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Everything posted by Shogen

  1. Shogen

    dvalue, you have some splaining to do....

    happy bday kid!!!
  2. Shogen

    5k2 on 2 fi btl18

    Why yes it would in fact. Can you hook that up for me please? If not most any girl will do for that. The fat ones give the best. It's because they are hungry I think. You could be right, they definitely put in more effort. LOL Depends of your electrical system, No !!! You need a 7k2e because of the impedance rise and many other factors with the 7k2e you will have enough power even to burn them !!! lol but sure the 5k2e can push them but it all depends what box you have and whats your goal with it !! all of this^^^... lmfao
  3. Shogen

    '80 Vette Tunes

    looks nice man!!!
  4. Shogen

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Are they HD? and are the rentals or "BUYS" ??
  5. Shogen

    Android app is here for bassheads

    Very nice app OP... Have been using it for a few days playing around... It seemed slightly off next to Torres calculator for slot but I could have been doing something wrong on my end but don't think so... I like it for figure ohm config and aero ports... seems dead on there...
  6. Shogen

    Welcome to the IHoP

    How many episodes will this season be? I think I'm gonna wait for the full season to finish and get it through legal ways and watch them consecutively...
  7. Shogen

    low voltage

    YES? depends on how low, or how little in voltage drop the amplifier could handle I guess....
  8. Shogen

    X 10"s sealed-----how low will they go??

    let's say, I have a 3 cube box(net) for 3-10" X's with 2-4" ports .... Would that be too much to displace for these subs?
  9. not always true, we can't assume that he will.. There are quite a few threads with people having high output alternators asking why they are getting low voltage... so let's test and see? theoretically it is more than enough... but remember he has vehicle requirements and other factors that we might NOT know.. But lets hope he drops that all in and can stay at 14v+ at full tilt... I have my fingers crossed for you OP, as I have the same vehicle but will be installing a MechMan alternator soon... YIPPEE!!!
  10. Shogen

    Enclosure Size

    Need way more info man. Subs? Amps? Car? Goals? Just to name a few things. Sub: SA-12 Amp:Still deciding Car: 2002 Camaro SS Goals: SPL maybe he means high output??? loud = SPL to him????
  11. Shogen

    Black Fi-day

    hmmm...lol... I want some X's or SSD's
  12. Good to hear i got good battery. Its just that I asked a while ago when I was running 1 xs d3400's and my 270xp on 2.5k and i was basically called a dumbass for asking a question about that. They said i didnt have enough. It was on these forums so I wanted to be safer than sorry. I'm still learning..... In a perfect world you should have enough electrical.. but like I stated.. test with gains settings.. I'd try with almost lowest point and play full tilt after running the car for at least 30min.. Record vdrop... Then up to the point you "think" you'd like ... Record vdrop in same manner.
  13. watch your gains and you should be fine.. I'd test it out at different gains settings and see what voltage is like... That's alot of battery.. lol
  14. ^^^ at least from the programs I used on the PC ... Round seems on point.
  15. Shogen

    Brownm3 Build Log

    Install looks great man. Wish I wasn't concerned with trunk space in my little old sedan. Then I'd be pimping it out more.
  16. Yeap. Much appreciated Eric. Also I sent an email of a photo of the receipt to Matt. Didn't have a chance to stuff it in the box since I taped it up prior.
  17. Sooooo, I went to pepboys and confirmed the wrong part. On my way to UPS to ship this bad boy off for the exchange.
  18. Shogen

    is anyone else looking dor a pioneer 800prs

    SHYT... lol ... funny how things work out...
  19. Thanks, you just posted that and I'm at work, so I didn't see it... Hope I can get it out today then... Anything you guys can do to help me out with install fee? I mean, it would be a great thing since I would need to now have paid twice.... ?
  20. Shogen

    Ampless component suggestions

    Kenwood 6.5c @ $120
  21. Shogen

    My truck and last system

    looked great man!! !
  22. Shogen

    1 amp or 2?

    Better to go with single amp setup.... Even though you DO NOT have to gain match when you strap the Sundown amps (Just an FYI)