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Everything posted by hdrox88

  1. hdrox88

    More power for mids?

    Double post fail.
  2. hdrox88

    More power for mids?

    I'm looking for a step up in output overall. They sound pretty good to me right now.
  3. hdrox88

    More power for mids?

    So, I have been playing with the eq and have gained some output while still sounding pretty good. I just think I may be asking to much of these drivers. I think at this point different drivers and more power are needed to get louder to the level I am looking for.
  4. hdrox88

    Taramp HD6500, Taramp DTX2.4s,Sundown Ca-6.5cs

    Holy upside down pics batman! lol GLWS
  5. Let me start off by saying that the sub in question is in non functioning condition right now, so I can't make any changes or adjustments to see what helps. I am trying to decide on a recone, or another sub choice. I had the sub (D1 coils) running at 2 ohm on a BRZ2400.1D in a 3.2ft^3 net sealed enclosure. 1/0 wire from front battery to a XS D3100 in the rear and then to the amp. I had the LPF set at 80hz with 24db slope and subsonic all the way down on the amp (15hz I think). I have a fairly eclectic music choice, but listen to rock and hip-hop mostly. This thing would hit the lows(40-30hz) nicely. I had a slight tickle in my throat and could visually see my door panels moving with doors closed and windows up. My concern is that it didn't have much power in the higher(60-70 hz) range. When listening to rock, kick drums just didn't have the punch I was expecting. Also, with double bass or anything with any sort of speed or quick transients it just fell apart and ran everything together. A quick example would be Hearts Burst Into Fire by Bullet For My Valentine. There is some double bass work in that song that the xcon simply could not "keep up" with. I also had it in a 2ft^3 sealed box and it wasn't much different. Battery voltage would get down to low 13s when letting it shake things up. Keeping the power and settings the same, the xcon was swapped out for two mtx thunder ported enclosures from my cousins truck. 3 mtx 10" 5500 in each box. That would not go as low as the xcon, but with the rock music it never skipped a beat and double bass was well separated and defined. The chest punching power was there as well, I'm sure cone area played a part in this one.
  6. I've been playing with the ported box for a few days now and I can tell it's starting to loosen up. Holy cow, I went from disappointed to impressed! I was behind my friend in a drive-thru and with just my drivers window open he said he felt it in his chest. Not bad for a single 15 if you ask me. SSA gets two thumbs up from me. Now I just need another one to keep it company, haha.
  7. hdrox88

    2001 Tahoe daily driver

    I'll have to play around some more, it seems like it's a never ending obsession now. On another note... I switched to the ported box and the new found lower frequencies are tripping me out. This thing is digging deep.
  8. hdrox88

    Sub Comparison pics

    Skar VVX-15V1 vs SSA XCON 15
  9. hdrox88

    2001 Tahoe daily driver

    Yes, that's what I was getting at. Would it be better to use physical measurements or the auto t/a feature? I would do my own eq and such.
  10. hdrox88

    2001 Tahoe daily driver

    I'm sure I'll be changing drivers eventually, but I'd like to get comfortable tuning with what I have before throwing more money at it. As for measuring t/a acoustically, how accurate is the auto t/a in the 80prs. I've played with it and it was really close to physical measurement in terms of inches. Could that be used then just turn off the auto eq and set phase, xover, etc. myself? It seems to peak really bad in the 1khz-3khz range. Other than that, my ears aren't good enough to find anything else.
  11. hdrox88

    Rear speaker problem, no separation.

    My money is on SDS from now on for sound deadening purposes. Google sound deadener showdown and click on the first link that shows up. Read everything on that site and it should help you to better understand what you do and don't need to do. It helped me a ton and if you look in my build log, you will see how I went about doing it.
  12. hdrox88

    Slamology 2014

    It looks like an absolute blast! Too bad I'm in AZ. Maybe some year.
  13. hdrox88

    2001 Tahoe daily driver

    Thanks, it does get compliments every once in a while. I have a box waiting for it, just want to get a couple more hours in on the sealed box so I can compare. Box is net 3.5ft^3 @ 30hz with 45in^2 of port. It was already built, it was a fair price, and it is right in the middle of the recommended specs for the sub so I snagged it. It also came with a skar vvx-15v1 in it that I was playing with til the xcon came back. For a 600wrms sub it held it together pretty well for being wired at 2ohm on a BRZ2400.1D. Of course, my nose was on high alert, though I only had a faint smell once and that was just after I shut it down. Looking forward to the XCON in that ported box for sure.
  14. hdrox88

    2001 Tahoe daily driver

    Thanks guys, I'm trying to do things the right way this time around instead of just slapping things together. Got a little update to do... 15" XCON has returned Current orientation Stealth mode, sos nobody sees what I gots.
  15. After playing around with it today, I have to say, it sounds much different than I remember it before. It's so smooth and composed. That nice snappy kick drum is back. 60" of time alignment and a phase change and it is blending well with the front stage. I'm not sure if it was the sub or something I changed inadvertently, but it sounds way better now. I'm not yet sure when I'll make the switch, but I have a box waiting for it, 3.5ft^3 net @ 30hz 45in^2 of port.
  16. hdrox88

    Old vs new xcon

    It's a 15" though being that close up makes it hard to tell.
  17. Just got my xcon back today and I have the day off tomorrow to play so I hope to see if I can address my original concerns.
  18. hdrox88

    Old vs new xcon

    Well, my freshly reconed xcon just came in today and to my surprise, it has the dome cap. Hooray boobs! The big dish will be missed, but the dome is a little larger than I had expected it to be. I think I am actually going to like the new look. I guess that's what happens when you get a real subwoofer. Good thing I have the day off tomorrow to play Edit: forgot the pic
  19. You probably won't like this option, but take the alternator out and take it to AutoZone. Have them test it out of the vehicle. That will tell you if it's the alternator or something else in the wiring. Ah, just realized that was just said above.
  20. hdrox88

    Old vs new xcon

    3k+ on an xcon? Damn! I guess Aaron wasn't kidding when he said they over build their stuff.
  21. hdrox88

    More power for mids?

    I was playing with eq a bit and was able to gain a little more output while still staying tonally pleasing to my ears. I almost always use cuts in the eq, only time I'll boost is the occasional +1 on 20khz to gain a little more sparkle. At this point I think the break up or odd harmonic I seem to be hearing is the surround contacting the door trim on higher excursion and the door trim possibly resonating slightly. I was able to tame it pretty well by bringing the hpf up to 100hz with a 12db slope but the sacrifice in mid bass wasn't so hot. 80hz with a 24db slope seems to sound pretty good at moderate to high listening levels.
  22. hdrox88

    Team IAK IronMan Explorer

    Makes me feel poor. Of course, going for broke like this can make anyone poor. Hopefully everything goes off without a hitch when it comes time to make some noise.
  23. When you have the time, you could go back to stock and make sure everything is working correctly. Then just change one thing at a time until the problem does, or doesn't show itself. Process of elimination should work here since you didn't do a ton of stuff at once.
  24. I'd start by reinstalling that wire to the fuse box. It came from the factory so it may be needed.
  25. Provided you double checked the wiring and solid grounding, where did the alt come from?