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Everything posted by hdrox88

  1. hdrox88

    2001 Tahoe daily driver

    So far with the new box it seems to get louder the lower the note, this thing is loving the mid 20s. 25-26hz is pretty wild considering what I have, My SSF is at 23hz. The top end seems to roll off in the 50s. Adding in the extra filler to drop the net volume down a bit seems to have helped the xcon keep its composure, but it didn't seem to make any difference in freq response.
  2. hdrox88

    2001 Tahoe daily driver

    Just added .26ft^3 of scrap mdf in the box to bring net volume to 3.99ft^3 @ 29.73hz. Curious to see how much of difference it makes.
  3. hdrox88

    Ethos and Trident preorder

    Not quite yet. Hoping in a week or so. I'll open sales on facebook. I only have 35 available so keep a look out. Anticipation is rising, hoping I can get one of the 35 that will be available.
  4. hdrox88

    2005 tahoe road to 150+ db

    Why so soon?
  5. hdrox88


    No problem. That wire is calling my name, you have a pm.
  6. hdrox88

    2001 Tahoe daily driver

    I was demoing for friends and ended up flexing the glass storefront of a restaurant at 25hz. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Will have to see if I can get some video without disturbing business.
  7. hdrox88

    Happy Veteran's Day!!!!

    Happy Veterans Day, to those who are still with us and those who gave it all.
  8. hdrox88

    Veterans Day Sale | Now thru Wednesday.

    "VERTERANS"? We all make mistakes just thought I'd bring it up before some wise guy decides to make a scene. SSA store sales
  9. hdrox88

    Thinking of switching sub setup..

    Just stop. You are not making anything better. Just let it go. Next time you want to give advice about a product you know nothing about, don't. Or, do, and just add in somewhere, "OPINION NOT FACT" so there is no confusion that you are talking out your rumpelstiltskin.
  10. hdrox88

    SETTING FOR AMP 2200 For 2 12in HDC3

    Is this your first time setting up an amp/sub combo? What kind of experience do you have? What does the rest of the audio system consist of? Alternator, batteries, listening habits? More info is needed before anyone can really begin to help. Help us to help you.
  11. hdrox88

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    Just don't tell 'her' that. Lol couldn't resist.
  12. hdrox88

    External PA Speaker?

    Kicker has some horns for use on wakeboard boat towers. Might be worth a look as well considering they are designed for a wet environment. Edit: Godsmack kinda beat me to it: marine horns.
  13. hdrox88

    Thinking of switching sub setup..

    After re-reading the first post, a new box with more port area is kinda the opposite of what you were asking about as that would not be giving you a smaller box. Considering the box it is in now, going sealed may not be as big of a loss in output as you might be anticipating. It might even sound better, only one way to find out though.
  14. hdrox88

    External PA Speaker?

    This might not be super durable, but may be an idea to start with. Wrap said horn in pantyhose and spray with scotch-guard? Should be acoustically transparent and keep moisture at bay.
  15. hdrox88


    Thanks again for the super smooth transaction. The amp was spotless as described and works great. Thumbs up from me.
  16. hdrox88

    2001 Tahoe daily driver

    I bought it from DedicatedEnthusiast in the for sale section. He shipped next day.
  17. hdrox88

    Thinking of switching sub setup..

    The 12.5 inches Q mentioned is the port area. 12.5 in^2 is very low for port area on a 12" sub. A new box would be your best bet at this point.
  18. hdrox88

    2001 Tahoe daily driver

    New amp. I still have the xcon wired to 2 ohm so not much of a power difference, but I have some good power on tap for the next step.
  19. hdrox88

    2001 Tahoe daily driver

    I'm still running the ID tweeters and Seas mids on the PPI amps. Now that I've got some play time on the seas I need to do a little more tuning, just need to find the time. They sound really good to me as they are, I just feel they can do better. I just sold my hifonics and purchased a BC3500. I hope to get in line for a trident 18.
  20. hdrox88

    2005 tahoe road to 150+ db

    Sweet! Now you are knocking on the back door of a 152. Keep it up.
  21. hdrox88

    Ethos and Trident preorder

    Q, if the ethos is your daily sub entry into the market, where would the trident fall in line? Is it going to be strictly a spl sub? Or a higher power option for daily pounders? Or a different category altogether?
  22. hdrox88

    2005 tahoe road to 150+ db

    How is the fan noise with the amp being that close to the front? Not while at full tilt, just at like low and medium volume levels. You should be able to smash your goal of a 150 now! Looking good.
  23. hdrox88

    2001 Tahoe daily driver

    I think I might have over shot on the net volume. At times it seems to have a little slop to it, though it is only some songs so maybe it's just the music. I am considering adding some bracing and some kind of block/filler to drop net volume to 4ft^3. Tuning will rise a tiny bit, but not enough to make much of, if any, difference. I can wail on this thing for an hour with the dust cap only getting just slightly warm. Haven't smelled any coil yet either. Kinda curious what more power might do as well. Only time will tell.
  24. hdrox88

    trying to figure out some problems with my car

    Ok, what you say makes sense. Sounds like a wire issue somewhere. Maybe bass has caused wires to rub raw somewhere? I had a caged Tacoma and the vibration of the tire tread and extra rigid chassis caused a wire to rub through to metal behind my dash and my cluster did some weird things and then just popped the fuse. Very different circumstances, but maybe the same problem.