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Everything posted by vladd

  1. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    just shot the damn single shot with a 3" shell, i don't have much shoulder left.
  2. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    i've been thinking about a 10/22 in .17hmr. just to have one. doesn't look like a damascus barrel, don't see the "twist" in the steel, though i know in later ones, that might not be as prevalant. IIRC, damascus also went away right after intro of smokeless as it can't handle the pressures of smokeless. "Laminated steel" and "damascus" is the same thing. Use extreme caution. in knife making, i can see where laminated and damascus is the same, but in shotguns... but i believe what similiar in the two, is the "welding".wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee wow...thanks last night dad was talking about his dad and the shotgun (the dbl barrel), his dad always said he didn't like it because it had a "wire" barrel but neither of us knew wtf that meant. Now we do. After reading about this i think I'll just clean it up and put it aside, doesn't sound like something i want to be shooting even if it checks out. Though i might clean out one of the stevens.
  3. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    no idea, the gunsamerica listing just says laminated steel. it will be taken to a smith before i shoot it, but it's got a lot of cleaning before it gets to the smith.
  4. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    https://www.gunsamerica.com/guns/976938758.htm# that's it...but ours isn't in nearly that kind of shape
  5. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    i had no idea...i have zero knowledge about shotguns but the roomie only shoots one type of shot in his old shotgun (i'm guessing the low brass you mention) and i was just going to follow his advice. it's not a stevens, just says "W. Richards Belgium" haven't even bothered looking it up either. It has some rust, needs a lot of cleaning. We do have a pair of Stevens' in the closet, both single shot, matching with two different barrel lengths (don't remember the lengths ATM)
  6. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    taking an old skool dbl barrel 12ga back to blacksburg so the roomies can shoot it. it's so old i'm borderline scared to shoot the damn thing. Actually i think i'll go snap a pic for the fun of it
  7. vladd

    Atlas 12's in a ported enclosure?

    yea if the 12s are anything like the 15s they don't need much power at all.
  8. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    jesus christ that's sexy, and performance to boot. on another note i think i'm going to sell all the damn audio stuff that i'm not using, i'm really tired of coming home to it all setting in my bedroom. Of course i've said this how many times and not actually done it?
  9. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    after having to spend $100 i don't have on the damn laptop (CC ftl) i decided this week sucked and went out and threw a few back, i think we spend about 4hrs at the bar, much longer that i usually would.
  10. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    laptop's HDD fudgeed up yesterday...long story mostly my fault but it has been slowly pucking up for the past couple months. Went out and bought a new one, after sean's little bit of info i went with a seagate, 80gig (just had a 40 before) and 7200RPM. On julie's laptop right now, not going to be fun setting the damn toshiba back up, i hate driver searching.
  11. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    just d/l the new foo fighters cd.....i'm really really glad i didn't buy it. D/l the disturbed cd right now, it appears to be much better, what is this world coming to
  12. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    i wish there was a place here to shoot pool and not have to deal with drunk fudgeheads. I haven't played in probably 3-4 years
  13. vladd

    MINI Cooper Wall Worklog

    your comparison sucks... there's not a window on the back side of your door panel with 5% tint, try again. If the pics are from when the box was wet, don't run your mouth about how good it looks now, post a picture. You're as hard headed as a woman, even when ramos told you to cut the dado groove for you fleece you immediately turned it down "there's no need to" yet you have next to no idea what you're doing while he's completed more projects then you've started. Anyone here that tries to explain that something you're doing is wrong is immediately attacking you. Let me let you in on a little secret, nobody here is going to lose an ounce of sleep if you completely screw up the build, your car, or your pride. Everyone has initially tried to simply give you advice but you keep insisting that you know what you're doing while your builds show otherwise. Furthermore, nobody is going to ignore you, it's fun as hell watching you get all pissy because everyone is now being not so gentle when they see you screwing stuff up.
  14. vladd

    MINI Cooper Wall Worklog

    you have windows on the side, if they aren't painted black i guarantee the unevenness of that spray job will be apparent in direct sunlight. Not to mention you want to show this off so people will be looking even more closely, 5%tint can still be seen through when you're close.
  15. vladd

    The Long Journey

    pffft the trumpet is for wusses, jazz flute is where it's at THE WHALE"S VAGINA
  16. vladd

    MINI Cooper Wall Worklog

    honestly? because that looks like crap
  17. vladd

    X12 New Design in the works

    i'm sticking with the dual AssHole design....two VC's so the backplate has two pooper shooters.
  18. vladd

    X12 New Design in the works

    Dual arseho Cooling System?
  19. vladd

    X12 New Design in the works

    I'm curious about this Dynamic Atomic Helium Cooling System..... Sounds like it should be a very nice woofer.
  20. vladd

    Hi guys

    Welcome aboard.
  21. vladd

    rl-i8 ported

    if you're unsure on how to build a ported box i sure wouldn't start out with a fiberglass ported enclosure. building small low tuned boxes can be a task too, not worth the effort IMO. by the time you're finished the box is nearly so big you could have gone with a 12" sealed.
  22. vladd

    Fi-Ford Console/Enclosure...STEALTH

    what was the center console like before?
  23. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    http://blacksburg.craigslist.org/tls/439938478.html i want that
  24. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    make me a cutting board ryan2..... j/k i remember when you posted that before and mentioned how much you hated doing it.