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Everything posted by Shogen

  1. Shogen

    some questions on losing some weight

    ewww... how tall are you? jk,,, but really how tall are you? I'm 5'10" and hover around 190-193...
  2. Honestly... I think whats best is to stick to produce... As much as it may be hard... Salads, with just a touch of vinegar are great... Eating cereal (dry) no milk.... No more bottled juices.. Maybe just Welsh's Grape juice... But water is key my son.... water is key
  3. this is great!!! good luck on your journey... God Bless you and your fam Chainsaw
  4. Shogen

    The PT Bruiser, 159.5db!!

    nice work Drew!!! took you long enough!
  5. Shogen

    Random YouTubes

    hope she's 18 bro... great you know..
  6. Shogen

    Random YouTubes

  7. Shogen

    Random YouTubes

  8. Shogen

    Random YouTubes

  9. Shogen

    Random YouTubes

  10. Shogen

    Random YouTubes

  11. Shogen

    Random YouTubes

  12. Shogen

    Random YouTubes

  13. Shogen

    Random YouTubes

  14. Shogen

    Random YouTubes

  15. Shogen

    New Site

    nice.. finally loads like a normal page and it looks great... I think I just enjoy dark backgrounds on websites..
  16. Shogen

    Sundown : Reference SQ Component Set

    pretty sweet!
  17. will tomorrow too dark to take pics now lol pics now??
  18. crazy nice man!!! went up too fast it seems!
  19. Shogen

    Air helper spring kit.

    http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=bl_sr_automotive?_encoding=UTF8&field-brandtextbin=Air%20Lift&node=15684181#/ref=sr_nr_p_36_2?rh=n%3A15684181%2Cp_4%3AAir+Lift%2Cp_36%3A1253495011&bbn=15684181&ie=UTF8&qid=1337239128&rnid=386419011 Why are there soooo many kits? Is it just fittings or the air bags themselves different sizes???
  20. Shogen

    Air helper spring kit.

    which kit did you end up ordering phil?
  21. Shogen

    Air helper spring kit.

    Anyone have the link for his old one handy? edit: found it
  22. Shogen

    Swift's 2 18in FI SP4s in 07 F250 HD

    looks amazing!!! love the finish of the box... looks plush... explain pls?
  23. Shogen

    Ascendant going SSA style?

    SAME! ... lol ... give us a working link broski!!!
  24. Shogen

    SAZ-2500D v.2 Prototype Completed
