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Everything posted by Shogen

  1. Shogen

    Surround repair....

    Thank ya kindly!
  2. Shogen

    Surround repair....

    Where you buy it from ?
  3. Shogen

    Surround repair....

    I didn't mean pull it apart.... put yea I'll take out the subwoofer and see if it even punctured all the way through, couldn't tell ...
  4. Shogen

    Surround repair....

    Also, should I try to "spread" the tear a little to make sure glue gets in the tear?
  5. Shogen

    Surround repair....

    THanks for quick replies.... I kinda wanna murder someone now so it is making me feel better to know I can fix with these...
  6. Shogen

    Time for new subs what to get??

    FYI..... BL is the same price..... just sayin' .... but you have to factor in shipping costs...
  7. Shogen

    Time for new subs what to get??

    Not the same type of woofer.... both great but different goals.... I love me some Xcon but I always look at BLs and just stare at them....
  8. Shogen

    Time for new subs what to get??

    Xcon, Icon, Gcon .... Or Fi BLs and save a bit of monies for some other stuff
  9. Shogen

    My friends 4 Mile Wheelie.. CBR 600

    lucky ... your highway looks amazing .... try that in NJ or NYC ... lmao
  10. Shogen

    So I found my noise issue....

    lol... yea Pico fuse on Pioneers are pretty common from user error.... but I might have lucked out... I'll find out whenever I hook up a sub amp again and connect the same RCAs I unplugged Lol I was actually asking to try and learn Also I have a pioneer hu myself, and from what I just read these bad boys have a problem with that. I couldn't exactly tell with the responces given already but that's the hint I got. Who know I might have to do the same down the road
  11. Was getting a CRAZY buzz/hum.... from the tweeters... thought it was amp.... HU pico..... not sure.... been going for a week after I switched the amps.... Well finally got it nailed to RCAs behind the HU .... BUT .... I need to find a permanent/neat way of creating this ground connection.... What I did was wrap the RCAs in copper but it is sooooo bulky...... what are some ideas? any pics or links to the idea would be greatly appreciated... I got so fcking annoyed that I took out the HU for now as I cannot tolerate the sound at all
  12. Shogen

    Window shopping...

    (literally a browser window) So I was looking at amps as I always do... I just love fcking looking at them.... pricing out what I like and then starting all over again... Recently went to woofersetc and found this company 'Wet Sounds' The pricing is around the same ball park of ZED Audio... These are "marine" products apparently but they look pretty nice. Anyone ever heard of them before? They pretty much make everything.. A $700 subwoofer is available too... GEEZ!!!
  13. Shogen

    So I found my noise issue....

    I sense the sarcasms ... lol ... they are strong with this one....
  14. Shogen

    2010 Malibu SQish

    Ahh.. I see it now.... that's an awesome idea
  15. Shogen

    2010 Malibu SQish

    is that regular trash liner???
  16. Shogen

    2010 Malibu SQish

    I see... adding mass to the panels?
  17. Shogen

    Window shopping...

    Yea, I saw they mentioned nothing much on tech/specs for any of the subwoofers really... That amplifier reminded me of the Zapco a bit.... which I might add is on some kind of sale recently at woofersetc... lol ... I window shop like a mother fcker !!!! hahahahaha well not really looking much like it... just somehow thought of it when I was reading the info... I really a ZED or Zapco amp ... I just want something USA made in my stereo ... lol
  18. Shogen

    Install log on the SSA Mazda's

    minotaur 2 or 3???? I wants one BADLY... I'd consider doing things for it... lmao
  19. Shogen

    Install log on the SSA Mazda's

    The ride.... lol .... when driving maybe? What part?
  20. Shogen

    smd dd1

    true... but I think the main focus here is that "most" people shouldn't be using a DD1 and then just going fcking haywire .... lol ... also the double/triple RMS and high SPL argument is not valid particularly because 1. most wouldn't use it for their setup (maybe to find HU distortion?) 2. you can't hear anything at most high SPL levels... lol IMO
  21. Shogen

    smd dd1

    I think the point is.... the environment in which the tests are performed are only accurate at the time they are tested and never again.... car never runs exactly the same voltage and the music is never just a 40hz or a 30hz or a 25hz or a 100hz tone.... it is VARIABLE... which then makes the so-called clipping variable which means it's never the same and never ever ever will you be 100% clip-free.... distortion free YES... but that is done by ears .... I used the DMM method and actually didn't feel comfortable going by an algorithm that isn't my car's actual numbers...
  22. Shogen

    EVIL Tahoe | Mark's SSA DEMO MACHINE **new pics p8**

    When you build.... I will come.... literally... I'll make the drive to Putnam.... No question about it... maybe I'll have the Camry looking better... or at least sounding better.... lol
  23. Shogen

    F/S Pre-done Big 3 cut to size needed!

    Hook a brother up... PM sent
  24. Shogen

    (4) 12" Ported Enclosure

    sexy suede!!!!