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Everything posted by hdrox88

  1. hdrox88

    Recone Question

    If you already have a 2500, the extra electrical load of another 1kw might drop voltage enough to negate the power jump, unless your electrical is setup to handle that level of power. Going from 12" to 15" will give you the boost in output, that amp swap may or may not even be noticeable at that power level.
  2. hdrox88

    Recone Question

    Depending on the box you have it in, the 3500 would be plenty. I am running a zcon 15 on a BC3500 myself.
  3. hdrox88

    sq of the judge

    You might try asking icluphf about some first hand experience, though he hasn't been on here for a bit. He is running two 18" judges on an ns1. Sounds about like what you are asking about here. http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/topic/62337-incriminator-audio-scion-xb-build-2-18-judges-on-an-ns1/ When you ask about the "sq" of a particular driver, it's like saying how well does it work in a "sq" oriented build. You don't seem to want sq, you want loud and sounds good. Loud is easy, sounds good is subjective. We need to know what type of sound you like. What kind of music would you prefer to excel at? What types of setups have you heard in the past? What did you like and dislike about them? What is your budget for electrical? 8k watts worth of amp won't power itself.
  4. hdrox88

    2001 Tahoe daily driver

    I saw these terminals used in a box somewhere so I figured I'd give them a try. They are supposed to fit up to 8 awg wire. Got all the mirrors in place. View looking into the port. The little guy standing on the brace in the last two pics is hard to see in the photos, but it looks like he is about 10' away when looking in the port. Speaker wire and led lights are ready to go. Filling holes and giving the final sand and round-over. Taped and ready for paint. Drying...
  5. hdrox88

    Pontiac G6 with 2 Ethos 18's

    Another possibility, if your vehicle is so equipped, is the electric radiator fan(s) that can pull 20-30 amps or more.
  6. hdrox88

    is this the sp4 era?

    O.o that's jacked
  7. hdrox88

    B2 tahoe

    Holy sexy money pit bat man! Nice ride and build plan. Digging the captain's chairs in the second row, wish my hoe had them.
  8. hdrox88

    Happy Birthday garychurch84

    Happy happy joy joy!
  9. hdrox88

    is this the sp4 era?

    Elemental Designs came up in a quick search. Not sure as to the issue with DSS here on SSA though. I guess I missed it as well.
  10. hdrox88

    Sonic Eletronix or Online Car Stereo

    Another Sonic Electronix shopper here. No problems thus far. No personal experience with onlinecarstereo though.
  11. hdrox88

    2001 Tahoe daily driver

    I'd never cut glass til now. It was a little intimidating at first, but it's all in the score line. That first "cut" was invigorating when it went exactly like it was supposed to.
  12. hdrox88

    2001 Tahoe daily driver

    Test fitting the baffle layers before I glue them together and paint. Not a bad gloss for a rattle can and no sanding between coats. Going to have to remember this can for the future.
  13. hdrox88

    2001 Tahoe daily driver

    The reason shall be revealed soon enough.
  14. hdrox88

    2001 Tahoe daily driver

    I am just using screws and wood glue. I just use the screws as my clamping force. Once the glue is dry, the screws come out so flush trim and round over is a non issue. Who said its not going to be seen?
  15. hdrox88

    2001 Tahoe daily driver

    Yup, satin sapphire to be exact. And wouldn't you know...I ran out. It's coming right along though. The shade should be just right once the top goes on.
  16. hdrox88

    2001 Tahoe daily driver

    Will have to give that a try next time around. This is my first time using body filler on wood, let alone soft mdf. I see what you mean about sanding. Knocking down the Bondo without shredding the mdf took some time. The 80 grit was killing it, I ended up using 220 grit with both a block and an orbital. It's slow, but the finish seems to be smooth enough for spray-on bed liner.
  17. hdrox88

    2001 Tahoe daily driver

    Picked out some paint today. I'm hoping this all comes together well. I'm not sure why a glass cutter is here though.
  18. hdrox88

    2001 Tahoe daily driver

    Thanks, it's looking good so far. I am happy to have the table saw at my disposal. I fired up the 10" miter saw yesterday as well. My grandfather left behind a small wood shop in a shed in the backyard when he passed. There is stuff in there I don't even know how to use yet. Rabbets and biscuits and dados, oh my!
  19. hdrox88

    2001 Tahoe daily driver

    I think I inhaled more than enough dust today. Got all my cuts made, now it just needs put together. I used some scrap mdf to make the rod type brace instead of spending the money on 1.5" dowel rod. Came out well enough. My inner port wall seems to double as a small table. Baffles are cut and ready. I stopped here for the night to let the glue dry before further assembly.
  20. I would suspect a bad connection somewhere. Go over all connections and also check fuses and holders.
  21. So I get through most of the sketch up of a new box and it hits me... My port is 6" wide and where it ends is 6.75" away from the wall of the enclosure. Even though it is more space than the total width of the port, I assume it is close enough that it will effectively create another bend in the port and add more length than I want? It's late, I'm tired, and I think I just wasted the last hour. fml I am curious, at what point does the port end and the perpendicular wall change port length? How close, or far do they need to be?
  22. hdrox88

    2001 Tahoe daily driver

    You must have read my mind. I was thinking the same thing, or maybe a white port.
  23. hdrox88

    2001 Tahoe daily driver

    Wood has been purchased and cuts have started. Still unsure how I want to finish this one though.