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Everything posted by Shogen

  1. question, you're ordering 2 - 12" X series? and I'll need a good price on whichever you don't end up liking.... lol .... jk
  2. Shogen

    15" SSA Xcon D1

  3. why couldn't you do that with the zcon? just wonderingI doubt 2hz is gonna make that big if a difference. Op maybe a 12" Icon or Xcon might do the trick. Its hard to say what the Xs can do since they aren't even out yet. to us/you it might not but he has a goal in mind and it might be clouding his listening in a way.... you know once you get the idea in your head this is what you want then you start to chase it.... my suggestion stands for you Bass, if you think it might make a difference and you have the wood and are willing to do the work then I say go for it.... After that you see what you wanna do, if you still want the X series then go for it and let us know how it sounds..... but don't drop the Zcon too quickly so you can switch back if you feel the need.
  4. Shogen

    4 week out prep

    I was gonna ask if you were taking creatine since I know it holds water. Workout looks great man! I've been pre-workout free for like 2-3 months. Sucks actually but I'm literally broke so its one of the things I need to cut. Lol
  5. Shogen

    4 week out prep

    Good stuff dj. What weight are you trying to reach or are you only after the bf% you have I'm mind?
  6. Shogen

    4 week out prep

    Oooops I missed this lol... reading now
  7. Shogen

    FAT Loss

    Geez! I'm only able to read al this cuz I'm.on the shitter right now with the squirts. Nice post. Now give us a thread on your bb stuff. I find it very interesting to see people's transformations. :-P
  8. Also what impedance are you running the bc3500 at?
  9. I think you're not giving the zcon enough credit. If you're up to it you should rebuild a new box tuned where you want it. Then fix your amp settings and wang!
  10. why couldn't you do that with the zcon? just wondering
  11. what are you tuned at right now?
  12. lol..... it's your choice/monies.... I guess you could do that and figure out which to keep?
  13. good thing you took our advice... lol .... :-)
  14. how is the loudness compared to the 2 - 12s????
  15. Shogen

    15" SSA Xcon D1

  16. Shogen

    Random YouTubes

  17. Shogen

    Random YouTubes

  18. Shogen

    1969 Camaro

    gorgeous bro!!!
  19. Shogen

    2- IB315 in the trunk

    Thanks! My wife its going to give birth to our daughter within the next few weeks. I will get ahold of you shortly after for a meet up! Congrats! Yea, let me know...... I'm hoping I get this job with Google 3rd party so I might have some work done on the Camry by then
  20. Shogen

    Team IAK IronMan Explorer

    I've been looking for them for a while now.... I might try a different route... but looks sweet Sen!! Fix the fcking LED strip though, don't be lazy!!!!
  21. Shogen


    Glad to see you posted .... Love Scott and the team .... any and all improvements are greatly welcomed ... I'd apply for a job but it's quite a distance from NJ.... lol
  22. Shogen

    box question

    I could've wrongbut your port looks too small in my opinion. Why do you need the divider?
  23. glad you and your friends like it.... shame about the install though.... the casing is excellent on the ZED amps
  24. Shogen

    Weight Measurements

    Almost 30lbs? I guess it could be.... lol ... so actual weight is what I'm after.... lol
  25. Shogen

    Weight Measurements

    the site says a 12" Zcon is 73lbs???? wtf!!! I think they are overestimated maybe