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Everything posted by Frostedflakejake

  1. Frostedflakejake

    Significant upgrade?

    How much power do you have?
  2. Frostedflakejake

    Box Design

    Yes I've been using WinIsd for all calculations except for the improper first vent dimensions. That's why im so confused. I thought the "vent match" number on winIsd was a measurement of port velocity and if that number was low, port velocity would be low and then port noise would be low as well. Obviously I'm not fully understanding the concepts. Now to your question, I'm not sure where to enter the power that I'll be using. I was under the impression that you enter the power you're using under the PE section in the T/S parameters. Is that correct (i have 600 in that slot right now)? And is peak port velocity the number in the "vent match" section? I thought it was since that measurement is in Mach. That must not be right though because on all the port options i've listed so far i've gotten good vent match numbers; all around .03
  3. Frostedflakejake

    Box Design

    So i've been working on box design for my new SA-15's. For external dimensions i have: 32 wide x 20.5 tall x 24 deep for 7.55 cubic feet before port volume or displacement. Wood thickness is .75" Then for a port, i would have the dimensions 30.5" wide , 4" tall and then 18.16" deep. I got the port dimensions from CarStereo.com. According to that site, the box is tuned to 32hz. I was wondering if that was correct or not because i know tons of those sites end up being wrong with tuning. Here's a picture describing my plan. The lines in that picture are parallel... I don't know why the camera says differently. So does that sound alright? If not, can someone please correct my math/design? Thank you!
  4. Frostedflakejake

    Box Design

    Okay I have an idea. I hope these posts don't get annoying, but I'd rather try this myself then just have somebody give me measurements and then walk away not learning anything. What if I turn the front into a slot port? 4.5 " wide, 19 " tall, and then 17.43" into the box? I know the cross sectional area isn't as much as 12" per square foot, but if i kerf the side of the port that's inside of the box will I be able to get away with if? I was afraid that with the 5" wide port the port length would be so close to the back of the box. I got a port length that would have to be about 20" leaving only 2.5" from the end of the port to the back side of the box. Thoughts? Feelings? Concerns?
  5. Frostedflakejake

    Box Design

    I appreciate that Ha if only my box wasn't only 24" deep It's looking like i'm going to have to go back to the slot port idea eh?
  6. Frostedflakejake

    Box Design

    Thanks Audibel. However, I don't know and don't know where to find the SD spec or even xmax on the SA-15. The specifications list on sundown audio's website is blank
  7. Frostedflakejake

    Box Design

    Okay that makes sense. If the ends aren't flared though, the same old rule still applies? Here's the skinny, i have till Friday to make this box. I didn't account for port area because I was stupid and lazy and just let winIsd do the work for me. So what I'm left with now is a box with all sides on it except for my baffle. I was going to put ports in the front side of the box and I'm really glad I didn't do it tonight because the port area is horrible too small. The box has to be done by Friday because on Friday I go back to school (9 hours away from home). This is why I'm trying to figure out other methods than PSP ports. I'm afraid if I order ports, they won't be here in time. I really don't want to pay for faster shipping. I could get two 6'' ports to my door by Wednesday for around $80 as a last resort. But that sucks. Do you understand my dilemma? I would love to use some 6" piping of other material but without the flared edges I would need three 6" tubes all 25" long. That's 6' 3'' of tubing and probably wouldn't be all that cheaper than getting two 6" PSP ports. A slot port wouldn't be impossible at this point. I'd just need to do careful cutting. However I don't know how to calculate slot ports So is there anything I can do? I'd rather do the slot port at this point than bite the bullet and buy those PSP ports. But then I also run into the problem of the slotport volume being high enough to put my net volume of the box too small. Can someone calculate a slot port for me? Or more likely, tell me how to? I just don't trust any of those online sites. I've heard way too many that give wrong numbers. i did try using the formula for box tuning with cross sectional area and length of port, but i ended up needing a port about 1243 inches long... so i obviously screwed up somewhere. Help?
  8. Frostedflakejake

    Box Design

    Okay. So I know the usual recommended spec is a 12 sq inches of port for every cubic feet of box space. I must be too tired because that seems absolutely impossible! 7.8 cubic feet * 12 sq inches of port is 93.6 inches of port area right? Well a 6 inch diameter pipe has a surface area of 9pi ~ 28.26 sq inches. So i would need three 6" ports (84.78 sq inches) of port plus a 4" port (12.56 sq inches) to get the right amount of port area?! Is that right or am i overlooking/underlooking something...
  9. Frostedflakejake

    Box Design

    And i remember why i was worried about 6" ports before. The box will be 22.75" tall with the double baffle. I was worried about clearance from the bottom of the subs to the ports. I know that may sound silly, but would that be an issue?
  10. Frostedflakejake

    Box Design

    So how do i tell if i have adequate port area? On a side note, if i up-size the size of the port to 6" inches would that be more beneficial? two 6" ports at 14.31" long? Is there any special material that should be used for the ports? I was just going to use PVC because i had lots of it with an ID of 3" but since I need larger ports and am going to have to buy something then I might as well make sure it's something suitable. But i would like it to be something i can get at my local Home Depot so aeroports are out of the question. Thank-you both for your responses
  11. Frostedflakejake

    Box Design

    What's the advantage?
  12. Frostedflakejake

    Box Design

    Yeah Bromo i didn't trust that. So i used winIsd and now my interior dimensions are 31.5 x 19 x 22.5. Then i'm using four 3" diameter cylinder ports that are 7.16 inches in height. Does that sound more correct?
  13. Frostedflakejake

    Box Design

  14. Frostedflakejake

    T/S specs for SA-15

    My SA-15's came in the mail and im looking forward to building a box for them shortly but i find that there are no T/S specs at all on the SA-15's page over at sundownaudio.com Help?
  15. Frostedflakejake

    T/S specs for SA-15

    Thanks to both of you! Anyone know cut-out diameter?
  16. Frostedflakejake

    2 12 Xs or 2 12 Qs?

    Well I honestly don't know much about the SSD's and now i even know less since they are currently be remodling and only Fi knows when the new ones are coming out. I have no expereince with either the SSD's or the BL; but i would think the SSD's would be easier to make them sound great. If you're stuck on the Q's man then get them! As your first set-up you probably won't be disappointed! And if you wanna switch things up you can always switch stuff around!! When someone with some expereince see's this they'll chime in You check out prodcut rreviews under the Fi threads?
  17. Frostedflakejake

    When are the new SSD subs gonna come out?

    When they're ready to come out. Sorry, but if I recall correctly, Fi never gives out a date. One day you go to sleep with the SSD's still in the works and one day you'll wake up to find that they're in production.
  18. Frostedflakejake

    2 12 Xs or 2 12 Qs?

    What's your experiences with subs in the past? Have you ever owned a Fi sub? It's hard to determine what you think will sound good. And you are correct, with the SSD's or the BL's SQ will be lost but at the same time, they won't sound bad by most peoples standards (assuming you put them in the right box and make correct settings). As a general rule of thumb, if people say they want to be loud but not loose SQ, the Q's aren't for them. The Q is a sound quality driver through and through. Make no mistake about it. It just happens to also have a large enough motor to get decently loud. Use the search function and you'll find TONS of "Should i get a Q or a BL" threads. Find a couple of them and read them over if you have the time. I know you weren't necessarily considering the BL's but usually in those threads the Q's and their uses are talked about in great length. I can say i would easily pick the SSD's or the BL's over the X anyday if the budget didn't matter.
  19. Frostedflakejake

    2 12 Xs or 2 12 Qs?

    If budget isn't a concern then why are you looking at the X's? With that amount of power on tap, the SSD's seem like a viable option. If you're willing to risk SQ for loudness, than the Q probably isn't for you. Do you want to keep your electrical stock? Any reason you haven't considered teh SSD's or the BL's?
  20. Frostedflakejake

    Whats better than a Fi BTL?

    I wish you would have just taken the video and kept your mouth shut. I would have enjoyed it much more.
  21. Frostedflakejake

    Wood Splitting

    If you're using .75" mdf, how are able to be 3" away?
  22. Frostedflakejake

    Crossfire wall build: Update #1

    hahaha two contradicting profile pics ^
  23. Frostedflakejake

    My Girlfriend's 1998 Mustang GT Convertible.

    Sounds like you got yourself a keeper
  24. Frostedflakejake

    getting bit by an 18 inch bug

    Send the man a PM now!! I'm not purchasing the woofers.
  25. Frostedflakejake

    getting bit by an 18 inch bug

    HAHAH the irony. i just pm'd edgar about his 18's. lawls