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Everything posted by Shogen

  1. Shogen

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I bet it takes me less time to make chili with all fresh ingredients than it takes you to make it with off the shelf stuff. Knife skills are the key to cooking. Obviously there aren't so many needed for chili, but nonetheless I am not slow at anything I do. hmmmmmmm....... resist! I'm good for at least 15 seconds. RESIST!!!!
  2. Shogen

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    I bet it takes me less time to make chili with all fresh ingredients than it takes you to make it with off the shelf stuff. Knife skills are the key to cooking. Obviously there aren't so many needed for chili, but nonetheless I am not slow at anything I do. hmmmmmmm....... resist!
  3. Shogen

    SP4 Caught On Fire!!!!

    scary, hope you recover quickly OP ..... kinda thinking it's user error/unknown variables with setup
  4. Shogen

    Team IAK IronMan Explorer

    looking INSANE!!!
  5. Shogen

    Front Projector H/T setups

    looks amazing!!!
  6. Shogen

    This video owns any system ive ever seen

    def alot of work!
  7. Shogen

    Team SSA MB W140

    Looks sexy
  8. Shogen

    15" SSA Xcon D1

    Hmmm.... let me think about it
  9. Shogen

    15" SSA Xcon D1

    whatcha got Sean?
  10. Shogen

    15" SSA Xcon D1

  11. Shogen

    Where to get supliments

    The jugs are only like $0.75 more, and you don't have to deal with a possible mess? they charge .75 per lb which can get annoying if you order like 15-20 lbs of stuff.... or high dollar proteins..... just my opinion.... I mean I ain't cheap but shyt it's extra monies....lol
  12. Shogen

    Crescendo component sets coming soon.

    shyt MAC you're alive!!! maybe I just haven't noticed you on but I feel you were under a rock or something
  13. Shogen

    Forum Upgrades.

  14. Shogen

    06 R53 4 SA-12's, AQ2200

    what are you tuned too? port looks MASSIVE in that mini... lmao
  15. Shogen

    Where to get supliments

    just make sure if you order just get the bags even if they're a bit messy.... no sense spending all that extra on the jug non-sense.... unless you buy it one time and then re-use it for the next order... that's what I plan to do
  16. Shogen

    Where to get supliments

    been hearing great things about hydrolyzed whey protein.... been looking into it myself but being jobless has prohibited me from spending anything on supps./audio/fun .... WTF! FML!
  17. Shogen

    Another day at the office

    amaze balls!!!
  18. Shogen

    Forum Upgrades.

    looks kinda cool..... working fast... but I need black background... lol
  19. Shogen

    SSA Evil 18" Goodies

    Unfortunately it is extremely inaccurate... Sen is like 5'2" and 110lbs.... sub looks fcking amazing though!!!
  20. Shogen

    15" SSA Xcon D1

    My wording sucks... yea running at 2ohms but no vids off that amp I have some when it was running off the jl 500/1... I'll link it when I'm.back from the gym. LEG DAY ftw!!!
  21. Shogen

    My "Why Fi" Promo vid :D Pls Like :)

    nice!!! liked!
  22. Shogen

    Hey guys new here...

    welcome sir!!!
  23. Shogen

    New Here

    welcome sir!!!