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Everything posted by Shogen

  1. Shogen

    Subwoofer Dilemma!!!!!!!!

    Also, flex isn't a characteristic sought after in this world... it's actually the signs of negative impacts ...
  2. Shogen

    Subwoofer Dilemma!!!!!!!!

    what??? this dude is all over the place... get Gcons.... use rest of money for install and electrical .... BAM DONE!!!
  3. Shogen

    Subwoofer Dilemma!!!!!!!!

    you said 1G .... so wouldn't 4 -15" Xcons break that budget???? just wondering, I mean we all have pipe dreams ... lol
  4. Shogen

    2010 Malibu SQish

    proceed to hang around until you feel compelled to clean up my install.... lol
  5. Shogen

    JL 500/1 version 2

    lol bump
  6. Shogen

    2010 Malibu SQish

    holy smokes man!!! I need to become your friend IRL .... I don't know anybody with your skill close to me....lol ... Great work!
  7. Shogen

    JL 500/1 version 2

  8. Shogen

    Few pics of the Caddy

    sexy caddy... system?
  9. Shogen

    Cablguy184's 97 Chevy Silverado

    so beautiful!!!
  10. Shogen

    JL 500/1 version 2

  11. Shogen


    can you remove the transaction from your paypal?
  12. Shogen

    Install log on the SSA Mazda's

    nice !!!
  13. Shogen

    PHATBOi's Sundown X12 Build

    nice start!!! what you do mean??
  14. Shogen

    JL 500/1 version 2

  15. lmao I know... I will do it soon, before the end of fall season ...
  16. If I had money to spend to race I would be .... is that you with the nipple ring??? lol ... sessy boiiii !!! If you have a chance sign up for one of the Spartan, Warrior Dash or Savage races. There are more but I haven't tried them yet. I am doing the Savage Race tomorrow!! 5-7miles with 15 obstacles iirc.
  17. Shogen

    Happy Birthday Peter M!!

    Happy Birthday ! enjoy the new gray hairs....lol
  18. Shogen

    Happy Birthday Julian!

    hbd sucka!!!
  19. Shogen

    2010 Malibu SQish

    gorgeous man!!! gorgeous .... keep it up wrench!!! I saw your name real quick on the homepage and then it went away ... took me a bit to find it... lol ... more pics more pics!!!
  20. Shogen

    X reviews?

    I just want to see it... didn't realize people can't share a video just cuz you wanna show off your shit... he has a new setup and I want to see ... lol .. also ... curious*** :-p
  21. Shogen

    Happy Birthday Adrian!

    enjoy the day adrian!!!
  22. Shogen

    X reviews?

    vids!!! now!!! go somewhere. anywhere... gas station... 7-eleven.... 24hr walmart... just fcking record it man!!!! please How do they stand up to Xcons? Shizzzon is right. I can't give a real answer since I have 2 Xs instead of 1 Xcon. Also boxes are different but I can say they both sound awesome!0
  23. Shogen

    Mark's Lexus LS 460 AWD
