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Everything posted by Shogen

  1. Sadly still having this issues... MechMan offered to have me send it out for an adjustment but I've already the mechanic twice for an alternator swap $70 x 2 = $140 plus it cost me $20+ to ship it.... Unfortunately lost my employment and couldn't really afford to have another swap done or be without my car while I hustle to do work on the road.... I waste ALOT more gas than I ever did before because I have to keep my foot on the accelerator to keep my car from dipping below 12v when idling or at a red light..... Listening to music with the car off yields more voltage .... Sadly I think they should've offered to refund some money so I could send it out or send me a freaking label as I know that CAN be done... /rant.... It works when driving or gassing the car .... FML
  2. Shogen

    Just WTF.....???

    Had to re-post this video....
  3. Shogen

    Opinion's on new subs ????

    2 xcon. And low tuning. Big box. End thread....
  4. Shogen

    Cablguy184's 97 Chevy Silverado

    looks sick man!!! Can't wait for the build updates!!!
  5. Shogen

    Another bloody calculator

    Perhaps I should add an excerpt on vent mach. For now I'll just say that vent mach / port speed is the speed at which air is being excited in the port. If it's too high it causes port noise, and port compression. The more port area you have, the lower the port speed will be--generally (I say generally because changing the tuning frequency also effects this speed). What affects vent mach? port area, tuning, and a driver's ability to displace air. It's calculated from a driver's t/s specs, power, tuning, and port area. So port area isn't dependent on enclosure volume, sorry 12-16 rule. I've used your ports galore and figured a nice box for my Xcon but I think it's too big for me.... At least to get it within the tuning and port area.... not sure but that one I've been using seems to be off in comparison to Torres when you look at slot port length.. Not sure but it's not the same as Torres
  6. That way, I have 0 voltage loss, more power. you also have a bit overkill in the selection of ladies available to you... just sayin'
  7. whatever fits... 8ga is a tough one to get in subwoofer terminals so I'd say stick with 10+
  8. Shogen

    Another bloody calculator

    cool...I liked your ports galore link too... FYI.... not all that sure about vent mach and it's relation to tuning/port area .... or really how it affects sound.... just yet
  9. Shogen

    dd-1 or scope???

    lol..... this^^^ Use your ears and if that isn't good enough, then turn it down.... all the way
  10. Shogen

    sundown lincoln

    cray vid Jon! I need to say goodbye to my trunk so I could do something fantastic with my Xcon... lol
  11. Shogen

    Port area FI BL's

    http://portsgalore.stefanhinote.com/?do=portarea try that link out...
  12. Shogen

    12" SSA Xcon on 600 RMS

    looks great Rick!
  13. Shogen

    sundown lincoln

    Great stuff Jon.... Wish I could get my some Sundown 12s .....
  14. Shogen

    6 SSA DCON 15's Walled/92 Chevy

    looks pretty nice man! Good work!
  15. Ditto to that.. .Alton you a good dude.. Quentin, good luck at the hospital
  16. Shogen

    Had a good weekend

    wow! Great stuff swift.... Sen is wack, and his truck is beautiful! .... That Blazer looks like it sounds shitty... 6-1/2s in the dash???
  17. Shogen

    Vid of my Sp4's shaking some ground

    umm...can we say insane!!!!
  18. Gee, thanx.... I think..... LOL! I can draw up something if you'd like. I'll be glad to help out! lol...just messing... it was a compliment mainly...lol
  19. WOW! Complete fail... I think I shouldn't be on the forum after 2am... Well, I know what "BEAST" means.... hahaha... I just can't fcking read... Maybe someone will be nice enough... Alton may show up eventually... He's pretty nice about it... Although he's ugly, but don't fault him for that!
  20. D1ck! Lmao. I think we all know what sick means. But tbh, beat means shit/shot/garbage/fckd/ etc... example: Guy #1: "Ayo, check shorty over there" Guy #2: "man, that b1tch is beat, she ain't even got a ass"
  21. Shogen

    Sundown : Reference SQ Component Set

    They do look amazing! Separate please. :-)
  22. I've been looking for specs myself and came across this old post, which is really disturbing. "optimum performance" for what? power handling? SPL? LFE? SQ? One optimum box size for say a civic isn't going to be as optimum as one for a suburban. An optimum box for a SPL competitor is totally different than an optimum box for a SQ competitor. There are ranges for a reason... You use what works for you... And obviously you can tweak the specs a bit to fit your needs... It's all about testing really...
  23. Damn I didnt make the list. You're under the few others category