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About ineedhelp

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  • Birthday 10/29/1990

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  1. ineedhelp

    new sub setup

    i guess what im asking is will a 15 move more air than 2 12's?
  2. ineedhelp

    new sub setup

    but what would you recomend?
  3. ineedhelp

    new sub setup

    and yeah i made a box for a 15" for my friend today , but i can make whatever
  4. ineedhelp

    new sub setup

    yeah more output. im not sure about the sub, its just an old rockford fosgate, and the amp is called insignia. its really old. guage 4 or 8 wire, whichever is thinner (i forget), and a kenwood KDC-138 head unit
  5. ineedhelp

    new sub setup

    crazy output. my setup right now is pretty weak, so i want something that i can really feel
  6. ineedhelp

    new sub setup

    those are pretty expendsive though..for sub and amp im looking to blow like 400
  7. ineedhelp

    new sub setup

    one last bump, only because i really need advice
  8. ineedhelp

    new sub setup

    il just post links to the stuff im considering, to make it easier http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_14639_Power+Acoustik+BAMF-2000-1D+-BAMF2000-1D-.html http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_8904_Rockford+Fosgate+Punch+P3D215.html https://ssl.perfora.net/www.ficaraudio.com/sess/utn;jsessionid=154a728eefad7b2/shopdata/0050_Speakers/0040_SSD/product_overview.shopscript (the 15) (kinda lame, i know) http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_10146_Rockford+Fosgate+P2L-212.html
  9. ineedhelp

    new sub setup

    i just want more pound, but in an everyday driving situation. like the 12" i have now is ok, but i want more. no, im not set on that amp, but its the cheapest one ive found that has enough power to power a fi ssd 15", which was my first option.
  10. ineedhelp

    new sub setup

    i already have all the wire im going to need, and i have a head unit already.. so all id need is just a sub(s) and a box and an amp.the amp im looking to spend around 180 on, and the subil probably max out at 250.
  11. ineedhelp

    new sub setup

    ok, im new here, so hi i have a small car that i have an old used rockford phosgate 12" sub set up to a really old amp, and im in need of an upgrade. im kind of on a budget. i have a 2000 watt power acoustik amp picked out (with a bass knob), and now im looking for subs. im not sure if i should go with a rockford punch (stage 3?) 15", 2 rockford punch (stage 2?) 12's, or get a fi ssd 15" (probably with the bp power and copper coil)...or if you have any other sugestions in the same price range, please leave them (gotta consider my options eh?) sorry if like my terminology is off im pretty new in the whole car audio thing, but im addicted to bass and cant stop haha thanks guys