An update, I just got a Orion 2500d, its pushes 2500 watts at 1 ohm. It has 2 power and 2 ground. I am going to use this amp. What Electrics would I need as far as Alternator, Battery, and second (battery?) if you could link me where I could buy. It pushes 1700 watts at 2 ohms @ 13.8 volts. I think that is what I am going to run it at. I know I can get more wattage out of running it at 1 ohm, but on Fi site they say dual 1 is like .7 ohms per voice coill. meaning 1.4 ohms is what it would be actually running. I think I want the fi btl 12 in fully loaded. Do you think that this will be appropriate or am I under powering it?