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Everything posted by Shogen

  1. Shogen

    Team IAK IronMan Explorer

    oh.... did you really need that much???
  2. Shogen

    Team IAK IronMan Explorer

    nice... how many feet of wire did you order?
  3. Thanks for the insight Rob.... Would be nice...
  4. I didn't realize some information I needed to know.... But thanks Kyle...
  5. Shogen

    voltage issue

    Yes sir! Let us know if the terminal types are the same buddy!!
  6. Yes. They sent me an email stating they can 100% do it, but the sacrifice being the top end lowering which I've already seen with other companies like DC Power. So I'll bite, but it sucks because now I'm looking at another $80 to remove and $20 to ship. Plus I'll need it installed AGAIN.
  7. We have 2 of those sitting in the stock room at my store right now. heavy ass mofo right there. 2 man job just to push them around haha. scratch the 2 man job, we have 2 larger batteries that weigh in at 200 pounds each. those suck Store meaning? Where do you work Mtop??? if you don't mind me asking.
  8. You're right, I noticed the 700rpm "turn on" ... But I didn't not realize that it actually meant the alternator supplied 1 or 0 amps below 700rpm. I made an assumption that the "turn on" meant more than stock ... May have been a stupid assumption, maybe a common assumption but I know now... I just have to make time to go see the mechanic to have the alternator removed and shipped back to Mechman for the "adjustment" of the "turn on" speed for the alternator. Hopefully it can be brought down to around 500rpm without making it shitty... We all make mistakes, this being an expensive one even though I thought I researched properly. Guess I should've bugged them more, or at least known the right questions to ask...
  9. Are those sealed? Otherwise you probably don't want them in the cabin. Specs state sealed. I'm illiterate, can you show me? lol... actually this one isn't, I looked at sooo many I mixed it up..
  10. Are those sealed? Otherwise you probably don't want them in the cabin. Specs state sealed.
  11. Shogen

    Newbie from NE

    Welcome sir it takes time for custom work.
  12. lets see what Honda has to say... lol... I don't know if this shit should be going in the trunk or the back seat
  13. Shogen

    looking to lose 55 lbs

    Great to hear.. what food are you missing the most right now ??
  14. can we say HOLY SHIITE!!!! http://www.atbatt.com/product/24032.asp 1400 CCA @ 32F 270ah ... wtf .. 3yr warranty ... under $200 ... free shipping ...
  15. Shogen

    Mac's GTI build

    Looking good MAC!!
  16. Shogen

    would this work.

    okay sir... well hope all is well bro
  17. Well, I guess we all just get stuck on certain specs and just want it without great reasons... But, I'll keep an eye out for regular big ass microwave sized batteries when I'm out and about... lol
  18. lol... okay Honda... but what is the highest cranking you've found at Walmart?
  19. Oddly there are no ah ratings. But the battery I posted about is 939cca. Which is nice to have.
  20. Have to agree. I use the biggest one I can fit under my hood, and the biggest one they sell in the trunk. I've replaced both a couple times over the years without an issue. They cost me about 100 each when I first bought them. Every time I get a new one the warranty renews. The only real downside is that they need to be mounted upright. Iv'e always thought that would be a good idea, but what about the fact its not a sealed battery in the trunk? Do you smoke? I'd feel more comfortable with a sealed battery in case I have any oops along the way. Sears sells Odyssey rebadges for $200. I'll check if Walmart has some agm similar batteries.
  21. Possibly this: http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_33003_MB-Quart-FX4.50.html
  22. You mean AS well. I doubt its changed so much. But what do I know.