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Everything posted by Shogen

  1. Shogen

    alt fit?

    This only holds true for the XP models? It does not for the HP series alternators??? Just wondering..
  2. Shogen

    new car new build

    This^^ ... Also, you might be happy with some SSDs as well... Are you porting or sealing the enclosure?? That will make a difference as well...
  3. NP... I kinda thought that it was that easy for it to be closed but it seems the OP or seller is not informing the admin or mod to close out the thread. Would having a one-click button like so labeled as "Notify MOD to Lock Thread" ... Something to that affect, only reason being that I'm almost positive most of the sellers haven't been responsible enough to notify anyone to lock the thread.... Organizing it is up to you guys, I just thought of it in a standpoint of less confusion.. I actually find it kind of annoying when people sell alot of random stuff at once, it does make it easier for the seller but I think the goal should be easier for the mod/admin as well as buyers.. So if someone wants to post up 3 items (sub, amp, HU), they should be responsible enough to create 3 separate threads to maintain the sale they would like to make. I know there would be complaints with that, but the end result might be less cluttered and more organized for the community as a whole.. I don't know what it takes to make this happen as far as creating the sub categories and what not for the site but it might be something worth looking into. Again this is only some ideas I thought of myself and not something I think should be based on my opinion alone. So please fellas, post up what you think and make sure to vote.. - Danny
  4. Again, these were just suggestions... I'm not trying to create any waves, just thought some ideas rolling might help out...
  5. Shogen

    2 18's in the accord

    Looking crazy. I like!
  6. Shogen

    Jonathan's 1994 Camry Wagon build. | Video(s) on page 22!

    You have a sundown amp yes? The bass knob allows you to adjust the gain from the maximum point your gain knob directly on the amplifier is set to down to 0. Example: You set the gain on the amplifier to 5. This means the Max the knob goes to is 5 and the lowest is 0. So you cannot go further than what you set the gain adjustment to on the amplifier itself.
  7. Soooo... song request here: Oktober - so cold might come up as: celph titled - so cold
  8. Soooo... song request here:

    Oktober - so cold

    might come up as:

    celph titled - so cold

  9. Shogen


    I would sell 2 of those amplifiers and buy 2 xcons
  10. Shogen


    XS power or Kinetik all day.... Die-hard is a good battery for a car, but with car audio in mind it was not intended... I just linked a general this vs this article...
  11. Shogen


    GOOGLE says...... http://www.ehow.com/about_5510631_wet-vs-dry-cell-battery.html
  12. Shogen

    Swagger Wagon468

    believe it cuts out the low end from the tweets...
  13. Shogen

    Swagger Wagon468

    isn't it for the tweeter?
  14. Shogen

    Swagger Wagon468

    nice... I thought that swagger dude might not be official... lol I guess he is...
  15. Shogen

    good read about bass

    nice find... the audio files are not allowing me to save?? Do I need to do something special?
  16. I wouldn't go that far, because there are subs that are insanely inefficient and insanely stiff that require 3000+ watts to be useful. Then I'd look for different woofers. lawls!!
  17. Shogen

    12's or 15?

    I'm with Lance on this one... You need to figure out if you're just looking for output or reproduction..
  18. Shogen

    Random YouTubes

  19. Shogen

    Jonathan's 1994 Camry Wagon build. | Video(s) on page 22!

    nice stuff man... get that box done already...
  20. Shogen

    Place to get CNC mdf bracing from

    that actually makes sense... are you gonna go with those complex bracing boards?
  21. Shogen

    Geo Bassing on Daytona Beach

    is this why people have accidents?
  22. Shogen

    Place to get CNC mdf bracing from

    that looks schmexy!!!
  23. Shogen


    lol... agreed... look at his build log thread...
  24. Shogen

    Random YouTubes
