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Everything posted by Shogen

  1. still not working fellas... I'll do paypal if that's the only way to get this done... I'd like to buy it ....
  2. Shogen

    Review of an SSA DCON 12"

    nice write up bro....
  3. Shogen

    Metered my car today :)

    nice stuff Boo!
  4. Shogen

    North Dakota Noob

    welcome sir!!!
  5. Shogen

    A new ride

    looks amazing man... I kinda wanna get rid of my Cam cuz of all the bad luck I've had with it...
  6. biggest from XS Power or Kinetik that will fit....
  7. Shogen

    New SSA member

    welcome sir!!!
  8. Shogen

    new to ssa

    welcome sir!!!
  9. Shogen

    Push terminals came unmounted on my 12" D2 Q

    lol... I know
  10. Shogen

    Push terminals came unmounted on my 12" D2 Q

    If not I'll sell you my Icon for a decent price whenever I get this Xcon ordered.....
  11. Shogen

    Push terminals came unmounted on my 12" D2 Q

    GL bro... hopefully everything turns out okay...
  12. True DAT homey slice... I will because I want one of these bad boys before this meet that might happen... I'm going sealed 4 cubes hopefully and I'm gonna make the box myself I think.... Unless I can get a good deal through one of the reps on SSA...
  13. Is the store working for this item? I'm gonna try to place my order tomorrow...
  14. Well, Mark had said I could get it free shipping which he did mention was a D1 model. I could go either way as I'm not stuck with anything amplifier wise... My JL 500/1 will be pushing it for quite some time since I plan on doing vacation this summer... lol Air, can the subs be delivered via USPS? Need to ship to a P.O. box....
  15. Shizz/anybody... How would it work out if I did an external port? Let's say port up, sub forward? What is bad about doing an external port with an Xcon? Loss in quality or output? Affects to sound? Just curious...
  16. Nice score dude! any record is worth commending!
  17. I'm just waiting on an answer/response from Mark... It would be great to have an Xcon before we possibly have a meet and greet.... I'd be all lovey dovey... <<spell check
  18. Shiite! I forgot .... Maybe I'll go sealed for a bit on it.... Should be louder than my 12" Icon I currently have ported... Maybe???
  19. THIS is a p99rs.... Not sure if you're looking for this one at all...
  20. Shogen

    Mac Miller's New Mixtape

    Mac Miller gets somewhat repetitive but I still like it.... BTW, I facking love your avatar burko...lmfao
  21. Shogen

    Pioneer Premier DEH-800/880PRS Reviews

    I should have a few pictures, if not they are both coming out in the next few days to do some wiring. :-) Where them pictures at son!?!?!?!?!?!
  22. Shogen

    SSA Member Meet (East Coast)

    I'd be okay with a MD trip I guess...
  23. I'm gonna be watching this thread for when I upgrade HU myself...