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Everything posted by Shogen

  1. Lol I don't even own a PRS 8xx and I knew that! *waits for him to come back amazed with the change* Eat my poop nino!
  2. I have to take the HU out to do this?
  3. I don't think I do... I just came back from the car and it only allows me adjustment of left and right separate or together... from 200hz to 50hz... on F.HPF1 and R.HPF1
  4. Yes it goes much higher than 2k. WTF!! I'm going into my car right now!
  5. Shogen

    2 18 BTLs, weird bottle trick

  6. Does the HPF go high enough for a tweeter though? Like 2k plus?
  7. Yes you can. Did you miss this post The sub has a LPF. The mid has a HPF and a LPF (Bandpass) The high has a HPF lol... I did miss that post... I guess I need to revisit the HU since manuals never help me anyway...
  8. I'm looking in the manual and it mentions nothing of a sort.... POOP! I know you have/had a P8xx series HU, so you know if you did it or not right?
  9. I see.... Well, then that leaves a hole because I'd need to highpass the tweet and there is not way to do so...
  10. I didn't see the options and you'd think in the manual it would clearly state "bandpass"
  11. I have an 800... Are you sure I can? I haven't seen any options that look remotely similar to bandpass SHYT!! I have a P880.... Somehow forgot...
  12. I have an 800... Are you sure I can? I haven't seen any options that look remotely similar to bandpass
  13. If I could have a HU that had bandpass option alone I think I'd be happier than ever right now.... Could you maybe point to one or two with that option? Price not a concern for the time being...
  14. lol...I thought it looked weird with the control setup but it does something nicely. Bandpass which I've not seen in a HU. Unless I've yet to discover my P800
  15. Shogen

    Small application cap

    or those new RF amps that are crazy small... Although I think those options may both be power hogs
  16. Shogen

    Small application cap

    Dude, I found a picture of you on the internets..: speakerboy = Data from Goonies On a serious note, I like your enthusiasm!
  17. Shogen

    First wall in the WaGoN! 4 15" DCONs... :)

    looking good... The batteries going in the spare tire well?
  18. Shogen

    '97 Toyota Celica Wall Build

    looking good!!!
  19. Shogen

    * Trevor's 2010 Audi A4 Trunk Build. Sundown. Fi. *

    nice car trev... It's gonna be a nice clean build I can see already
  20. Shogen

    SSD15 Sealed Enclosure???

    Save up the money yet???
  21. Shogen

    is this true???

    Fi manufactures SSA subwoofers to SSA specs. Been there done that.
  22. Shogen

    Classifieds Poll

  23. Sooo.. I've have my Xcon for quite some time now and I love it. I'm hoping to save some monies up by summer time to order some SSD's .That's right I want to go dual. . I have had experience with sealed and ported which were great. So here's the question: Which would be louder, 2-12" SSD sealed or 2-10" SSD ported? Power: Crescendo Audio bc3500d @ 2 ohms. Which produces about 1800w on the top end.