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Everything posted by Shogen

  1. Shogen

    Looking for a price quote

    My badd I never said... It's a 15in
  2. Shogen

    Looking for a price quote

    I won't be sealing off the trunk unfortunately because I find myself having to run errands for the parents alot and that sometimes requires removal of the box...
  3. Shogen

    Looking for a price quote

    I have a 60/40 split so I would be putting them down almost 100% of the time while driving around and whatever. If I find myself not doing so, I will just turn it around to face toward the trunk opening... Hence the reason for wanting the terminals on left or right sides only... I was thinking port into cabin and subwoofer toward trunk opening but apparently I was told cancellation issues would possibly occur...
  4. Shogen

    stefanhinote's volvo v40 build

    looks sick inside your car..
  5. Shogen

    Hello from Green Bay WI!

    welcome sir!!!
  6. Shogen

    For the love of Xcons

    I don't mind if you use any of the photos... Unless you modify them to make it look like something or someone is having sex with them... And yes Sean.... I will be selling the pretty little brother shortly ... I'll hit you up once it is out of the car.... lol
  7. 34" width 24.25" height 26" depth If I remember correctly. 8cubes and 35.5hz tuning Why so high stef? Or maybe better put, why 35hz???
  8. Shogen

    For the love of Xcons

    Thanks fellas... I feel a bit better ... I'll have some comparison pictures next to my 12" Icon soon...
  9. Shogen

    For the love of Xcons

    what sucks obviously my Nikon point-n-shoot gets that lens shadow in the right corner!!! Wish I had a better camera to take nicer photos... Sucks balls!
  10. Shogen

    stefanhinote's volvo v40 build

    I like the pods man... looks great... I'd shyt myself trying to do that... lol
  11. Shogen

    ZED AUDIO new website! Look inside!

    site looks nice man.
  12. Shogen

    FIVE:AD Photoshoot!!!

    amazing photos jayd ... what camera are you using??
  13. Shogen

    Random YouTubes

  14. Just received my Xcon today... Unfortunately FedEx thought it would be cool to ship my package to my house instead of the PO box like requested and processed... Hope someone believes me when I tell them it was for someone else who is never home to receive packages... Posted some pictures of the subwoofer in THIS thread .... Hope to get some more photos when I clean my wood floors a bit ... Plan is to go to the local lumber yard and see what they have there and maybe get lucky enough that they can cut the exacts for my sealed enclosure... :morepower1: :morepower1:
  15. Shogen

    For the love of Xcons

    I will clean my floors and take more photos...
  16. Shogen

    Lost a coil on an N2 today

    Sorry to hear man. Good luck figuring it out...
  17. Shogen

    SSA Member Meet (East Coast)

    Ahh.. Pa peoples... Coming out the woods and shyt... lol
  18. Shogen

    Thank you SSA

    Awesome... I'm thinking of doing a mount board for my amplifiers to give me more room and hide the extra battery when I put one in...
  19. I really like your setup, love wagons but my bro made me feel like an old dude back in the day so I never got one...
  20. Nah, I got one coming my way tomorrow... I'm gonna see if any guys at the local lumber yard would be willing to make the cuts for my sealed enclosure....
  21. Shogen

    Dustcap problem

    that looks crazy... silicon may be too abrasive, but I could be wrong... Your subs look evil!!
  22. Shogen

    Hello from central CT

    nice.. welcome sir!!! ... need more pics of the bronco