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Everything posted by Shogen

  1. http://www.woofersetc.com/p9255/SAZ1000D--Sundown-Audio-1000W-1Channel-Monoblock-Amplifier.htm ^^that is what you want... A little more solid... A little more money...
  2. Shogen

    Random YouTubes

  3. Shogen

    Random YouTubes

  4. Shogen

    single xcon 18 vs 2 icon 12s

    Its a d2 it came from marks build.. Posting from a phone?lol ... DBL POST FTL !! Well then you should have enough headroom/wattage to run one AQ2200 @ 1Ohm and be good to go... How do you have the amps setup now?
  5. Shogen

    single xcon 18 vs 2 icon 12s

    Don't do a wall, too many times I've seen people not realize how much they like having some cargo.... Anyway, what config did you get your Xcon in? D1 or D2? D2 would allow you to run the AQ2200 at it's full output... Then you could sell lil' old me your second one for cheap since I'm running with a baby amp... needed in my setup... Pwetty pwease???
  6. Shogen

    single xcon 18 vs 2 icon 12s

    OP, do you not like sealed or don't want to go that route??
  7. Shogen

    loudest $300 sub

    True ****!!!
  8. Shogen

    Blazer 4 door (2) 18s Fi Qs

    Thanks man! Its MDF with oak veneer I wonder how many times you'll need to say that in this thread, I already knew it was a veneer but thanks for mentioning it again... lol... Let's see who asks if its oak... hahaha
  9. Shogen

    single xcon 18 vs 2 icon 12s

    Wish I could fit an 18" in my car without having to face it up towards the rear deck... I'd love to have an 18" pumping lows into my passengers! For reference charge, I actually have a 12" Icon in my car running sealed, according to everyone so far I am making a mistake not going ported/vented... Anywho, I love it. Set my SSF to 15Hz out of paranoia and allow my sub to crossover to 80Hz... Sounds amazing with my current front, although I've already purchased a new amp for the front stage and looking to change out the drivers soon... Oh, I had to deaden the shyt out of my car trunk because of it though... Cost me like $75 total after all said and one IIRC....lol .. Not too shabby
  10. Shogen

    single xcon 18 vs 2 icon 12s

    You sure you don't wanna put 3 18" Xcons in your trunk instead?? edit: LOL
  11. Shogen

    New Site is Live !

    new site looks hot... Front page looks good I'm liking it so far...
  12. Shogen

    Whats Up SSA!!

    welcome sir! I have nothing to offer but I will post in your threads!
  13. Shogen

    Random YouTubes

  14. Shogen

    Random YouTubes

  15. just make sure you set your SSF before you get pumpin'
  16. Shogen

    Blazer 4 door (2) 18s Fi Qs

    sick lookin' box man! love that oak!
  17. Shogen

    Random YouTubes

  18. Shogen

    Random YouTubes

  19. BTW, is your setup sealed or ported? If ported what did you tune it to? I'm just curious...
  20. shouldn't really be an issue, I just wouldn't make a habit of going full tilt with gain wide open... know what I mean?
  21. Shogen

    Bravox Audio PXW 8D D2 BLOWOUT

    danm that shipping!! malibu are you building a planet solely out of drivers????
  22. downloading as we speak, but holy LORD! that looks insane man! So you like own a whole block cuz if I was your neighbor you'd be getting tickets... lol ... And them youtube videos made my Canton subwoofer in my computer room go nuts!!
  23. Shogen

    Spam topics / posts

    Wait, is this why my post count keeps going down??? LLC... I'll report if I see anything.
  24. Shogen

    when will sa 15 be sold on ssa

    I was also wondering the same thing....