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Everything posted by Shogen

  1. Shogen

    Shogen's Photos...

    This is my little cousin... she's 13 so watch yourselves creepy old men!
  2. Shogen

    Flatline Audio Amplifier Testing Results.

    lmao... literally
  3. Shogen

    Ethos 15 free air

  4. Shogen

    SSA Evil vs Fi SP4

    I was actually expecting that to happen.... At least give some more info on the Evil .... maybe?
  5. Shogen

    Ethos final production info

    too fcking sexy Quen!!!
  6. Shogen

    SSA Evil vs Fi SP4

    Didn't expect something that comical from nick .... lmao!!! Yeah haha that was.. enlightening..
  7. Shogen

    SSA Evil vs Fi SP4

    no need for apologies... just trying to help the thread move along positively instead of getting completely derailed.... I'm just gonna lurk now in here as I have no more input... lol
  8. Shogen

    SSA Evil vs Fi SP4

    That should have been the main question and possibly more info about what you're wanting... get me?? lol
  9. Shogen

    SSA Evil vs Fi SP4

    I get that.... but the thread should be about the goals and whether a SP4 would meet those goals or an Evil will meet those goals... You cannot pin up 2 drivers against each other without warrant... Ex: "I want more SPL because my current xxx doesn't do it for me.... Can the SP4 in the same/similar situation provide me with more blah? " Just saying... It's hard to pin one against another, especially if the drivers specs are not identical or goals are not the same.... end rant ... Continue Exactly my point, there are quite a few people around here curious about the same thing that's why I made the thread.
  10. Shogen

    SSA Evil vs Fi SP4

    I think the main problem is there are NO VS THREADS ALLOWED..... stated in the rules .... that is all ... Obviously, you already said that.. I never said that or even acted like I assumed that if the baskets are same the subwoofer is the same.. Tons of subs share parts including baskets. but what makes the Evil better? thats the question Or even if its not better, how much different will they sound? and as far as goals go which ways do the SP4 and evil lean? I'm trying to decide which one would fit me best. Maybe I'm not getting that across Idk.
  11. Shogen

    Higher Xmax than 27mm option

    people hate you.... fixed your negative score... lol thats not what 90% of people think.. im constatntly aruing with people on facebook,. " ah that sub sucks .... " me.. no itt does not " then whats the Xmax on it" GRRR
  12. Shogen

    Pricing math.

  13. Shogen

    Fi SSD or Fi Q @ 1200w

    how?????? lol... I find horse shyt on CL .... maybe I suck at searching ..... sad
  14. Shogen

    12’’ FI Q Dual 1

    has the sub been tested? vid of it playing free-air? Pics of sub with DMM measure of coils???? Thanks!
  15. Shogen

    got a new toy for the summer!

    that river looks awesome... and your gf is tiny Jon... holy smokes... looks naked under that pool chair! wtf man?!?!?!?!
  16. Shogen

    Bedroom/PC receiver thoughts? Suggestions?

    thanks for that linkage.. I used that site when I got my first headphone amp..
  17. might be getting a gift from the lady soon .... My Marantz is on the fritz and I haven't called a dealer yet for anything BUT .... it's about 5yrs old not that I think it's old but I wonder what its gonna cost me to fix... it does a cycle boot kinda like a computer... Turns on, screen display comes up, blue activity light comes on, then shuts of into standby and the red standby light comes on... repeat... sometimes the characters looks like Chinese on the screen display ... fckin weird and sucks.... I use this Marantz in the bedroom hooked into my PC .. The model is SR-5002. It's great but who knows if it can be repaired and stay that way... I'll look into the cost but as I was telling the lady about it she offered to "replace" it soon as a belated b-day gift. I was looking at this Cambridge 2.1 amp setup ... no video inputs JUST sound... it got great reviews for headphone output as well which I am using Beyerdynamic DT770 Pros with the Marantz.. A gut shot for you dirty dudes....