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Everything posted by Frostedflakejake

  1. Frostedflakejake

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Like when I tell the girl I want some damn eggs
  2. Frostedflakejake

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I'll be sure to include the request in my application Unfortunately, the representatives they sent were pretentious ass-hats.
  3. Frostedflakejake

    nice sounding car system

    I agree with this notion of liking cookies. The best type of cookie I have ever had was a homemade soft baked chocolate chip cookie. And yes, I am attempting to lead this thread more off track than it already was. Cookies anyone? I'm really more of an oatmeal raisin kind of guy. I can also get down for a good peanut butter cookie.
  4. Frostedflakejake

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Good, maybe you can help improve the quality and reliability for them. Perhaps, but I doubt that at this stage in my career that anything of that magnitude will be possible. They are definitely not my first choice of employer, but since I'm in the position I got myself in I'll take whatever I can get. Also applying to Ford, Chrysler, GM, Oshkosh, Harmon, and several branches of the Department of Defense. But none of them seemed excited about me so I'm not as hopefull for them as I am for Nissan.
  5. Frostedflakejake

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Yessir. Engineering - Future Opportunities. Just a summer internship. The guy I talked to at the career fair really seemed to like me so I hope he put in a good word for me.
  6. Frostedflakejake

    what size and type of wire should i connect to my sub

    As far as my understanding goes, yes.
  7. Frostedflakejake

    what size and type of wire should i connect to my sub

    I would. And I would have zero complications with it. As would the OP
  8. Frostedflakejake

    what size and type of wire should i connect to my sub

    You could use 18 awg, 16 awg, 12 awg, 10awg. It doesn't really matter unless your amplifier is an extreme distance away from your subwoofer. You will see no benefit using 10 awg vs 16 awg. Again, for speaker wire, it doesn't make a measurable difference using OFC or CCA. Use whatever you would like. If your wire burns up, its too small. Otherwise it's completely fine.
  9. Frostedflakejake

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Yay! Just finished my application for Nissan Technical Center North America! God I need a job.
  10. Frostedflakejake

    4 Fi SP4 18s on 4 DC 3.5Ks 11hz hairtrickin'

    Because I thought she was wearing an obscene amount of eye shadow. Please forgive me, I'll forever make my future postings on your threads only related directly to the audio aspect of whatever content you post.
  11. Frostedflakejake

    4 Fi SP4 18s on 4 DC 3.5Ks 11hz hairtrickin'

    @3:05, Look out!! That raccoon might give you rabies!
  12. Frostedflakejake

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Yeahhhhhh buddy. What are you majoring in again Stefan?
  13. Frostedflakejake

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Literally my same problem in my Electromagnetism class. Need to get my damn priorities straight.
  14. Frostedflakejake

    FrostedFlakeJake's Picture a Day

    So school has been extremely time consuming. I managed to find some time to head out to the Stamp Sands and have a good time though! Took a picture or two while I was there
  15. Frostedflakejake

    Best mid range?

    If you want to spend the money and the time it takes to effectively run active then go for it. You'll spend hours and hours and hours trying to just get it to sound as good as a $50 component set. But if you really want to run big ass individual mids, by all means go ahead and do it. But don't think it will take 10 hours and you'll be left with an epic sounding front stage. I've always wanted to run large mids myself, but just for the intimidation factor.
  16. Frostedflakejake

    Best mid range?

    Why are you looking at individual mids? Do you have the necessary processing tools and knowledge to effectively run an active front stage? I think component sets are more for you.
  17. Frostedflakejake

    noob question about box

    Can't really tell what you are asking, but if you meant to ask "Should I go with a 15 cubic foot box?", the answer to that is no.
  18. Frostedflakejake

    Welcome to the IHoP

    My cousin, who has absolutely no interest in any type of motorsports, found it captivating. And this was at around 1:30am when he was going to go to bed but he stayed up because the race caught his attention.
  19. Frostedflakejake

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I won't ruin it for you. But there was an epic race long battle for a position and an unexpected accident!
  20. Frostedflakejake

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Don't suppose anyone else just watched the epic AMA Superbike race from Miami? If you haven't, and have the time, and can find it online somewhere, I highly recommend watching it. Very, very exciting race.
  21. Hey, if you want to use a machine and not understand at all in anyway how to safely run equipment go for it! But when you destroy your speakers anyways you won't understand why and you'll be back to square one. Just use your brain. Don't focus on trying to be the loudest when you're listening and setting gains. Focus on minimizing distortion. You do not need a dd-1
  22. Frostedflakejake

    Welcome to the IHoP

    That stinks I replaced my screen last year for a measly $80! Sorry to hear yours is more costly.
  23. Frostedflakejake

    Welcome to the IHoP

    x2. Procrastination on this Verilog assignment myself
  24. Frostedflakejake

    sound processor?

    Many recommend reading, and understanding, the Loudspeaker Design Cookbook. It will probably take longer than you want to fully understand exactly how to optimize an active setup. If you try to run active right now at this point you'll just end up wasting a bunch of time and money. I would recommend buying a component set and just running it passive. With proper installation, I think you'll be happy with the results.
  25. Frostedflakejake

    Hey it's a "help me pick" thread, but don't worry I go

    There isn't a reason, or a good one at least, for you to supply more than the RMS power. You simply won't be able to hear a difference and you have a higher risk of damaging equipment. What you're suggesting to do with the amp and the sub(s) is a fine idea, but yes, keep the gain down. Like others though, I wouldn't entirely suggest switching subwoofers to any of the options you provided. Perhaps buy another w3 or try a different box design to try to better match your goals. I'm afraid you won't see the difference you're hoping for if you replace the w3 with a L.I.