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Everything posted by vladd

  1. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    speaking of crazy ex's mr tom, julie was going to add a new name to my aim a few days ago and saw all of shanna's old names. She had saved the passwords so we logged in, and on one of her name's she had a BUNCH of ppl from here. (and ca.com) she had apparently added them and probably stalked the hell out of them. People like tommy and subsgopoof, that she has never met. Actually really creeped me out for a little while, cause god only knows what else she did.
  2. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    ok...2.5 questions left, lets see if i can finish this before the hour is up.
  3. vladd

    New budget system in the works

    going active because i don't have any urge at all to go passive. I may do a passive set in mom's car but for dad i'm just wanting the flexibility. plus i already have way too many mids laying around with no use (i hate those deals that can't be passed up) and for the cost of passive components i'm guessing i'll be right at the difference between HU costs. For the sub i'm being uber cheap, the car is a hatchback so i'm not concerned with output at all, i'm 90% sure any 8" or 10" sub will be more than sufficient. I wish the SD-1 was just a little cheaper, i'd jump on the 10 in a heartbeat. btw if anyone has/sees any tweets (small or large format) for cheap LMK
  4. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    i was just kind of pissed that he even talked to me. I don't go there to make friends, i don't go to have great conversations. Even julie knows when she goes with me to just sit there and be quiet. It's my ME time, my quiet time to work off the stress.
  5. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    i did kind of insult him though...unintentionally. He asked me if i wanted to "balk", i reply "????", he continues "u wantin to balk up?", i say "wtf is balk?" and then i realize he meant bulk....
  6. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    at one point (after i told him i needed to work on wrist strength) he told me i needed to be doing hammer curls.
  7. vladd

    new from alabama

    welcome aboard, this time upgrade your frontstage first, you'll be happier longer that way.
  8. vladd

    new woofers

    very nice, but not nearly as sexy as the flatcones, unless you were to invert them.
  9. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    http://cgi.ebay.com/PIONEER-ODR-RS-A2-CLAS...1QQcmdZViewItem who wants to buy me that?
  10. vladd

    Need H/U

    i know nothing about carputers but i thought you didn't need a HU when running one?
  11. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    i thought of you at the gym monday too...some idiot that worked there started critiquing my workout. Gave me hell over the bicep burnout, asked why i was even bothering. I explained to build up my arm that sucks and he says well if you do...bla bla bla it'll be better. He was so full of chit he was really getting on my nerves. Even saying i should be doing 8 reps instead of 6 on my last set of one of them. then he moved on to the "i've been working out for two years....." at that moment i really wished i had an MP3 player so i could have pretended to never have even heard him.
  12. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    lol they just gave me a figure with the results on it, and I'm supposed to tell them why they used the test and what the results mean. It's got antibody vs weight and i'm wondering if the analysis actually measures yield of the antibodies? it seems that way but i don't know why the hell they'd care about how much unless they're just showing that antibody XXX is there and XXXX is not.
  13. vladd


    i am very jealous
  14. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I really gotta plan out dad's car. ...maybe it's thread time
  15. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    ohh i see the captain.... if you know anything about PCR analysis let me know, i just need to know how to read the damn results
  16. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    it's going to come to that if they don't come off their periods soon.
  17. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    wtf.... whiny roommate has had his fiance over every day for the past few days. He whines about pimp roomie until he(pimp) actually leaves for a few days to get away, and then whiny roomie does this. err i don't know if i filled in what happened before, whiny told pimp that he was going to move unless pimp's gf stopped coming over so much. I'm so confused, i hope they have a death match in the living room, guns allowed.
  18. vladd

    Fi BTL do they sound that bad?

    what do you plan on doing for your frontstage? if you're happy where it is...go with the BTLs if you're looking to spend 2-3x as much on the frontstage as the substage, go with the Qs
  19. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I REALLY need to box up the belle and send it out, dave has to be tired of me running around with his revo
  20. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    with some of the teachers i've had, it'd be safer to let the kids pack. ...i'm running out of ways to procrastinate
  21. vladd

    My pontiac has a small trunk

    my 15" Q does just fine upfiring in my stratus trunk. I'm not concerned with the SPL LSQ levels but it can still shake the mirror if it has to.
  22. vladd

    new inventory

    very nice, i still need to get some pics up of all the guns at the house, just too lazy to clean them so they're picture worthy
  23. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    cannot focus on homework at all!!!!
  24. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    das a lot of school
  25. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    the sad thing is that's not really bad advice over there. if they had anything pumping out full range all the sudden you'd start hearing about how much louder brand X sub is at 150hz. Not to mention I'd hate to see n00bs bridging amps to low loads, they do bad enough with 4-8ohm SVC speakers.