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Everything posted by Shogen

  1. Shogen

    Last vid of old Warden build!

    how many 187s??? just 1? aren't you sadd?
  2. Shogen

    where did I go wrong

    hmm... so close to the hatch opening face the hatch is best? His pictures almost meant nothing to me.... didn't make alot of sense from how he explained it... and yes I was wondering how "close".... Seems like 5-6 inches but I'm trying to judge it from bad pictures...
  3. Shogen

    Modifying the Jensen CS-315 Floorstander

    I have the same TV... nice equipment... I seriously asked myself "What is that green tubing coming out of that sub amp?" lmao.... hahahaha....
  4. Shogen

    Last vid of old Warden build!

    looks crazy... what did you downgrade to?
  5. Shogen

    Hood Demo's with the Chuck's!

    I'm sorry to ask but where do ya'll get your music from??? I cannot find a thing for decaf music....
  6. Shogen

    where did I go wrong

    Interesting read... Is the front of the trunk closest to the cabin or the other way around?? My thought when I read "best output" was he placed the box at the "opening" of the trunk(where the trunk release is), facing inward towards the cabin?? Is that correct?
  7. Shogen

    new here but not a noob

    welcome sir!!!
  8. Shogen

    Finally joined the SSA Forum

    welcome sir!!!
  9. Shogen

    Two 12" SA-12's ported

    So, I know i have a totally different subwoofer but with my 12" Icon on 500w I am loud enough that the old lady gets mad when I come home with the music almost maxed out... I'm pretty sure with your 2 SA-12's you'll be plenty happy with them running in the proper sized sealed enclosure, good news is you can get a ported enclosure later on down the road so it can seem like you got a whole new setup...
  10. Shogen

    Hello SSA!

    welcome sir! and nice choices for equipment... How's the weather over there?
  11. Shogen

    Pictures of your new equipment

    nice looks man!
  12. Shogen

    MEGALITH finally?

    Yea, it's a toss up for me between this or a Sundown... When I get my income tax and all that I'll make a decision....
  13. Shogen

    enclosure thickness

    Wait! No one here uses steel enclosures??? Why the F did I let that guy talk me into that $240 enclosure from steel that is on order???
  14. Shogen

    MEGALITH finally?

    Would love this amplifier, but God knows it will cost part of my soul....
  15. Shogen

    Thanks Don!

    nice! you'll love the improvements it makes to your car overall... I am on my way to a 3? purchase I believe for CCF for my 2003 Toyota... Don't forget the pics...!
  16. Shogen

    Random YouTubes

    all I cared for were the woman in the background and the reporter at the end... Stoopid wack trick! lol
  17. Shogen

    Can Anyone help me solve my problem?

    If you purchased online you should have a "receipt".... Or you can use a DMM to read the coils... I don't particularly know how but GOOGLE might...
  18. Shogen

    Modifying the Jensen CS-315 Floorstander

    nice... can we get a pic of the whole room in one shot? I'm curious about the whole setup... looks real good though...
  19. Agreed on that fake faceplate...
  20. Shogen


    http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/store/products/Incriminator-Audio-40.1-Mono-Block-%252d-3600w-RMS!.html ^^ pricing is all I can help with..
  21. Shogen

    160.3db at 30hz behind C pillar -- SA-10s

    insane in the membrane!
  22. Shogen

    97 Honda Civic Hatch

    still alive JD??? Whats been going on with the system? How does it sound? Still enjoying it?
  23. Shogen

    How do ya be??

    welcome sir!
  24. well TBH, you picked the wrong subwoofer for reaching 1ohm load... You can only go down to 2ohm or .5ohm .... You need to go with D2 subwoofers to reach a 1ohm load.. basically less resistance for the amplifier which unleashing more power... not all amps are 1 ohm stable but the ones you picked were..
  25. swag, you hook up that 1500D yet??