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Everything posted by Frostedflakejake

  1. Frostedflakejake

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Could be!! What aspects make it seem HDR to you?
  2. Frostedflakejake

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Reminds me of someone............ i wonder who..........
  3. Frostedflakejake

    Welcome to the IHoP

    This is one of my favorite landscape photos I've ever seen. The water is so smooth. The colors are so vivid. What an excellent exposure. Good use of law of thirds and using the full frame with that mountain backdrop is awesome.
  4. Frostedflakejake

    Welcome to the IHoP

    haha i guess not! My cousins college graduation is tomorrow! Wish I could celebrate him more, but the rest of us are ridden with final exams this coming week.
  5. Frostedflakejake

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Most people have different people to talk to about things like that. I can mostly agree that having an outlet is a better than not having an outlet. However, some people get strictly negative feedback from their outlet and that only makes the situation worse. And some people don't need to say anything to let things out. Some of use motorsports, music, car drives, exercise, etc. as ways to relieve stress. Also, some people deal with their personal issues personally. Sometimes those people don't always understand the desire/need for people to bring them up over a public forum. I'm not saying either party is right; just trying to play devil's advocate mostly. I'm up. You're up. How do you let things out? I think we all know you listen to music and have a soothing drink Anything else?
  6. Frostedflakejake

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I'll be honest with you ChILL. I can't speak for anyone else here, but I get the sense that you really want to be accepted here. You have to ask yourself why you responded the way you did. I happen to think that some people were a tad harsh, but that's probably due to my sensitivity that comes along with my personality and perhaps my young age. But like Matt just said, that's just the way it is around here. I'm sure you've figured that out now. I know I couldn't respond positively if the people on the Hop said the things they said to you towards me. But I also know that's because of my own lack of self-confidence and my own nature of wanting to be friends with just about everyone. I understand that I am a very sensitive person and will respond negatively just like I've seen you respond negatively (maybe in a different way, but still negatively). As a result, I try to minimize posts that would allow people to pull punches at me, which is evident if you compare my posts per day to yours. Is it a perfect method? No. But I think I don't have as strong as a desire to fit in here as you do, so it doesn't really bother me that I keep to the shadows more than you do. I know that's against your belief of being yourself and flipping the bird towards anyone who has a problem with it; but the issue is that you clearly can't always handle people not agreeing with what you do and how you feel. You've asked them to adjust, which can't hurt, but the best way to get something done is to do it yourself. Even Sean said he wouldn't have a problem with your youtube posts if you listed why the song was meaningful to you or if you discussed your reaction. I know I would surely enjoy your posts more if you spent a minimum of five minutes thinking about the content and the messages you are sending to everyone here; the people you want, or at least you did want, to consider you as extended family. Listen to what the people here tell you. They have told you what they want from you. I can't honestly believe you are naive enough to think that everyone is just going to accept you for who you are. It would be nice if the world worked like that, wouldn't it?
  7. Frostedflakejake


    And he is correct. I'm not on the tech team, clearly, but it's circuit analysis 101. V = IR P = IV P = I^2 R The d2 and the d4 coils will receive a different amount of current due to their difference in resistance. That causes a change in power.
  8. Frostedflakejake

    Stetsom Service

    Wait, Chris isn't over at DB-r anymore? Or is it a multi person business? I always pictured it as a garage based business. I've also had great experiences with Db-r.
  9. Frostedflakejake

    Fi Going Public?

    Why would it be interesting? Everyone would have to pay more for Fi equipment so the dealers could get a profit as well.
  10. Frostedflakejake

    Loud front stage opinions (SQ guys beware, lol)

    You don't need that many supertweeters. I wouldn't even put one in my vehicle. To give you reference, my friend walled off his grand prix with 4 15"s and ran a 151db legal. He had two sets of components in each door. So, two 6.5 and two dome tweeters per door. That kept up just fine with the bass. I would suggest you go listen to some super tweeters before investing. In my opinion, all the ones i've heard are horribly harsh. Like, ear bleedingly harsh
  11. Frostedflakejake

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I love For Whom the Bell Tolls
  12. Frostedflakejake

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Shoot in the same general areas long enough and you'll be dubbed "camera guy" and then the people normally aren't so surprised if you take pictures of them.
  13. Frostedflakejake

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Your wish is my command
  14. Frostedflakejake

    Reselling of car audio?

    That's interesting. There is a ton in metro Detroit. I don't even search out for them and I know of 4 within a 15 minutes of my house.
  15. Frostedflakejake

    Reselling of car audio?

    Do you have the knowledge & discipline it takes to start/run your own business? From the nature of your posts it doesn't seem as if you do.
  16. Frostedflakejake

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Thanks again everyone
  17. Frostedflakejake

    Welcome to the IHoP

    They pay as well! Although I would have taken the job even if they didn't; I really need to experience and I hope to work for Ford full time when I graduate. I applied to 13 positions total at 7 different companies and this is the only position I heard back from. And it was the most desired. Having a good day
  18. Frostedflakejake

    Welcome to the IHoP

    It's a summer internship postition working with Sustainability, Environment, and Safety Engineering (SE & SE). They haven't disclosed my full responsibilities yet. Sorry if I hyped that up to make it seem like a full time "real" job. I've just been working towards this for 3 years now and I'm so excited that it's finally paid off. And thanks Godsmack!
  19. Frostedflakejake

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Feel for you man. Hell weeks are upon me over here. 7 exams in 16 days. Fanks!
  20. Frostedflakejake

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Thanks! Hell yeah! Oh wait... I have to take an exam... and finish this lab report.
  21. Frostedflakejake

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Awwwwwwwwwwww yeah
  22. Okie dokie. Just wanted to be sure no one had a brain fart and overlooked that aspect!
  23. I'm confused. Are those exterior dimensions? If so, how will he have room for the 7" mounting depth of the GCONS?
  24. Frostedflakejake

    Welcome to the IHoP

    It's about time I get my hands on a SSA product You guys are having such good deals I sent my friend over to the store as well
  25. Frostedflakejake

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I often listen to Rammstein as background music while I'm doing something more important. Their music is extremely repetitive and obviously I can't understand the language so it makes it good filler music for me.