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Everything posted by Shogen

  1. Shogen

    Random YouTubes

    best scene from a bad movie goes to :
  2. Shogen

    Anyone else blare HardNox?

    I could imagine people at my job liking this.. Its not badd... The chic in the last video was DAYUM!
  3. Shogen

    Review of my Black Fiday X12's

    nice write up.... nice bumpin'!
  4. Shogen

    Jonathan's 1994 Camry Wagon build. | Video(s) on page 22!

    someone on SSA used a clay compound behind the speakers before, that kind of trick should insulate the back of your tweeters and mids as well... Obviously need to put a "shield or median" between the speaker and clay... Someone help me explain this:?
  5. Shogen

    Jonathan's 1994 Camry Wagon build. | Video(s) on page 22!

    nice... like the tweeter mounting .... looks PRO
  6. Shogen

    Countless Laughs

    lol... funny stuff...
  7. Shogen

    Training New Sub Builder

    lol.... nice...
  8. Shogen

    Twisted Boy Swag-Good Bass!

    too nice man.... why isn't that Fe in pieces yet??? all this flex and vibrating, WTF!
  9. I thought the main reasoning for the BIG 3 was to allow for less resistance within the electrical support for whatever the purpose... Isn't that right?? Less resistance means more flow of power or the possibility to transfer that power more easily... which would help with dimming slightly?? as long as everything else in the electrical system is done properly??
  10. Shogen

    Missing Sub

    Good to hear. Awesome service guys!
  11. Shogen

    My new DD's

    looks sexy
  12. Shogen

    Hello from north carolina

    Welcome sir!
  13. Not at all... The word perfect is subject to the terms and conditions of the person using it. So, it can mean nothing, can mean its pretty good, could mean that it is decent or great... But perfect is never perfect! Also, the SSD would be great with a 1200 just be good and tight with the volume and gains...
  14. Shogen

    DC Power and SSA

    Nice... Waka waka!
  15. Shogen

    DC Power and SSA

    I was just wondering recently, why aren't DC Power altrrnators sold in our community store? The relationship between the 2 companies seems pretty strong. Also, I'm not cheap by any means, but with all the hype and support provided by SSA, why aren't there any sort of special deals for us? Like obviously I know that could be abused a bit. But what if this magical appearance of a discount came in the form of a admin/moderator requested code generated by DC Power themselves? I just don't see the reason for the marriage of one company over another with no incentive from either. I do see the quality in the product presented but just wondering as I lay here somewhat tipsy. Feel free to just answer abruptly or nicely. Make a joke. Simply curious and bored. :-*
  16. Shogen

    7th gen civic with single xcon 12

    welcome sir!
  17. Shogen

    Unhappy Christmas

    Good you're okay. Be safe during the rest of your holidays.
  18. Shogen

    Effects of running amps without these parts

    don't use that thing... being that it has those pieces foobared I would resist the temptation to do anything with it... Sucks though...
  19. Shogen

    Greetings from Lincoln

    welcome sir!!
  20. Shogen

    Installing resistor correctly?

    Will do, I always like posting pictures up first so you have something to look at Thanks Pics are insanely HQ... What camera were those taken with?
  21. Shogen

    t-line for the jl's

    looks snazzy!
  22. Shogen

    Merry Christmas!

    Merry Xmas! Hoping to have some extra cash next summer to run some Fi on the side of my SSA.... WEEEEEE!!!!
  23. Shogen

    DC Power and SSA

    Yea, I noticed that.. Pretty much the reason I started the thread... I actually don't really expect SSA to sell from their own store, but was hoping maybe there would be a code that could only be requested by owner/admin/moderator and only generated by DC Power in effort to keep down the whoring of discounts.. I mean it would be at the discretion of the owner/admin/moderator if that person was eligible... So certain criteria must be met before they could "apply" so to speak for a discount code at DC Power... ^^ Does that make any sense? ^^ Also, damn you DC Power for not putting the alternator I am looking at on sale.... LOL... Only the XP series for my car have a discounted price at the moment... :(