about the sax100.4, but i'm not a big fan of amp crossovers anyway. It's just way more convenient to be able to tune your system from the seat you listen in. crossover points depend on many things. Type of vehicle, type of speakers, where they're mounted and whether they're enclosed or IB will all change your FR and where you need your crossover points. Then of course there's personal preference on top of all that. i'll go way out on a limb here and say USUALLY your mids will play down to 50-100hz and up to 1khz-3khz. Your sub plays down to 20-30hz and up to 50-100hz (where the mids take over). The tweet will play down to about 2x its Fs, i wouldn't go any lower than that, but that doesn't mean you have to go that low either. If a higher point sounds better, go with it. I have no experience with the MLI's but i'm betting they'll play up to 3-4khz relatively smooth and probably usable a bit above that as well.
  12. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    just got finished prepping the fiero cradle. Now i have to wait for the cousin to get home so i can get the 3800 in the air and mark the motor mount spots. tomorrow i have to take the niece to the fair so i'm hoping to get most of the chit done today
  13. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    i just know i'm going to scratch that bitch when installing it
  14. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    is it wrong that i kinda don't even want to install the 9861 because of how nice it is?
  15. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

  16. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    wow... god i don't know why but after reading that i really can't get "there is no spoon" out of my damn head. i truly hope zilch sounds like keanu reeves.
  17. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    no tom...your post is way more wow than jim's. i even want to throw up a little after that
  18. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    oh yea...and my doors will still rattle
  19. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    eh i don't have the money for the 701 now, but piece by piece i will have it. Then my e-penis will be HUGE
  20. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    ppics don't do it justice, top and bottom bands along with the knob are all black chrome.
  21. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    damn i hate mom's digicam, autofocus is quite a bit off...but here ya go
  22. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    egay, not even a scratch on it, everything still in it's plastic, i'm not sure it was ever used
  23. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    first set of pics were all fuzzy, i didn't check the lense for the huge smudge. uploading second set now, we'll see if they're better here's the best from the first set
  24. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    i hope i'm this pleased with it once i see it powered on
  25. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    uploading now