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Everything posted by vladd

  1. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    new castle gives me a hangover after like two beers, but i do love the way it tastes. grolsh is ok, but not one of my favs.
  2. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    i love stella, though i don't think i've ever seen it on tap around here.
  3. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    ugly tile at that
  4. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    comes in aerosol cans , no thinning required . It dries fully in about 10 minutes. Just use it in a WELL ventilated area . i'll have to remember that if i ever build anything out of mdf again,
  5. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    last time i painted mdf i used primer/sealer that i used on the fiero. worked good but i didn't thin it much at all.
  6. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    then no, absolutely not two weeks so far without sex,
  7. vladd

    does a Q15 sound like this or is it just me

    no bass boost, just don't use it. port area may be a little small, but are you hearing port noise? how far is the sub moving when it does the popping?
  8. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    one class tomorrow.. and a test in that class. but then...laundry
  9. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    he says i pre judged.....grrr i had no opinion of him before he started posting!
  10. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    i really wanted to bust out a sig figure remark in that thread too, i know he's going to say he can keep his room within 1degree. by that definition there's only two sig figs so any spl testing would have to be rounded to 130, 140, 150 assuming that temp comes in to play when sound moves through air. :-D
  11. vladd

    Hi, I'm Blake from eCrack.net

    post the link How can I prove myself when you don't give me a chance? This is an introduction... not a review. Also, you ignorantly ignored that I am not merely going to test 2 woofers in one box. Each woofer would go in a range of different boxes. Had you visited the site, you would see the subwoofer testing methodology. Unfortunately for you, you want to remain ignorant and very rude for no apparent reason. Really? THen how are you still here? All you have been doing is acting high and might... like you are the gatekeeper or something. So far you just sound like an angry wannabe. Also, I'm not a bit concerned about your online personna. You're just another fanboy of the "leet" guys out there. I've seen a million just like you. you've posted how many times and not given us one good reason to respect you? list of accomplishments, anything?
  12. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    he struck a nerve with the only changing one variable thing.
  13. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    in and out in 20min would be awesome, lately i have about 30min at the gym and that's it.
  14. vladd

    Hi, I'm Blake from eCrack.net

    I want to see his temperature and humidity controlled room since he's convinced he's going to only change one variable.
  15. vladd

    Hi, I'm Blake from eCrack.net

    First off someone has tested woofers in that manner before, most of the ppl here already know about it. secondly, i'm sure they have more experience than you because of the way you talk. Nothing personal but you haven't stated a single thing so far that would make me want to read a review by you. yes different woofers have different displacements, anyone should know that. Different woofers also behave differently in different enclosures so it's not very fair to test them all in the same one. yes you eliminate your one variable but since the t/s parameters are all different that's a bunch of variables that aren't eliminated. Last, seriously telling me to stop before I look worse? High and mighty won't fly here either, you come to a place that you think is filled with people that need your new ideas of testing when it's all been done before. I assure you i don't look bad at all, though i could use a shower after hitting the gym. I am quite flattered that you're concerned for my online persona though.
  16. vladd

    Hi, I'm Blake from eCrack.net

    And let me go ahead and say you'll find yourself received much better if you don't come in telling us how you know better than the ppl here. just because we have screennames and hide behind a computer doesn't mean that we don't know what we're doing. trust me we have people here that have more experience in audio than you, and we have people that have access to better testing supplies. I realize i come across like an arseho, and i am, but i feel it needs to be said so that you can settle in here before everyone gets a negative opinion of you.
  17. vladd

    Hi, I'm Blake from eCrack.net

    So tell us why you know better than most? I learned in elementary school that when you do an experiment you should only change one variable. of course once i came to this little not well-respected college they taught me that was crap that you'll almost always have other variables out of your control for one reason or another. I suppose you're talking about a big test of woofers where you get a bunch of say.... 12" woofers and then test them all in the same vehicle or vehicles with the same enclosure or enclosure....man i wish someone would have thought of that earlier. if they had they could have done it with 8s!
  18. vladd

    Orion 2500D schematic

    i can't remember the name for the life of me but there was some guy in Tx that repaired amps that specifically repaired a 2500d. i'll see if i can find him, he was on one of the forums, diyma, eca, something.
  19. vladd

    Hi, I'm Blake from eCrack.net

    So you're not trying to sell us on the idea of this website?
  20. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    when i suggested the fitness forum back in the day i suggested it be stuck in with the off topic stuff, right with the hop would be fine by me.
  21. vladd

    Hi, I'm Blake from eCrack.net

    Welcome aboard, but i must say you sound way too much like a salesman for me to buy what you're selling.
  22. vladd

    enclosure help

    you may be able to do two 18" Qs sealed but you'd probably be better off with a pair of 15s or 1 18 (ported)
  23. vladd

    recone kit for Avalanche 15 needed please!

    [email protected] explain what you need, they'll let you know if they can hook you up. But be patient, they don't just have dozens of these things sitting on the shelf waiting for you to order it.
  24. yes you can run the 701 with the optical to the HU and RCAs from it to the amps. it will give you more flexibility than you will ever need if you're running passive components. if i were you i'd either go active or sell the 9861 and get something else, honestly i think the 701+9861 is serious overkill
  25. vladd

    Welcome to the IHoP

    too over the top for me, i appreciate that it's one hell of a car, but wouldn't own it.