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Everything posted by Shogen

  1. Hear good and bad from all... DC Power is good but busy as all hell so it seems they are stretched thin right now.. Mechman might be on the same level as I see it on reviews and what not...
  2. See you don't understand. Take Audioque, they have pretty cheap prices compared to other name brands. And do you know why? There direct, no middle man selling the product to make a living. Most companies don't jack up prices just because they are greedy. I did say most. Key word. You can't expect a company to make a minimal profit off a amp they have to warranty. If one comes back and they have to replace it, they will lose money. And how do you expect a company to make money if they lose money warranty a product. I hate when people complain about pricing. This isn't a hobby to many companies. And you can't expect them to give out product. They have to make a living too. And they make sure to cover there ass when something happens to the product. You can't compare online prices to dealer base prices. Wasn't necessarily complaining about pricing but merely mentioning that sometimes the "phantom effect" keeps some companies looking good compared to others sometimes. Obviously none of these companies do this for pure enjoyment, its a business for a reason. If I can get a better price for a certain product I won't always take it because it might not be worth the price difference when you know you might get better service, authorized warranty and all that other good stuff that comes along with it... Point is, my main take on it is quality and needs... I won't be looking at a 3k amplifier and expect it to be priced at the same price as a 500 watt amplifier just because of a name... There is more to it and sometimes nothing qualifying some price differences.. That is all... As vague as it sounds..
  3. Yea, well the main thing I think it involves is marketing and word of mouth "false claims" that keep some companies rated higher than others... Build quality is a factor only up to a certain price... After a certain amount of dollars, unless it's bullet proof I can't care too much...
  4. Shogen

    Kevin S

    I am new here an I can understand the hopeful thinking on SSA's part that Kevin and Skar Audio fix what is wrong. But the company is soooo new that just letting it be a part of SSA from the jump was always a risk. So it's not like they didn't know this could be bad from the beginning. Like Stef said, if Kevin does continue with this type of CS he will most likely not be a part of SSA in a business besides maybe the F/S thread and even that would be risky as well... Dismissing a potential profit without maybe pushing the little engine over the hump would be a bad idea in terms of business, but if your money isn't growing, you don't want to sink either....
  5. I am gonna side with you on this one and not elaborate anymore since I think this is a good basic explanation.
  6. Shogen


    Ever get this amp installed dimp??? I am curious about this one...
  7. Shogen

    Custom Lethal Injection build

    looking crazy... really crazy....
  8. pin for sure.... I think I can manage the last setup..
  9. Shogen

    Jonathan's 1994 Camry Wagon build. | Video(s) on page 22!

    Its used? Use a DMM on it and check it's "resting" voltage... Make sure it ain't dead... lol
  10. Shogen

    sup guys

    welcome sir!!!
  11. Shogen

    Daily Driver Lumina

    quick work on the lumina man... looks good so far. I second Lance about your version of "simple" ...
  12. I don't like those headphones particularly because of the weight, they were made for "bass" reproduction but can hold up well in the overall spectrum... The cushions feel like AIR on your ears... lol ... Perks of working for Sony is always playing with the random shit they release... I have some SA5000 can, V6, V700DJ, V600 and some "workout" style earbuds.... All are awesome in their own way... The cans I use daily are the Beyerdynamics DT 770 PRO .... Using a home theater receiver for output and it is hooked up to my computer..
  13. Shogen

    Video Of The Kia Doin Work!

    looks great man...
  14. Shogen

    Irish Basser Project

    holy ish!! insane looking build man... insane... watching this one....
  15. stetsom??? IDK at all...
  16. Shogen

    Random YouTubes

  17. Shogen

    Random YouTubes

  18. Shogen

    Sundown Audio Rebuild - Blowthru to WALKTHRU!!!!!

    crazy... I'm tuned in...
  19. Shogen

    Random YouTubes

  20. Shogen

    bottle trick

    looks good but don't you drive a Jeep variant? lol ...
  21. Shogen


  22. Shogen

    Zcon No Longer A ProtoType!!!!!!!!&#33

    high output drivers I believe not in the same category as the Xcon...
  23. Shogen

    Amp is on, but subwoofer is not working?

    yea... good idea... $10 cable for troubleshooting vs an amplifier... get the cable... lol
  24. Shogen

    Zcon No Longer A ProtoType!!!!!!!!&#33

    nice work on the drivers... lovin' the look man.